Important drum editing quantization tip for those of you using Reaper...

Can do that too, would rather do it with some real tracks though so I'll try what I have first. Barring that, I'll probably knock something up with NSKit samples or something since the only nice realistic drum samples I have are SSD 3.0 and I doubt Slate would be very impressed with me hosting a project full of individual replaced drum tracks ready to be cut up and stolen :p:lol:

I'm sure he wouldn't mind! ;)
i got some tracks from a client, i'mcurrently working with that needs seeeerious editing.. :-(

i could upload a few bars, if you want to ?
let me know, cause i'd be very interested in the reaper
tutorial video. :rock:
I'd still like to see a video!
In the Reaper thread above there's a link to ==> which is just a single snare track.
I'd like to see quantization being efficiently done on a full drumkit in Reaper!

Yeah that's my snare track, it was setup just as an example to show how the quantization options don't behave as expected when I originally posted on the Reaper forums asking to have it fixed. The whole project can be found here... test.rar

...taken from this original thread of mine about drum editing...

As you can see, my performance is awful (although intentionally so, but I'm still no drummer) and I don't know if it can be fixed at all since I have yet to try.
I just had a play around with this, seems to work well even if it is a very simple example. Here's what I did.
1. Download and open the project. We can see that the project has already been split at the transients (TAB to Transient then 'S' to split. Observe that the snare hits are not bang on the grid.
2. CTRL-A (to select all), right click over the items and select 'Item Processing -> Quantize Item positions to grid'
3. Check 'Shorten earlier...' and set to '0'.
4. Observe how the snare hits now align to the grid, but has spaces between them.
5. Ensure that all clips are selected and right click over the items and select 'Item Processing -> Quantize Item positions to grid'
6. Check 'Extend starts...' and set to '10'.
7. Check 'Shorten earlier...' and set to '10'. (Chances are, this box was already checked, just change the value to 10).
8. To consolidate, ensure that all clips are selected, right click over the items and select 'Glue selected items'.

If I've missed out on anything here, please do feel free to correct me.
Now to try this on multiple tracks with alternating tempos and time sigs...

Edit: Just saw new posts while I was typing this - I'll download the .rar file and have a play around with it!
I'm hopeless at editing these multi-tracks...

Edit: Okay, split all tracks and quantize to the snare and then quantize the kick by itself? The old kick's still in the overheads. Did you highpass them?
Put this project file in the directory with the audio from the zip and open it and check it out...

Should have all my settings and stuff in the quantize box ready to go. There's a duplicate version of all the tracks at the bottom with the unedited files for A/Bing against the fixed tracks.

Stupid question maybe but you made sure to set the tempo to 155bpm right?
:lol: Nope, you never mentioned it so I assumed it to be the default of 120!

Hahaha, it was mentioned in the drum editing thread where I originally posted it, I just assumed you noticed it there, I forgot the zip was just consolidated wavs with no project file!

digitaldeath said:
Let's see how I get on with this (I love having Reaper installed on my work computer!)

As do I :lol:
Cheers, got it working!
I was consolidating the files after quantizing the snare before quantizing the kick where as I should have left the snare edits there (seems obvious to me now, I know!) :lol:
Cheers for your help dude, this will defo get used a lot in the future!
Cheers, got it working!
I was consolidating the files after quantizing the snare before quantizing the kick where as I should have left the snare edits there (seems obvious to me now, I know!) :lol:
Cheers for your help dude, this will defo get used a lot in the future!

Yeah you definitely need to leave previous edits cut up so that it doesn't quantize them somewhere else, once they are on the grid they will stay locked there because it has no reason to move them anywhere else unless you do something stupid like consolidate :p :lol:

if someone does a video quantizing 30 or 45 secs of METAL DRUMS :rock:
(all the videos explaining elastic audio or beat detective only use 4/4 pop drums...)
i would be his whore for all eternity...