Improved my website, check it ;)

Awesome site! I think the home page has a little too much going on but I guess that is preference. As far as listing the bands you work with, I would probably stick to the biggest bands as opposed to listen 60 of them.
digging it so far, the equipment section looks a bit full ;) besides that, no clue
if you shot the photo of hetfield, if not, at least in Germany you could get some
real bad copyright problems if you don't tell who shot the picture in your imprint.
-yep, I know, that's a dumb law :D
Great layout! Very nice site all around, everything you need to tell without going through sub pages.

I though the 'who I've worked with' was a pull-down window (because of the two white strips on the sides of the title); that would have been nicer, imo.
digging it so far, the equipment section looks a bit full ;) besides that, no clue
if you shot the photo of hetfield, if not, at least in Germany you could get some
real bad copyright problems if you don't tell who shot the picture in your imprint.
-yep, I know, that's a dumb law :D

I think we can assume he didn't shoot the pic of Chaplin at least :D
he means that if you didn't take the pic of Papa Het and therefore don't have the copyright to that image you would probably need to add a little copyright watermark to the picture showing the person's name who took it
Na, not really the alt-code/alt-text, for example, every page in Germany that isn't password
protected or something like that actually has to have an imprint that tells all the information
about operator.
As soon as you use the page for a business there are even more things you have to add, for
example I have to add my full name, phone number, adress and even tax informations to my
If you use a photo somebody else shot you have to give him credit there, even if you bought
the picture at a stockphoto site you have to add a link to the site and name the photographer's
name at the stockphoto site.

If there was a watermark on the het pic for example and you just used part of the photo that
doesn't show the watermark, that would probably be an international copyright infringement,
so you could probably get sued for it.
Chances aren't high, but Germany sucks for stuff like that, there are thousands of charged
warning letters per year just because people sue each other for wrong imprints...
yeah, the law forces you to do that, for example, I work as a marketing consultant/graphic dude,
if another graphic designer goes to my site and isn't able to find the information or needs more
than 2 clicks from landing page, he's allowed to get a lawyer and force me to pay a fee.
Depending on the case, the minimal amount is 300€ and it can go up to a few thousand Euros.

For example (a "local" one :D ):

You can find all the information about Lasse there, contact info, his personal taxing number
and his sales tax number, sources to the used photos, privacy police and the adress of his
A little error as forgetting your sales tax number (if you got one/that's another irritating thing)
is enough to get a charged warning letter.

Just believe me, that law is even more dumb than it's an business on it's own
nowadays in Germany to send people fees for wrong imprints and shit like that.
I don't think I've ever heard any harsh law like that in France, it's the first time I hear it mentioned, it must be specific to germany ?

I think the picture copyright issue is more or less the same everywhere in the world, you cannot post a picture without at least the written consent of its owner, and normally the copyright line or watermark somewhere. I don't think it's necessary for stock photos (in france) though but I could be wrong on that.

I think I like the website overall, maybe a bit crowded but it gets the job done and feels professional. It has relevant information on all the pages and none feels useless which sometimes is the case on studio websites.

Couldn't it be a problem that your audio page gives direct links to mp3 files ? Or are they all free to download, officially ?