Immortal split up!

Fucking hell! what a sad new, somebody told me that they split because abbath and demonaz were having personal problems..... its that true?? i dont think so, but.....
yesterday, i read in Aardschok magazine that the band has indicated they havent split up. They just want a big fucking rest (as Squeak mentioned earlier) for about a year. "They wanted to let ppl know they havent split up definately".

well, you either split, or you dont. dont hold us on a string ffs! :yell:
MightyDrynwhyl said:
why cant they go for some kind of farewell tour? i mean they just left so many fans hanging like that, its been a few days since i heard and im still in shock
A whole farewell tour? Abbath said it's hard to find the time for 1 farewell concert, also because one of the members lives in Sweden now.. Hmm.. Bad excuse ofcourse, but well, maybe they're just sick of Immortal. :rolleyes:
I think it was a healthy decision to quit at this point where they're getting too popular anyway. And, I look forward to new projects from the bandmembers!

(ps: Aardschok made a blunder there..)
Sorry guys, but this is NOT a bad news for me.
Immortal WERE one of the best black metal bands with albums like "Pure Holocaust" or "Battles..".

But the last releases were very disappointing to me, and, above all, were not black metal. They were a sort of slow thrash with horrible voice.

And, to all who have never seen Immortal on stage, don't worry: they were absolutely not black metal: no speed, no harsh vocals, no old songs played.
Immortal splitted? Oh, well, twas better if they splitted after "At the heart of winter".

IMHO, of course.