I'm Stuck In A Rut

Dol Guldur Or Ashes Against The Grain?

  • Summoning - Dol Guldur

    Votes: 11 37.9%
  • Agalloch - Ashes Against The Grain

    Votes: 18 62.1%

  • Total voters

Reaping Clarity

The Grimmest Reaper
Sep 5, 2006
Brisbane, Australia
Which album do I get next!? (Only have $$$ enough for one)

Summoning - Dol Guldur OR Agalloch - Ashes Against The Grain

I have a few tracks from both the albums and they're fucking great, I can't decide which one to purchase so...I PITCH THE QUESTION TO YOU UM Forum people, WHICH ONE DO I GET!?

Oh and where would be the best place on the internet to purchase either one from...(I live in Australia).

Thanks In Advance!
I'm not going to say which one to get, but Ashes shouldn't be too hard to find in stores. If it's in the shops in Perth, I'm sure you could get it in Brisbane. Otherwise try here. The site's stock updates are out of date, but get on their mailing list for regular updates, plus it's a physical store, so if you have questions or whatever you can just call them up. I've ordered from there several times and they are very reliable.
I'm a much bigger Summoning fan than Agalloch, but I still think that Dol Guldur is their most boring album, and very over-rated. Just too drawn out and un-engaging. Therefore I pick Agalloch.
too drawn out and un-engaging

That's kinda how I feel about all Summoning albums. Don't really see what's so great about them, but of course that's just my opinion.

Actually, I don't really like Agalloch that much either. However, it is pretty unique stuff, and it didn't completely put me off on the first listen, so I've kept it around on my comp, and it's starting to grow on me just a tad. Every now and then I'll go to sleep to it. :)
Never understood the hype w/ Summoning either...but Agalloch by far. The 1st time I heard "Not Unlike The Waves" the hair stood up on the back of my neck and my sack. Amazing song and even more amazing is their ability to create such atmosphere from simple song structures.
I fucking love Summoning but Dol Guldur isn't really one of my favorites. I'd go with Ashes.
I'd say Dol Guldur. It's the only album from Summoning I have heard but it is definitely better than AATG.
Dol Guldur, i think it's one of their best... with the Nightshade Forest MCD.

Agalloch bored me to death... it's too gay for my taste.