I'm watching Bruno and I don't think I can finish it

I think there is a whole bunch of misplaced whining in this thread. Talk about something being blown out of proportion.

And that concludes this week's episode. Thank you Derek. :)

I really shouldn't have been so anecdotal in this thread...more trouble than it's worth.
...and dear, just because she doesn't like it doesn't mean you can't have it...

oh boy ;)

No no no I can eat it whenever I want, I just gotta keep my distance from her or else she'll get sick from the smell.

Her grandfather was the same...it's some genetic disorder. I'm not joking when I said she pukes if she gets too close to it...I've seen her gag. She's lactose intolerant but that's just on top of her cheese reaction. She loves salmon though, which I hate, so we have a deal that I can't eat strong cheese with her and she can't eat salmon with me.

It's not all cheese, though, just the strong, salty cheese here. She can eat mozzarella because it's very mild, just in small doses. American cheese doesn't bother her either due to it being very mild and, well, not cheese. I'm always making insalata Caprese, which we both enjoy, especially with mozzarella buffala.
You said you know first-hand there's a massive sentiment of anti-Americanism in Europe and based it entirely on the fact that you're a journalist who reads European newspapers. Realizing you were completely wrong, you then tried to save face by saying you were just fucking with me and tried to shift the focus on me for calling you on your bullshit. Even Stormo and slashvanyoung called you out on that.

Sure they don't think you're an idiot.

Well, not after I publicly castrated you. However, you basically handed me your balls on a silver platter and did it for me.

You people have to learn that if you challenge me with a point, I'm going to counter it based on logic and facts. This is called point/counterpoint and is a basic facet of conversation, which is what an internet forum is for. I don't understand why you all get so up in arms about it if it's all just a big joke. You make yourselves look like dolts on purpose but then get pissed off when I point it out?

Probably would be best to not reply, Malergion, or change the subject. It would probably also be best for you to go back to not posting at all.

Save face? Whom do I have to save face to? I'm the first to admit when I've said something that's complete BS, but I was truly joking. If you actually read American newspapers, you'd notice that a number of recent headlines point to the fact that European attitudes have generally became more positive toward the U.S., particularly since Obama was elected, and would have said "look at this you stupid 'claims to be journalist' dumbass"

Yes, I know my seemingly red-blooded paranoia appeared to be genuine dumbassedness(the only really dumb thing I did, which I freely admit, was getting into this argument with such a blowhard as you), but that is only because people like you flock to it like flies to honey. You seize on something when you appear to be the victor and flood people with text until they give up. A number of people mentioned their annoyance with this fact, so I played a little trick on you. I'm sure someone has it logged somewhere if your dense ass wants some proof.

Probably best I not reply? That's only because you want the last word on every topic. That is what makes you feel "victorious." I guess you figured you'd won some sort of vindicating victory because I'd appeared to make a stupid blunder. I've been posting on this forum since 2001, and I'm not going to stop because some guy who thinks he's better than everyone decides to preen his internet balls in my online presence.
I think there is a whole bunch of misplaced whining in this thread. Talk about something being blown out of proportion.

For what it's worth, I understand what Chris meant, and so, being a diplomatic sorta chap, I don't think overreacting like a child really helps matters.

Also, dude, nothing suits the palette like a fine cheese after some good whine. Crispy crackers work wonders too. ;)

I agree. Just in a bad mood these days (need to go to the dentist, for I have an aching tooth).
It's not all cheese, though, just the strong, salty cheese here. She can eat mozzarella because it's very mild, just in small doses. American cheese doesn't bother her either due to it being very mild and, well, not cheese.

Is there anything more gross than American cheese? Seriously..

I remember the first time my mom ate it in her first 4th of July party, here in the states at one of my friend's house.
Someone handed her a hot dog with melted American cheese on it, and I could see her face about to gag, she looked at it funny, then ate it in small bites, while smelling that yellow thing constantly... (because she is just way too polite to spit it out in front of our host)
Later in the car she was like: "what the hell was that disgusting yellow thing on my hot dog?"
I was like: "they call it cheese mom, they call it cheese.. "

hahaha! :lol:
Is there anything more gross than American cheese? Seriously..

I remember the first time my mom ate it in her first 4th of July party, here in the states at one of my friend's house.
Someone handed her a hot dog with melted American cheese on it, and I could see her face about to gag, she looked at it funny, then ate it in small bites, while smelling that yellow thing constantly... (because she is just way too polite to spit it out in front of our host)
Later in the car she was like: "what the hell was that disgusting yellow thing on my hot dog?"
I was like: "they call it cheese mom, they call it cheese.. "

hahaha! :lol:

Answer No. It's just too fucking salty. It's got so much salt, they should call it "Mexican cheese." (if you've ever had mexican candy you'll know what I'm talking about).
Save face? Whom do I have to save face to? I'm the first to admit when I've said something that's complete BS, but I was truly joking. If you actually read American newspapers, you'd notice that a number of recent headlines point to the fact that European attitudes have generally became more positive toward the U.S., particularly since Obama was elected, and would have said "look at this you stupid 'claims to be journalist' dumbass"

Yes, I know my seemingly red-blooded paranoia appeared to be genuine dumbassedness(the only really dumb thing I did, which I freely admit, was getting into this argument with such a blowhard as you), but that is only because people like you flock to it like flies to honey. You seize on something when you appear to be the victor and flood people with text until they give up. A number of people mentioned their annoyance with this fact, so I played a little trick on you. I'm sure someone has it logged somewhere if your dense ass wants some proof.

Probably best I not reply? That's only because you want the last word on every topic. That is what makes you feel "victorious." I guess you figured you'd won some sort of vindicating victory because I'd appeared to make a stupid blunder. I've been posting on this forum since 2001, and I'm not going to stop because some guy who thinks he's better than everyone decides to preen his internet balls in my online presence.

Wow, you shouldn't be so hypersensitive and arrogant and respond to a point I made directly about you, for you. I mean, who does that? lawl

You made several valid and well-presented points but since your reply was longer than three words I can't be bothered to read your massive wall of text consisting of proper grammar and basic correct sentence structure. Why must you always type so much? BAM! INSTANT ESSAY! tl;dr lawl roflwtfbbq

Can't you see you've just been had? You do this every time, you're so gullible, lololololololololololololololololololololololololololol
I prefer the term crap.

Oh noes I'm criticizing American cheese, I'm anti-American. Come get me, America.

Sorry about your toothache. Those really suck.
Karen, luckily you were never involved with the American school system as a child and weren't forced to eat the cardboard cheese they serve in the cafeteria.

Kraft singles were like Montasio in comparison.
The vibe I am getting off this thread is "I can't lose an argument on the internet and must always get in the last word to show how right I am and how wrong you are." I get that we all want to be the cool kids here, but this isn't casting either of you in a great light, which is unfortunate as you are clearly very intelligent people when being more reasonable.

Edit: Oh, we're talking about cheese now. Never mind, carry on then.