By the way Morganna, I would never in the world consider myself an "expert" on hair. If I would, then I would've been able to solve the battle of my frizz a long time ago. Don't get me wrong, sometimes it does get in the way of things, and you can't really eat soup or stuff with lots of sauce without a ponytail (unless you like munching on hair that tastes like chicken the rest of the day), so yes, it has it's downsides. But in my experience, I think if everyone took care of their hair, then long hair would look better on everyone than short hair. You really can't do anything with short hair unless it's buzzed, then its fun to stroke it with your hands because it tickles and stabs you a little bit at the same time... But that's about it. Alright, enough hair ranting for the day.
EDIT: and no, I don't find it epic to have long ass hair. Would be terribly hilarious to gaze at, though.