Impulse Music/ Autograph Signing


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Mar 29, 2003
Just thought I'd say how great a turnout there was Saturday at the autograph signing for Tad Morose and Morgana Lefay. Looks like everyone had a good time. Everyone looked like they got a fistful of CD's there as well. I'd like to hear everyones thoughts.
The_Q said:
Just thought I'd say how great a turnout there was Saturday at the autograph signing for Tad Morose and Morgana Lefay. Looks like everyone had a good time. Everyone looked like they got a fistful of CD's there as well. I'd like to hear everyones thoughts.

I had a great time! I liked the fact that although there were a lot of people there it wasn't overly cramped and it was possible to move around and talk to people! And although the bands were accessible at JJ Kelleys, it was nice to have a chance to speak with them in a less chaotic atmosphere! (Not to mention the great pic Squeak took of me with Morgana Lefay -- too cool!).

I also managed to do some damage to my bank account while I was there, so all missions were accomplished! :tickled:
