IMMORTAL!!!!!!! in Chicago 2/22/11

Can't comment on Kiss, Asia (original) or Kansas but Asia Featuring John Payne was fantastic! As for Priest I've seen them 6 times. Turbo, AOR (Japan and Calgary) and Nostradamus (Vancouver, Calgary and Las Vegas). Every time was exceptional. :D

They played 85 minutes as I stated in my first post. I wish all bands played 2 hours but it is just not the case anymore, unfortunately. Especially with the more extreme types of metal. I can't remember seeing a thrash band play more than 90 minutes recently, except for Megadeth. I was actually surprised that Gamma Ray played almost 2 hours. Immortal has been playing 14-15 songs on the entire tour for All Shall Fall, so we got the same basic set. I actually don't think I would have been able to handle another 30 minutes in that crush anyway, ha ha.

Think of all of those guys who keep going to see bands that are 100% not worth it anymore, every single year, doing what everyone thinks might be their very last tour ever (think Priest, Kiss, Asia, Kansas, etc.) and pay astronomical prices for a sub par show...

I guess they really like getting fucked repeatedly. I'd be happy with one Immortal fuck. It'd hurt less than doing it every year, 15 times a year with bands that are just not worth it...

Then again, if people like getting fucked... :lol:
Somehow I think the number of discrete guitar notes played and the number of kick-drum hits during a 75-- err, 85-minute Immortal show is probably about the same as the number of notes and kick-drum hits during a 3-hour Elton John show. :heh:

(And I love both performers...and haven't seen either live yet. :cry: )
The Chicago show was only $35. What was Gamma Ray? $25? I don't think $35 is an outrageous price these days. What were the Blind Guardian tickets last year? I don't think that it is safe to assume that all of the people there last night "missed the boat" the first time. All of the people around me were long time fans. They made fun of me for being a new fan, ha ha.

Bob's response was mostly due to my posting on FB. Initially I did say 75 and then changed it to 80 when I corrected my math. On my phone it seemed like they went on just a minute before 10:30 and when I turned on my phone at the end it said 11:52. Doesn't matter though. The point is while I like what I heard and saw, I just think $35 is asking too much for a show for that length with only one opener. I always am turned off by a band that does under 90, sorta like Glenn said.

Edit: I meant headliner who plays less than 90. Simon needs sleep.
Here are some other interesting comments about this show.

I was standing right next to that fight. The guy whistling (which was annoying as all holy hell) was to the right of me and the guy who started punching him was in front of me. While I'm against fighting really of any kind, the whistler had been told numerous times by everyone to stop doing it. Initially people were polite, then it went to "shut the fuck up" and to "if you whistle one more time I'm gonna punch you in the face." Dude obviously was trying to be annoying, and it didn't help that everyone was getting antsy due to the long wait time between bands.
My points were from peoples reviews from Facebook....some who were honest about the show and said they liked it but had many things they didnt, which I pointed out. Then there are the ones who like any show they go to because they are scared to have an opinion or original thought. I would have felt a little cheated since you would figure it would be a longer set with just the one opener. Therion did it both times I saw them. Gamma Ray did it with 4 openers. Just figure that if they were really about the music and the fans why would they just do a standard set if they dont really get out here often?
Yeah, good mind-reading there, I'm honored to have a genius as esteemed as yourself correct my thoughts. So you're right, I sure wish I wasn't a cowering little girl and was capable of honestly expressing my opinion, but instead I have to sit here and pretend that I truly liked the show, and lie by saying that I don't feel ripped off at all.

I was referring to the above.
Bob stated it as the fan getting "ripped off"
Glen said essentially the same thing, but used the term "hard earned money"

You came off a bit differently to Bob don't ya think???? :)
I actually thought I was one of the two dumb ones that Neil referred to in his original reply. Neil's history with the festival and eloquence grants him the right to call me out every now and then...but only every now and then. :grin:
I was referring to the above.
Bob stated it as the fan getting "ripped off"
Glen said essentially the same thing, but used the term "hard earned money"

In the section you quoted, I was calling out Bob not for preferring longer sets, but for calling people liars (which he continues to do). How is that not clear to you? Glenn expressed his own opinion about set-lengths without calling anyone a liar.

You came off a bit differently to Bob don't ya think???? :)

Yes, of course. They said different things. Why do I feel like I already explained all this? Oh, because I did.

I actually thought I was one of the two dumb ones that Neil referred to in his original reply.

ha, no, but I understand your confusion. You probably thought "ok, #1 is Jasiabolik, so the only one left who could be #2 is me." My bad referring to them as two separate entities. :grin:

I was standing right next to that fight. The guy whistling (which was annoying as all holy hell) was to the right of me and the guy who started punching him was in front of me. While I'm against fighting really of any kind

Which is why I at least made a half-assed attempt to make sure he didn't get his face completely caved-in. I didn't think the guy had much chance of defending himself, given the state he seemed to be in. People who annoy people suck, but people who hit people suck more. I didn't even really notice the whistling until other people started complaining about it, so I didn't even get why it was a big deal. Maybe that's another good argument for wearing earplugs (not that anyone should need more reasons to wear earplugs!) Annoying as it was, the dude was just excited to see Immortal and it was was his way of cheering them out on stage, which really isn't that out-of-the-ordinary at a concert, usually it's even encouraged. But yeah, the guy certainly was being a deliberate ass by continuing once his neighbors made it clear they wanted him to stop. It was funny how after the fight he was still testing, or just forgot, and let out a couple more whistles, but then cut them off real short.

....some who were honest about the show and said they liked it but had many things they didnt, which I pointed out. Then there are the ones who like any show they go to because they are scared to have an opinion or original thought.

So, if I don't have any complaints about the show I am dishonest and I am scared to have an opinion or original thought?

Which is why I at least made a half-assed attempt to make sure he didn't get his face completely caved-in. I didn't think the guy had much chance of defending himself, given the state he seemed to be in. People who annoy people suck, but people who hit people suck more. I didn't even really notice the whistling until other people started complaining about it, so I didn't even get why it was a big deal. Maybe that's another good argument for wearing earplugs (not that anyone should need more reasons to wear earplugs!) Annoying as it was, the dude was just excited to see Immortal and it was was his way of cheering them out on stage, which really isn't that out-of-the-ordinary at a concert, usually it's even encouraged. But yeah, the guy certainly was being a deliberate ass by continuing once his neighbors made it clear they wanted him to stop. It was funny how after the fight he was still testing, or just forgot, and let out a couple more whistles, but then cut them off real short.


To be fair, the only person that I talked to after the show who had anything bad to say about it was the guy who punched the whistling guy. It seems he was having a pretty bad day to begin with and by that point the guy who was whistling just sent him over the edge. He is not a violent person in general. I think there were a lot of extenuating circumstances that led up to that point in time and he just kind of snapped. So take that for what it's worth.

Hey, I forgot to mention that I did not wear a Maiden shirt to the Immortal show. I wore a Death Angel shirt! So, it is statistically possible that you may actually see me at a show someday in a shirt other than a Maiden shirt.

Hey, I forgot to mention that I did not wear a Maiden shirt to the Immortal show. I wore a Death Angel shirt! So, it is statistically possible that you may actually see me at a show someday in a shirt other than a Maiden shirt.


I will believe it when I see it!!!!!!!!!
(you still want those CDs I have on hold for ya, BTW)
Which is why I at least made a half-assed attempt to make sure he didn't get his face completely caved-in. I didn't think the guy had much chance of defending himself, given the state he seemed to be in. People who annoy people suck, but people who hit people suck more. I didn't even really notice the whistling until other people started complaining about it, so I didn't even get why it was a big deal. Maybe that's another good argument for wearing earplugs (not that anyone should need more reasons to wear earplugs!) Annoying as it was, the dude was just excited to see Immortal and it was was his way of cheering them out on stage, which really isn't that out-of-the-ordinary at a concert, usually it's even encouraged. But yeah, the guy certainly was being a deliberate ass by continuing once his neighbors made it clear they wanted him to stop. It was funny how after the fight he was still testing, or just forgot, and let out a couple more whistles, but then cut them off real short.


Yeah I'm not for fights either but am glad it didn't escalate in getting the whistler's face getting bashed in. One thing that I learned from that is bl doesn't have great security. I was sort of waiting for someone to come unlike the fight I saw at the ministry show years. Ago. As yousaid though there were other elements that lead to it , I.e. long waiting time between sets. Probably had that not been the case it wouldn't have gotten as bad. At least no one got seriously hurt.
The show was great!...the fight was lame...the merch line was insanely long but worth it ($20 for a tee and $30 for a long sleeve)...Absu was good Beyond the North Waves was a bummer but Tyrants slayed!!!...the sound was good and not terribly loud...and I would definitely pay the same prices again!