IMPORTANT: Update to the rules - about bootlegs/covers

the_drip said:
so wtf, if I play Leper Affinity at my bar gig on Friday....and they give us our 300 bucks for playing a show there...I have to give Opeth some money?

or is it just...if I record it and put it online. wtf.

sounds dumb to me.

I think bars and places that host open mics and such pay royalties to record companies which allows people who play there to play covers and still get paid. Or something like that.
kottke is right. bars have to register and pay to be able to have covers performed at them. someone once was explaining to me how most artists, except perhaps the most popularly covered ones, dont see any of it. so dont worry, opeth wont make any money of any of you.

ps everyone chill with bashing roadrunner and accusing artists of greed/selling out. that is so gay and you know nothing about the music industry.
BigFakeSmile said:
kottke is right. bars have to register and pay to be able to have covers performed at them. someone once was explaining to me how most artists, except perhaps the most popularly covered ones, dont see any of it. so dont worry, opeth wont make any money of any of you.

ps everyone chill with bashing roadrunner and accusing artists of greed/selling out. that is so gay and you know nothing about the music industry.
Maybe you'd like to explain to us how the music industry works then?
Moonlapse said:
You get $300 for bar gigs there? Most bands here operate at a loss when they play pubs. No musicians' union and all that... we're a pack of morons.

don't worry, i think alot of people here get ripped, my dad was in a band long ago and he said they got paid little if nothing...he was on TV once though, so i dunno, guess it's all worth it lol. :rock:
hhmmm ill take a pass on that, since i would be talking out my ass. suffice to say, most of your fav metal artists make a lot less money than you perhaps imagine. some of the top bands can afford to quit their day jobs, but you certainly arent supporting anyone's glamorous lifestyle in this genre.
I think you can do whatever song you want live, you don't need to pay nobody. It's when you record the gig as a live album and you sell it, now you have to pay.
I don't think Opeth payed Deep Purple when they were playing one of their song in the Damnation tour...
BigFakeSmile said:
ps everyone chill with bashing roadrunner and accusing artists of greed/selling out. that is so gay and you know nothing about the music industry.

Are there lawyers involved? I have a flamethrower...
Opeth doesn't make taht much money. Well, they might be doing a lot better since they signed to RR, but from what I gather, they are all still pretty poor.
BigFakeSmile said:
ps everyone chill with bashing roadrunner and accusing artists of greed/selling out. that is so gay and you know nothing about the music industry.

I'm not accusing Opeth for selling out, I'm accusing RR of being sellouts (yeah, so their a label. I doubt they feel the pasion for the music they sell)

And your sig is also gay.
thank you. i happen to know the guy who signed opeth. and he is passionate about the music. as are many of the other people at that and other record labels. your arguments are generally more effective when you can single individuals and specific actions out for judgement, rather than no-brain meaningless comments like 'sellout label'
BigFakeSmile said:
thank you. i happen to know the guy who signed opeth. and he is passionate about the music. as are many of the other people at that and other record labels. your arguments are generally more effective when you can single individuals and specific actions out for judgement, rather than no-brain meaningless comments like 'sellout label'

Hey, I have no personal issues with people working on the label, if your friend likes his work and loves music, good for him.
I am judging the label as a whole, their way of signing a lot of great metal bands, and only supporting them half-heartily in favour of more populair 'mtv' nu-metal and metalcore bands. I accuse them of being a greedy corporation (like so many) that does not make their promises true.
And I don't like how they treat the fans of the bands on their roster.
An A&R rep that is passionate about music? Sounds almost like an oxymoron to me :lol:. Well, no, I don't doubt it. Obviously if you sign Opeth, you have to have a degree of taste, because they haven't exactly been moving the greatest amount of records in the industry. Maybe that will change now, who knows, but I'm sure there was some straight-headed people there in Roadrunner who saw Opeth as an asset, both musically, and financially to their repertoire of bands. It's pretty far out leap from the other bands on their roster, there must have been a reason for it.
well, christ, of course they have to think of bands as assets to some extent - we are all trying to make a living right? but if you really have no interest in musical integrity, wouldnt you probably work for a pop giant and not a metal label, of all things? yeah, sure there are crappy undeserving bands getting signed and getting support because somebody 'picked' them - like that gizmachi bullshit. but they cant force you to buy it, ok? if you think its unfair that your fav. band doesnt get play or tour support and that everything in life is payolla, make some money and back them yourself, like wicked wisdom.

anyway, if i wwere opeth i would be shutting down my forum pretty soon, because speaking of assets, i dont see how a bunch of teenagers whining about how the bands new label and new music suck and speculating about the death or drug problems of the drummer is 'good for the band.'
