I'm out of here

@alfred: on the other hand, it's easy to imagine if someone, stress on the one part, sends you a message criticizing a guy's behaviour everything might just be in the mind of that specific someone, busy bickering about with another user. and i guess it could be rather annoying to take a survey in order to find out how many ppl did said other user actually piss off.
however, the desire not to flood mark's mailbox is a sensible one. i can send that pm, but i feel i need to know how many ppl are backing me up, i.e., how many ppl i can mention in my private message and say they see things like i do. i might as well go to the extent of posting my pm here before sending it, or simply asking mark to read this thread so no flooding takes place and everybody can reply. since we're in it to avoid censorships and privileges, it doesn't make much sense that i act like such a big ( :rolleyes: ) representative.

@Everybody: I'm agree with the butler in one thing: "We are not children anymore". Then, the first thing is keep our nerves relaxed, don't change our normal behavior (yeah, that means not to avoid entering to #um channel, for instance) and see the options clearly. We cannot flood Mark's mailbox, we don't wish to, even we don't need to.

As far as I know, #um and the server irc.mahke.net are under the property of Mark, and that's the point to attack. Protocol isn't a problem here in the boards, but he is in the channel, soooo this is my proposal: we should suggest Mark to recover the reins in the channel, without ban protocol. We can ignore him.

In any case, I feel it's still a childish problem, according with the age of protocol, it seems.

@|ngenius: i beg to differ on the "childish problem" issue, and with a passion. if every small abuse on the part of self-appointed authorities boiled down to a "childish problem", we could all start living like hermits, contented in our own small bu, without caring about the state of affairs, while ppl like protocol whine and bitch about every single thing they don't agree upon. i think it's not fair, and protesting this is a responsibility i feel i have towards both myself and other ppl.

Oh, what kind of demagogy...? Protocol is far away of be a new Hitler (I suppose) Anyway, I didn't suggest that we should shut up. I'm just warning about childish behaviors according with the one showed by protocol. Act by the intelligent way, don't threat about get out from here. ;)

Originally posted by rahvin
@alfred: on the other hand, it's easy to imagine if someone, stress on the one part, sends you a message criticizing a guy's behaviour everything might just be in the mind of that specific someone, busy bickering about with another user.
That's one of the reasons why I suggest you send the pm: such childish vengeance-searching behaviours are far more unlikely to come from mods than from average users. In your case, your status would guarantee for yourself.
Originally posted by rahvin
i might as well go to the extent of [...] simply asking mark to read this thread so no flooding takes place and everybody can reply.
Good idea. you could say sort of: 'there's a problem: it's xyz. In case you have doubts I have logs to prove what I say. A lot of people (see [link to the thread]) agree in asking you to un-register etc. thanks in advance'. What do you think?
Originally posted by rahvin
since we're in it to avoid censorships and privileges, it doesn't make much sense that i act like such a big ( :rolleyes: ) representative.
Oh, well, that's another reason: I think being representative is sort of what you're paid for, so be representative :muahaha:
Originally posted by rahvin
if every small abuse on the part of self-appointed authorities boiled down to a "childish problem", we could all start living like hermits, contented in our own small bu, without caring about the state of affairs, while ppl like protocol whine and bitch about every single thing they don't agree upon. i think it's not fair, and protesting this is a responsibility i feel i have towards both myself and other ppl
In all honesty, I, too, think it's not that important for us: we can just register #dark_tranquillity or any other chan and meet there and that's all, with almost no difference (especially since 90% of the chan's regulars come from this forum, there's no risk, imo, that the group somehow 'gets lost'), but maybe Mark could be interested in knowing that, unaware, he's supporting a censorship-based chan. I mean, he could be not exactly happy about the effect this could have on his public image of server owner :)

Alfred (kermit)
Ok, so first off: Misanthrope, you have not been banned. I don't know where you got that idea, but it's a misunderstanding or a lie. In fact, no one has been banned at all.

As for hyena, the exact exchange was as follows:

Jun 23 20:54:15 <protocol> i'll shit in your lungs hyena!

Can't say I'm sorry for barking back at you.

Now, rahvin. As a moderator you should know the importance of staying objective. To your credit, you've made some effort to do this, but you haven't entirely succeeded. (hyena is your ex-girlfriend isn't she?)

This here is a lie:

>stating afterwards that only three-four ppl of his choosing
>would ever be able to change it again in the future.

What I did say was, currently only four people can change it. Since then the number has changed to six. It's a matter of knowing how to use chanserv and nickserv.

All this talk about me getting out of control is libel at best, and so is my supposed age. If anyone is prepared to have a nice, calm discussion without the influence of hyena's and rahvin's subjective ideas of what's going on, you're very welcome to talk to me on irc any time I'm awake.
Originally posted by Protocol
All this talk about me getting out of control is libel at best, and so is my supposed age. If anyone is prepared to have a nice, calm discussion without the influence of hyena's and rahvin's subjective ideas of what's going on, you're very welcome to talk to me on irc any time I'm awake.
I have no elements about the rest, since I've been out of the chan fr some days (and I plan to do so for some more days, for reasons not linked to you), but about this I can add a little personal consideration. First, I doubt anyone is under the influence of rahve's or hyena's subjective ideas, but you know, everyone in the world has this strong tendency to fall under the influence of his/her own subjective ideas, when debating about a prblem, and it doesn't seem so unlikely to me, that, when debating about freedom of speech/use of the channel, a lot of people's own subjective ideas tend to get quite close to rahvin's and hyena's (mine, too, though there are, of course, slight differences). About the rest, I have no interest in knowing whether you are or you aren't getting out of control, or how old you are, or what kind of behaviour models you believe in. I saw you freeze the topic a)without technical reason (ie an announce about UM or something link to UM), which for me is the only acceptable reason to temporarily freeze a topic (just in the unlikely case some idiot happens to enter the chan and cannot distinguish an important-to-be-spread annoounce from a different kind of topic), and b) on a pointless preaching sentence about your own subjective ideas of how a topic should be dealt with. This to me is simply limitation of freedom of speech (which explicates both in the average sentence in chan and in changing the topic at will), and since you refused to unfreeze the topic and make it changeable by anyone (not four, six, eighteen or two hundred people: anyone) when you were requested to, this to me is enough to think that, if I have the chance to, I rather like a lot to see you out of charge of a chan I stay on. And that's all.

Alfred (yawn)

Edit: typos
and a little bonus:

Jun 25 09:22:21 <-- rahvin has kicked Guest8262832 from #ultimatemetal (feel the wrath of the might god protocol, you slimy servant!!!)
Jun 25 09:25:47 <-- |ngenius has kicked rahvin from #ultimatemetal (Don't insult the master of the world (reduced to this channel, almost) :grin:)
Jun 25 09:28:01 <rahvin> we are showing you the mind powers of almighty protocol, the only one who can kick you even if he's not here :)

People seem to take your word for a lot of things you say since you're a moderator rahvin. It would be nice of you to actually verify the defamatory claims you make before spreading them about. I believe that as a moderator it's your duty to do so.
>since I've been out of the chan fr some days

That would explain how you've failed to notice the people screaming

Jun 25 10:40:07 <Moses_Crushes_All> PROTOCOL MUST DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

after taking rahvin's story to heart.
So what? :) repeat: I have no interest in knowing how much anyone said is true (though I tend to have a certain trust in rahve, and anyway I could always chack his logs if I had the logical need to), I just wish, on the basis of what I have seen, that you get out of charge of the chan. The fact anyone screams that he/she wants you dead or sings you Christmas carols doesn't change even in the tiniest bit what I think, or the reasons why I think so. Wasn't it plain enough from my previous post? :)

Alfred (sigh)
@protocol: sit back and relax, it's gonna take a while. :)

first things first: you reported this thread to the mods of this board with inconsistent accusations such as "libel" and "harassment". as far as i'm concerned none of the preceding happened at all: ppl are expressing their opinion here as much as you do on the channel. if it's not "harassment" when you tell me you could have used brute force instead of replying kindly (well, "kindly", now :rolleyes: ) then this is not harassment. if it's not "libel" (in fact you mean false light but i can't expect you know anglosaxon crime law at all) when you presume hyena is an ex-gf of mine, then it's not libel when she says you're 15-y-o. the thread stays, and so much for your upteenth attempt at censorship.

now that we got rid of this annoyance, let's get down to business.

all following quotes by protocol

Ok, so first off: Misanthrope, you have not been banned. I don't know where you got that idea, but it's a misunderstanding or a lie. In fact, no one has been banned at all.

this is for misanthrope to answer. i'm eager to see him on the channel so that he can express his opinions freely himself. i never said i knew this for a fact, actually i was suprised to hear it and asked him to give me more infos.

As for hyena, the exact exchange was as follows:

Jun 23 20:54:15 <protocol> i'll shit in your lungs hyena!

Can't say I'm sorry for barking back at you.

so she forgot you can't take criticism. please notice the difference: she says a bad word plus she adds critics and you "bark back" threatening silly things. you say you can accept a confrontation. ok, then: you have no sense of humour, otherwise you won't call my jokes or |ngenius' defamatory claims. besides, "defamatory claims" do not include accusing somebody to be a god. somehow, common sense suggests nobody in his/her right mind could believe it anyway. but you seem to take it seriously anyway.
and you have no respect for other ppl because you abuse your "powers" to force your will on the topics matter to all other users of the channel, bar those you think comply to your idea of a good behaviour.
now i presume you're gonna shit in my lungs too. or my not adding the word "fucker" is making such a big difference in your sensitive heart of hearts?

Now, rahvin. As a moderator you should know the importance of staying objective. To your credit, you've made some effort to do this, but you haven't entirely succeeded. (hyena is your ex-girlfriend isn't she?)

nope, she's not. you can turn your morbid attentions to her anytime you're ready. ;)
ok, i didn't quite succeeded in staying objective. my objectivity went a bit awry as soon as you switched from trying to avoid my questions about why you acted like you did to purposefully boasting about your powers, your immunity, and the fact that you're going to do whatever you like and noone will ever stop you.
before that point, i was pretty objective. to tell you the truth, my dear young boy, i even thought hyena in the beginning over-reacted because maybe you just wanted to express your opinion about topics for more than 50 seconds. but no, i had to change my mind: you decided some sort of acceptance of your role was needed to qualify for changing topics. this i think is wrong. and i don't give a bloody fuck who are you and who is hyena: i think it's wrong and tyrannical. so far you made no effort to either explain or change this situation, you just kept biting back at anyone who dared challenge your role. so at least have the decency to stop ranting about what i can convince ppl of: you're abusing your silly little role every given day on that channel, how can you expect to be taken seriously criticizing my supposed convincing the masses?

This here is a lie:

>stating afterwards that only three-four ppl of his choosing
>would ever be able to change it again in the future.

What I did say was, currently only four people can change it. Since then the number has changed to six. It's a matter of knowing how to use chanserv and nickserv.

sorry, this here is not a lie. you said only x, y, w and z could change the topic. you made no mention of adding ppl to that number. admittedly you could have said "so far", but there were 5-6 ppl in the room and you did not asked to any of them to join the club or explained how one could do that, bar possibly licking your ass. (and i don't mean those four ppl did).
on the other hand, it is a lie that it's only a matter of knowing how to use chanserv and nickserv. a lot of ppl other than you do, and none of them can change the topic or take any part in the decision as to who can change it.

All this talk about me getting out of control is libel at best, and so is my supposed age.

:lol: your supposed age is not an offense, you silly. ;) that's another crime altogether, please, drop it. :)
as for libel, we're in the same situation, you and us. some libel here and there. funny you only mention it when it touches you, don't you think?

If anyone is prepared to have a nice, calm discussion without the influence of hyena's and rahvin's subjective ideas of what's going on, you're very welcome to talk to me on irc any time I'm awake.

how come nobody was welcome to talk to you about it last night? and how come you stop discussing as soon as you saw yourself cornered and started telling me the argument was going round in circles? i think it was not. can we get back and start again from that point? and would you mind doing it here where i can't be banned or kicked out?

People seem to take your word for a lot of things you say since you're a moderator rahvin. It would be nice of you to actually verify the defamatory claims you make before spreading them about. I believe that as a moderator it's your duty to do so.

of all things you quoted perhaps the only part without defamatory claims. :Smug: and i'm not sure |ngenius is taking my word for anything, since actually we don't agree on many things about this situation. one thing we agree on, though, is that you have no sense of humour, sorry. i verified this defamatory claim.

Could I be send a (do I need to say unedited ;) ) copy of this chat log? So that I can judge this from that, not just some quotes taken out of the context...:)

-phyros ( wants to learn )
Originally posted by rahvin

no prob for your sig... but how come you changed your nick? :confused:


Well on other forums i also changed my character, mainly because i was bored with misanthrope, nowdays is so easy to make people hate him, i should try something different now.
Originally posted by Velya

Well on other forums i also changed my character, mainly because i was bored with misanthrope, nowdays is so easy to make people hate him, i should try something different now.

:) that's interesting. i'll think of you as a brand new start or a newbie then... :)
hey... did i just say newbie?? quick, someone call for misanthrope, there's a newbie to flame! :p :p

Ok, so first off: Misanthrope, you have not been banned. I don't know where you got that idea, but it's a misunderstanding or a lie. In fact, no one has been banned at all.

A misunderstanding perhaps cause it was well several months ago, i certainly remember being "removed" from the channel and i do remember your nick, however the reasons or what i was saying before the events i just cannot recall, nevertheless it was long time ago and we can say is "water under the bridge" now whoever it was who kicked me.
Yes I did report the thread. I wanted to get through to someone above you in the chain of command to reign you in. Notice how the report was made after my own posts here - I would hardly want my own posts to be removed.

>nope, she's not. you can turn your morbid attentions
>to her anytime you're ready.

My mistake. Good thing I asked you.

>this is for misanthrope to answer. i'm eager to see him on
>the channel so that he can express his opinions freely
>himself. i never said i knew this for a fact, actually i was
>suprised to hear it and asked him to give me more infos.

Jun 25 10:30:03 <rahvin> protocol insulted hyena and locked the topic and did everything i wrote about
Jun 25 10:30:11 <rahvin> misanthrope was banned by protocol

Come again?

>so far you made no effort to either explain or change this
>situation, you just kept biting back at anyone who dared
>challenge your role. so at least have the decency to stop
>ranting about what i can convince ppl of: you're abusing
>your silly little role every given day on that channel, how
>can you expect to be taken seriously criticizing my
>supposed convincing the masses?

Ah but I have. Or have you already forgotten the long conversation we had about it yesterday? I don't quite understand where you get all this supposed biting back at everyone from. I've been quite accessible and answered plenty of your questions in a much more civil tone than you asked them. If you don't like the answers, that's fine, but at least do admit that you've been answered.

>and you have no respect for other ppl because you abuse
>your "powers" to force your will on the topics matter to all
>other users of the channel, bar those you think comply to
>your idea of a good behaviour

On the contrary I have plenty of respect for people. More to the point, I have more respect for the myriads of innocent people in iraq that would become victims if we were to "bomb the fuck out of iraq" and whom such a topic insults than I have for hyena's topic whims.

I also don't believe Mark would appreciate such a topic, and I do respect Mark.

>sorry, this here is not a lie. you said only x, y, w and z could
>change the topic. you made no mention of adding ppl to that
>number. admittedly you could have said "so far", but there
>were 5-6 ppl in the room and you did not asked to any of
>them to join the club or explained how one could do that, bar
>possibly licking your ass. (and i don't mean those four ppl did).

It's very simple rahvin: You didn't ask about it. You didn't bother to find out. If I say a circle is round and you say it's not, I'm not very inclined to bother proving my point to you, but at least I've tried now.

>how come nobody was welcome to talk to you about it last
>night? and how come you stop discussing as soon as you saw
>yourself cornered and started telling me the argument was
>going round in circles? i think it was not. can we get back and
>start again from that point? and would you mind doing it here
>where i can't be banned or kicked out?

We did talk about it yesterday rahvin. At great length, as I said. And the conversation ended when you went away. I don't understand how that translates to "protocol refused to discuss it". Please do explain.

No one has been banned or kicked. What makes you think you'd be when you haven't been so far?