I'm watching Bruno and I don't think I can finish it

dudes, I'm getting to be drunk and what better way to watch this movie than bonkered! If it is not funny, I'll puke in deadwinter''s coffee or something.
I didn't say it wasn't funny...I said I feel bad laughing about it which is exactly what I said in those two previous topics.

So what was your point again? Your comparative reasoning needs some work. Try thinking more and drinking less.

I even titled the thread, "If there is a Hell, you're going to burn for all eternity for laughing at this", meaning that although I found it funny, I felt really guilty for laughing about it. Also, the one about the animal lovers I said was funny just because of the headline, not that they were killed. If you're too dense to understand my point, don't try to prove me wrong with something that has nothing to do with it.

Right about now I'm expecting Captain's "you've been had" since I just completely rebuked your argument and made a clear, concise, and correct point. Of course, had he been alive during Columbus' time, he probably would've said, "Wow Columbus, we didn't really think the world was flat...you're so gullible lolz!!! You proved us wrong and made us look like idiots, wow what a dope you are!!! We are clearly teh win."
Bruno was hilarious. I think it was much more funny than borat in my opinion.

I didn't say it wasn't funny...I said I feel bad laughing about it which is exactly what I said in those two previous topics

Okay, cool. Let's forgive and forget. I lose you win.

So what was your point again? Your comparative reasoning needs some work. Try thinking more and drinking less.

There was over a nine hour gap between my first post and my last post. I don't know anyone who gets drunk at 11:20 am, haha.

If you're too dense to understand my point, don't try to prove me wrong with something that has nothing to do with it.


since I just completely rebuked your argument and made a clear, concise, and correct point.

okay... I guess you win. congrats.

Of course, had he been alive during Columbus' time, he probably would've said, "Wow Columbus, we didn't really think the world was flat...you're so gullible lolz!!! You proved us wrong and made us look like idiots, wow what a dope you are!!! We are clearly teh win."

Correction: Magellan.
Oooh...yer right. It was Malergion. But Captain's always coming out with the "gotcha" crap...his timing's waaayy off, though. If they're gonna huddle together on AIM and plan these silly shenanigans, they have to make the "gotcha" joke before me and the entire board prove them wrong. See, it would be much more funny that way. Just as I'm about to wind up and deliver a healthy serving of pwnage, they have to pull the rug out from under me before I do it. The way they do it is like the Monty Python skit where they build the giant Trojan Rabbit and then don't get inside of it. And then they laugh when they're the ones who look like idiots.

Welp, seeing as how you were drunk that makes this whole thing moot. Sorry for the dense remark...you were drunk, not stupid.

What was your favorite scene? Mine was the hunting party.

"We're all like the girls from Sex and the City"

"Nooo we ain't!!!!"

Two issues with that movie:

- For all the terrible/hilarious things Borat the character says, he ultimately seems naive and likable; Bruno, though, is just a cunt.

- Given the level of exposure (literally, heh) he received with Borat, it looked as though a lot more folks had their guard up when facing Bruno.

Plus it was maybe half as funny as Borat and didn't quite attack the fashion industry the way I'd hoped, save a few early scenes (the dense model interview and Paula Abdull's visit. lololol 'mexican chair people').

Worth a watch if ye like Cohen's other work though.
I just didn't like the overly obvious scripted scenes. Like some with the baby and when he's jumping out of the window at the swinger party.
Oooh...yer right. It was Malergion. But Captain's always coming out with the "gotcha" crap...his timing's waaayy off, though. If they're gonna huddle together on AIM and plan these silly shenanigans, they have to make the "gotcha" joke before me and the entire board prove them wrong. See, it would be much more funny that way. Just as I'm about to wind up and deliver a healthy serving of pwnage, they have to pull the rug out from under me before I do it. The way they do it is like the Monty Python skit where they build the giant Trojan Rabbit and then don't get inside of it. And then they laugh when they're the ones who look like idiots.

Welp, seeing as how you were drunk that makes this whole thing moot. Sorry for the dense remark...you were drunk, not stupid.

What was your favorite scene? Mine was the hunting party.

"We're all like the girls from Sex and the City"

"Nooo we ain't!!!!"


Since when is "arguing until people stop talking" 'pwnage?' Considering I a) rarely post on here and b) don't do those "gotcha" things (aside from the one), I'm not sure how you're "pwning" me at all.

So I confused a few Europeans. I doubt they think I'm an idiot. I'm not the one with the smug fucking attitude.
Oooh...yer right. It was Malergion. But Captain's always coming out with the "gotcha" crap...his timing's waaayy off, though. If they're gonna huddle together on AIM and plan these silly shenanigans, they have to make the "gotcha" joke before me and the entire board prove them wrong. See, it would be much more funny that way. Just as I'm about to wind up and deliver a healthy serving of pwnage, they have to pull the rug out from under me before I do it. The way they do it is like the Monty Python skit where they build the giant Trojan Rabbit and then don't get inside of it. And then they laugh when they're the ones who look like idiots.

Welp, seeing as how you were drunk that makes this whole thing moot. Sorry for the dense remark...you were drunk, not stupid.

What was your favorite scene? Mine was the hunting party.

"We're all like the girls from Sex and the City"

"Nooo we ain't!!!!"


Want a little cheese with that Whine?
I doubt they think I'm an idiot.

You said you know first-hand there's a massive sentiment of anti-Americanism in Europe and based it entirely on the fact that you're a journalist who reads European newspapers. Realizing you were completely wrong, you then tried to save face by saying you were just fucking with me and tried to shift the focus on me for calling you on your bullshit. Even Stormo and slashvanyoung called you out on that.

Sure they don't think you're an idiot.

I'm not the one with the smug fucking attitude.

Well, not after I publicly castrated you. However, you basically handed me your balls on a silver platter and did it for me.

You people have to learn that if you challenge me with a point, I'm going to counter it based on logic and facts. This is called point/counterpoint and is a basic facet of conversation, which is what an internet forum is for. I don't understand why you all get so up in arms about it if it's all just a big joke. You make yourselves look like dolts on purpose but then get pissed off when I point it out?

Probably would be best to not reply, Malergion, or change the subject. It would probably also be best for you to go back to not posting at all.
I think there is a whole bunch of misplaced whining in this thread. Talk about something being blown out of proportion.

For what it's worth, I understand what Chris meant, and so, being a diplomatic sorta chap, I don't think overreacting like a child really helps matters.

Also, dude, nothing suits the palette like a fine cheese after some good whine. Crispy crackers work wonders too. ;)