LOTB v IMMORTAL? (revisited)


Mar 28, 2006
Seeing that we have some time before the next Pyramaze release...as well as some time to reflect on past releases?

I truly feel that both CD's are close in favoratism and are not only good, but are great in thier own right.
I was originally swayed a bit towards IMMORTAL...mainly because Matts performance was greater and maybe better than expected? Also IMMORTAL- being the next and latest release...sometimes we see and assume this as being a bands best release? Lookin back on it now...I can't help but give a slight nod to LOTB. This, only because the more melodic, up-tempo style of LOTB better suits me, as well as Lance's (great in his own right) vocals being a near perfect fit in Pyramaze?...gives my slight preference to LOTB. Also, my favorite tracks on LOTB simply outweigh my favorites tracks on IMMORTAL.

I would prefer if we don't turn this into a vocalist comparision or arguement...but give fair opinions and or preferences on each release own its own merit? Bottom line IMO...Pyramaze fans and the metal community as a whole were given two great metal CD's in LOTB and IMMORTAL. Even more impressive, this coming from a hard working metal band that endured (between releases) some significant changes and happenings within thier own metal world...even then- they delivered!
I'm gonna have to give it to LOTB. I really really REALLY love the feel of the concept album as a whole and enjoy each track from start to finish.

However Immortal does have some awesome shit. Immortal to me was a more aggressive album and it seems they went in a new direction then the previous album.

In the end though LOTB just has something that makes me truly love it to death.
LOTB for me, it is epic. I like Immortal, and Matt Barlow has done his best job ever on this album.
But LOTB, that's the spirit of Pyramaze for me.
I don't know, it's a tough choice. I was a huge fan of Barlow's voice and Lance's voice long before Pyramaze was formed, so I can't really say I like one more than the other. I've enjoyed all of Pyramaze's releases equally- the first time I popped Melancholy Beast into my CD player I knew that this band was going to be one of my favorites.

What I found most important in music is the atmosphere it gives off, and I found that Melancholy Beast gave off some sort of energy different from other bands in the Prog metal style.

LotBC was a great concept album and had some kickass songs (What Lies Beyond will always be one of my favorite songs) and it gave off a great dark atmosphere while still having an overall fantasy feel about it.

Immortal was a little different than past releases- and it had every right to be. A different atmosphere was given off, Arise still sends chills down my spine. For some reason the first time I heard Year of the Phoenix when the band had the samples up of the song I felt the lyrics were fitting to Barlow- one of my favorite vocalists. He had been gone for so long and I had never seen Iced Earth live before, plus I had been a fan of theirs since I was young, so the lyrics were almost like he was coming back from the ashes and the depths, his voice had risen and he had come back in the flesh into the metal world thru Pyramaze (yeah, that was pretty fuckin' cheesy wasn't it?)

Immortal was great because it brought back one of my favorite vocalists, and his voice was on something different other than Iced Earth. I was actually upset to hear that Barlow was going to be rejoining Iced Earth and leaving Pyramaze after he recorded Immortal- I thought that the music on Immortal had complimented his voice which allowed him to sing more melodically and explore other areas of his voice that he hadn't while in Iced Earth. I was cool with The Ripper being in Iced Earth, they had had different singers in the past before Barlow and I was a fan of The Ripper as well.

The albums with Lance were great because, well if he hadn't agreed to be their first singer, who would have been? He's well known and respected in the progressive metal community and it would be a no brainer to include him in your band if he's interested! Did I mention his voice is insane? What I'd do to be able to sing as well as him.

All in all, I like all the Pyramaze albums equally, they each had a different atmosphere that I found to be appealing, they could have had a no-name vocalist instead of two legendary singers and the music would still have that atmosphere and feel that makes it unique. I'm sure this next album with Urban will be great whenever it comes out, they haven't let me down so far- and hey, they must be doing SOMETHING right to attract the attention of three well-known singers!
Haha, Muz, I had a thread like this in mind, but you were quite a bit faster...

Well, it's also a though call for me, but the scale is ticking towards LotBC!

I really love both albums and though both are 100% Pyramaze it's not that easy to compare them. Both are pyr-amazing and I won't miss one of them.

The first song I ever heard of Pyramaze was Souls In Pain, still one my favourite songs! I really adore the whole atmosphere of the album, also that there are few real quiet, yet amazing, parts, like the end of She Who Summoned Me.

Talking about that song, the guitar-only-intro of The Abyss, the quiet parts in Power of Imagination are awesome as well. I guess that is what I miss a little on Immortal.

I also liked the sometimes included odd-time-signatures and Morten's real amazing drumming. Of course, the playing is still tight on Immortal, but it's more straight forward.

Thinking about Jonah's part I miss those fast piano lines along with the crunching guitars on Immortal, best example would be Strange Words Within.

On the other hand, the power of A Beautiful Death (including that amazing solo) and Shadow Of The Beast are also really amazing... Touch Of The Mara is still anther one of my favourites. Only Year of the Phoenix I don't listen to that much anymore, guess it's too much straight forward, especially the vocal lines...

I don't want to discuss the vocal performances in detail, both singers are outstanding, especially Matt did his best job ever on Immortal! To me, the vocal lines on Immortal are more straight forward and maybe a little more catchy, but that also means that there might come a time when I'll have heard those songs too often. Guess that happened to YotP.

The vocal melodies of LotBC are a little more tricky, contain some counter-melodies that perfect match with the music.

To draw a conclusion, LotBC is close to what I'd call a perfect album: heavy, fast, some slow parts, perfect melodies (vocals, guitars and keys),... The only thing I could live without is the narration...

With Modus Vivendi (Tad Morose with Urban) and LotBC being my favourite albums at the moment I'm really curious what will come next. :kickass: