In Flames 100% correct and full album lyrics are here


my task is to make 100% correct song lyrics
Oct 20, 2015
Hello! I decided to prepare 100% correct, completed, full lyrics of my favourite In Flames albums (from "The jester race" to "Sounds of a playground fading", 9 albums). If you think that the booklets contain everything, that know that you're wrong! Let me tell you, that the lyrics inside of booklets sometimes not finished, or with misprints and mistakes. Or if you suposed that everything you can find from www, google, youtube etc. than you are wrong again.
So, what I did - I listened every track one by one, I checked absolutely everything (like booklets, all the web, youtubes, forums etc.) and this is it! You will find absolutely everything like all the verses, choruses, back-vocals, background words, screams, quotes etc (and all the bonus-tracks too!).
For all IN FALMES fans from everywhere! Here's the link:
In Flames albums lyrics (

P.S. If you like what I did, then, please, help me with 3 very rare songs lyrics of another Sweedish band like PAIN (
P.S. When this link will obsolete, then let me know and I will refresh it again.