
Two parter thread:

First off, I can't believe it's taken me so long to look into this band. Although their early material doesn't really do it for me, I LOVE the blackened thrash they have going on ATHOW. Can anyone tell me which of their other albums also use this style. It's amazing. I'm continually going into spasms of headbanging over it.

Also, I remember reading somewhere that Immortal had reformed and are playing a gig in LA and in NY. Are they going to expand this? Also, are they reforming just for this or are they planning on releasing new material/continuing to tour?

EDIT: Holy freak the riff that starts at 4:00 on ATHOW (the song) is ridiculous.
Immortal has reformed after taking what they call a "break" and most likely do intend to keep touring and will realese new material. If that isn't enough for you, Abbath also is starting on his sideproject, I, featuring members of Enslaved and Sahg, and the return of Immortal’s original drummer, Armagedda.

On a side not I agree with many on this thread saying that all immortal's albums are worth checking out.

All Hail "Mighty Ravendark", guardian of Blashyrkh, eternally covered in frost
Immortal has reformed after taking what they call a "break" and most likely do intend to keep touring and will realese new material. If that isn't enough for you, Abbath also is starting on his sideproject, I, featuring members of Enslaved and Sahg, and the return of Immortal’s original drummer, Armagedda.

Yes, we know this.