I'm such a fag...

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
The thread title is an indication of my listening habits over the last two weeks. While the CD I've been spinning most this month is Satyricon's "Diabolical, Now" (I love this CD, a Top 5 for certain), I'm guessing Erik and his band of Oompas will tell you suggest Satyricon is no longer tr00 and listening to them does nothing to diminish my fag status.

Lacuna Coil "Karmacode" - I love this CD. I know I'm going to get a lot of support, but I don't care. The additional money and time, with which they had to record this disc, is evident in the final product. The songwriting is superb, Christina sounds fantastic, and this looks to be their best work. Personally, I like the Kornesque bass sound that so many have slammed them for.

Godsmack "IV" - I really liked their debut. It sounded like a perfect blend of "Black" era Metallica and Alice in Chains (with a blend like that, it's no wonder they've been successful). Anyway, their second disc was so much more of the same, that not only didn't I buy it, but I never bothered to check out their 3rd. Well, it sounds like they've grown up a bit. There's a wide range of instruments incorporated into the music, some very well done female vocals and a good deal of variety from song to song. Unfortunately, the band lacks a strong lead player. There are a couple of tracks on this CD, where a well executed solo would have pushed the song to greatness.

Let the bashing begin.

I like the Satyricon ... Lacuna Coil has not grown on me ... really liked the songs on Comalies though ... this new one, seems a bit simpler in some ways, not as catchy either.
General Zod said:
Lacuna Coil "Karmacode" - I love this CD. I know I'm going to get a lot of support, but I don't care. The additional money and time, with which they had to record this disc, is evident in the final product. The songwriting is superb, Christina sounds fantastic, and this looks to be their best work. Personally, I like the Kornesque bass sound that so many have slammed them for.

I'm a fan of Lacuna Coil (shut up, all of you!) but dude, Karmacode is a huge stinking pile of italian shit.
I thought I was the fag around here! yay, i'm free and can go back to bering hetero!!! Thanks zod.. still gotta take a listen to that satyricon.
Climb Thar Hill said:
I'm a fan of Lacuna Coil (shut up, all of you!) but dude, Karmacode is a huge stinking pile of italian shit.

yeah, there was really no need for the heavy and groovy music ... to me LC is the vocals ... this new disc tries to take too much away from that.

and the Satyricon, it rules a lot if not a little similar across the tracks ... that weird, choppy vocal delivery is strangelly unique and annoying at the same time though ... leaning more toward unique.