IN FLAMES Clayman Re-recorded 2020

I still think he might post on here. We can obviously rule out me, you and Jester's Door. As for everyone else... :suspicious:
I think is Cjko. He has never posted anything in Turkish and nobody would suspect of him because of obvious reasons. ANother candidate is A88. I find his avatar suspicious.
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Now that I've seen Ciko's FB profile I am tempted to rule him out.

If A88 was Anders that would be awesome :D but I think he's too cool to be Anders.

Phobiac is a possibility imo. Throwing us off with the Bjorn picture as his avatar.
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Remember when A88 thought Bottled was the worst In Flames song? Pepperidge farm remembers.

The good ol' days, SOAPF album thread. That was where it all began. First major album thread on here, I think. I don't think there are too many bros left from then. @drawntoblack may have been on that thread? Obviously me and A88 - Krofius, Jabi and Clay-Man too. Eochaid I believe debuted on the SC thread. Slave too, I think? My memory ain't what it used to be.
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Yes. SC. The timing for finding this place was not the best.

Depends on what you enjoy, I guess :D that thread started off with a lot of positivity due to SOAPF being really well received, but quickly turned sour when we realised we were about to be shit on in a major way.
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The good ol' days, SOAPF album thread. That was where it all began. First major album thread on here, I think. I don't think there are too many bros left from then. @drawntoblack may have been on that thread? Obviously me and A88 - Krofius, Jabi and Clay-Man too. Eochaid I believe debuted on the SC thread. Slave too, I think? My memory ain't what it used to be.

SOAPF was how I found the band, me, 12 years old when it came out, being driven around by my bro in his first car, proudly playing his new CD and me, who at the time was juiced up on Avenged Sevenfold and Howard era Killswitch Engage, was intrigued by this Swedish quintet. Boy that seems like a long time ago now....
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I found the forum while waiting for Battles XD I remember creeping for a good month or two before creating an account

Brave move considering the general mood of the Battles thread :D Slave and Only4theweak187 throwing textual grenades at each other was where the real Battles were at.
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Now that I've seen Ciko's FB profile I am tempted to rule him out.

If A88 was Anders that would be awesome :D but I think he's too cool to be Anders.

Well, I'm a bit of a dick. So yeah, it could be me in theory.

Then again I can sing... so no, it's really not me.
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Brave move considering the general mood of the Battles thread :D Slave and Only4theweak187 throwing textual grenades at each other was where the real Battles were at.

Was it the Battles or the ITM thread where there was the HUUUUGE beef at one point between slave and a bunch of others? I can't remember
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Slave vs the world. You are basically describing an everyday situation. You'll have to be more specific.
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Well, I'm a bit of a dick. So yeah, it could be me in theory.

Then again I can sing... so no, it's really not me.

Plus you know way too much about Serbian football and Radoslav Petrovic to be Anders.
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Talking of Anders, I managed to pick up a CD of the Passenger side project not long ago, which is pretty cool. I always used to forget about the album for years at a time. It's honestly not bad, nothing special though. Can definitely see why in retrospect people drew comparisons between SC and Passenger.
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Slave vs the world. You are basically describing an everyday situation. You'll have to be more specific.

I just remember one day where I thought the forum would implode because there was some huge argument, I think it was about something completely unrelated like politics or feminism
Plus you know way too much about Serbian football and Radoslav Petrovic to be Anders.

Raca is an acquired taste. And Anders IS a hipster hamster... So who knows...

P.S. I hope you guys bounce back.
Talking of Anders, I managed to pick up a CD of the Passenger side project not long ago, which is pretty cool. I always used to forget about the album for years at a time. It's honestly not bad, nothing special though. Can definitely see why in retrospect people drew comparisons between SC and Passenger.

Passenger was a cool little side project for sure. Funniest thing is that on UK Amazon some people bought this CD thinking it was the English singer-songwriter, and they weren't impressed :D


I love how this last guy actually thinks it is the English singer-songwriter :D


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Raca is an acquired taste. And Anders IS a hipster hamster... So who knows...

P.S. I hope you guys bounce back.

I am happy just for us to survive at the moment... lockdown is a disaster for finances for most football clubs at our level, unfortunately.