IN FLAMES Clayman Re-recorded 2020

For all the shit we give Anders about his vocals, I think I prefer them to Tony Kakko's these days. WTF. I briefly tried to listen to Sonata Arctica's new album and other than it being so shit I turned it off after three songs, his vocals are the most annoying, nasally whine I've possibly ever heard. Do people still actually like his singing? He sounds far worse than I remember.
For all the shit we give Anders about his vocals, I think I prefer them to Tony Kakko's these days. WTF. I briefly tried to listen to Sonata Arctica's new album and other than it being so shit I turned it off after three songs, his vocals are the most annoying, nasally whine I've possibly ever heard. Do people still actually like his singing? He sounds far worse than I remember.
Storm The Armada was really good, but yeah, their later releases are rather meh. Probably the last album of theirs I digged was Stones, but that record was kinda weird in many ways. Like, we joke about In Flames turning country, but Sonata actually kinda did it haha.

Still, their early few records are amazing, Tony delivered. Almost every song is a banger - sure, you can call them whiny or too emotional, (melo)dramatic, but that's Sonata for you.

I'd lie if I said I can hear his voice being shit now, because I don't, but he lacks enthusiasm. Hence why their redone debut record sucks ass. No one should give a fuck about the instrumental players doing a better, more crisp sound than decades ago; the songs are all about Tony going crazy, but on the redone version he has 0 energy. Just listen to the last chorus of both Kingdom for a Heart. Just listen to both from 3 minutes. Night and day.

His voice sounds awful to me now, but keep in mind I haven't really listened to anything they've put out since Unia. I guess if you've been following their stuff throughout the years it might not be so jarring. It was really off putting to me. Tony has never had the most natural singing voice but I liked it on the earlier stuff. He just sounds weird to me on the new album... like he's got a cold or something. I genuinely can't listen to it.

The Ecliptica rerecording sucks for sure. I think I listened to the rerecording of Blank File and then noped the fuck out of that piece of shit. The original song and Ecliptica as a whole is a fucking masterpiece though, don't even @ me. Blank File, My Land, Replica, Kingdom For a Heart, Full Moon, Letter to Dana, Unopened... c'est magnifique.

Looking back at their discography it was actually Reckoning Night that lost me. I don't think I like any songs on that album. Silence and Winterheart's Guild are okay, but Ecliptica is still way ahead of them. I think I might really only like Ecliptica, come to think of it. There are a few tracks on Silence and WG that I like (Black Sheep, Tallulah, Last Drop Falls, Wolf & Raven, Victoria's Secret, Ruins of My Life) but it turns out I was never really that much into SA outside of Ecliptica and Silence.
Storm The Armada was really good, but yeah, their later releases are rather meh. Probably the last album of theirs I digged was Stones, but that record was kinda weird in many ways. Like, we joke about In Flames turning country, but Sonata actually kinda did it haha.

Still, their early few records are amazing, Tony delivered. Almost every song is a banger - sure, you can call them whiny or too emotional, (melo)dramatic, but that's Sonata for you.

I'd lie if I said I can hear his voice being shit now, because I don't, but he lacks enthusiasm. Hence why their redone debut record sucks ass. No one should give a fuck about the instrumental players doing a better, more crisp sound than decades ago; the songs are all about Tony going crazy, but on the redone version he has 0 energy. Just listen to the last chorus of both Kingdom for a Heart. Just listen to both from 3 minutes. Night and day.

I want a Nightcore version of the new clayman.
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Looking back at their discography it was actually Reckoning Night that lost me. I don't think I like any songs on that album.

yoooooo what the hell, man. Misplaced is a banger, Blinded No More is such a great mid-tempo track with catchy everything (chorus, breakdown ,whta have you), White Pearls is what a decent long, "experimental" (hate this word in this context) song should be, Ain't Your Fairytale is solid, and Don't Say a Word is probably my favorite SA song - the single version is better imo. And I don't think the rest of the songs are bad either.

Unia was the record which left me unimpressed. Caleb and Paid in Full are good, but frankly I can't remember anything else from that record. After that (with the exception of Stones) every record was like 1-3 decent to good songs and the rest being forgettable. No Dream Can Heal A Broken Heart from the days of grays, Wolves Die Young from Pariah, fuck if i know(*) from ninth hour, and Storm The Armada from the newest one.

Stones is where they started to went nuts, but managed to make some really decent songs. Like, listening to Shitload Of Money is a surreal experience when you expect some SOnata Arctica, and you get... this. But it's good. But stupid. But funky. Not really Sonata. But kinda. I really like Only The Broken Heart, Alone in Heaven and Don't be Mean, but there are other decent songs there. I don't understand why they started to do stupid, but it is a recurring theme on the later albums. Silly intros and interludes WITHIN the songs as such. It's really annoying when a moderately good song starts with 10-20 seconds of "funny shit".

No joke, Ecliptica is one of the best records, period. With the exception of Picturing the Past and Mary-Lou, I would throw all the other tracks on a best-of compilation, though I can understand is someone is not fond of Destruction Preventer.

*There is a good song there somewhere, but I was playing while doing my first listen of the record, so I forgot which song was it, and when I tried to fastforward into each song, I couldn't find it anymore, so I got upset and never listened to that record again.
There is no doubt: Kakko's voice is not what it used to be.

I like Ecliptica and Silence well enough, but Winterheart's Guild through Days of Grays is my preferred Sonata. But even on Days of Grays his voice started getting really nasally (and he's nasally to begin with). It's not a band I listen to much anymore, and certainly not anything past Stones Grow Her Name, which has a few decent tracks.

yoooooo what the hell, man. Misplaced is a banger, Blinded No More is such a great mid-tempo track with catchy everything (chorus, breakdown ,whta have you), White Pearls is what a decent long, "experimental" (hate this word in this context) song should be, Ain't Your Fairytale is solid, and Don't Say a Word is probably my favorite SA song - the single version is better imo. And I don't think the rest of the songs are bad either..

Maybe I'll listen to it again at some point, but at the time I remember being unimpressed by it. By 2004 I had burned through a shitload of power metal so I may have just gotten tired of the genre in general.

Unia was the record which left me unimpressed. Caleb and Paid in Full are good, but frankly I can't remember anything else from that record. After that (with the exception of Stones) every record was like 1-3 decent to good songs and the rest being forgettable. No Dream Can Heal A Broken Heart from the days of grays, Wolves Die Young from Pariah, fuck if i know(*) from ninth hour, and Storm The Armada from the newest one.

I literally liked one song from Unia, "Under Your Tree". A nice, chilled song. I hated the rest of the album though, and I never listened to anything they put out again :D it's not often an album completely nukes a band from my list of interests, but Unia managed it.

There is no doubt: Kakko's voice is not what it used to be.

I like Ecliptica and Silence well enough, but Winterheart's Guild through Days of Grays is my preferred Sonata. But even on Days of Grays his voice started getting really nasally (and he's nasally to begin with). It's not a band I listen to much anymore, and certainly not anything past Stones Grow Her Name, which has a few decent tracks.

I can't speak for any of the albums after Unia (and vocally he still sounded fine on that) but I was kind of shocked when I heard his vocals on the new album. His vocals sound so bad for me that they legitimately make the songs unlistenable. Even Anders at his worst has never quite managed that, with the exception of that fucking disgusting chorus on "In This Life" which makes me want to reach through my headphones and strangle him. Come to think of it there are probably a few other tracks where he's extremely annoying as well, but there isn't an entire album where I find him impossible to listen to. ASOP is the closest to that but his vocals are still tolerable despite being kind of pathetic.

yoooooo what the hell, man. Misplaced is a banger, Blinded No More is such a great mid-tempo track with catchy everything (chorus, breakdown ,whta have you), White Pearls is what a decent long, "experimental" (hate this word in this context) song should be, Ain't Your Fairytale is solid, and Don't Say a Word is probably my favorite SA song - the single version is better imo. And I don't think the rest of the songs are bad either.

Unia was the record which left me unimpressed. Caleb and Paid in Full are good, but frankly I can't remember anything else from that record. After that (with the exception of Stones) every record was like 1-3 decent to good songs and the rest being forgettable. No Dream Can Heal A Broken Heart from the days of grays, Wolves Die Young from Pariah, fuck if i know(*) from ninth hour, and Storm The Armada from the newest one.

Stones is where they started to went nuts, but managed to make some really decent songs. Like, listening to Shitload Of Money is a surreal experience when you expect some SOnata Arctica, and you get... this. But it's good. But stupid. But funky. Not really Sonata. But kinda. I really like Only The Broken Heart, Alone in Heaven and Don't be Mean, but there are other decent songs there. I don't understand why they started to do stupid, but it is a recurring theme on the later albums. Silly intros and interludes WITHIN the songs as such. It's really annoying when a moderately good song starts with 10-20 seconds of "funny shit".

No joke, Ecliptica is one of the best records, period. With the exception of Picturing the Past and Mary-Lou, I would throw all the other tracks on a best-of compilation, though I can understand is someone is not fond of Destruction Preventer.

*There is a good song there somewhere, but I was playing while doing my first listen of the record, so I forgot which song was it, and when I tried to fastforward into each song, I couldn't find it anymore, so I got upset and never listened to that record again.
About the song... Is the only way that I'm going to listen to it.
Also, because Slave brought it up just now: "(This Is Our) House" is In Flames' "Shitload of Money."
Hard disagree. Shitload of Money is stupid and barely resembles Sonata, but not a bad song and has decent instrumentation, not just big ol' nothing until a catchy chorus.
About the song... Is the only way that I'm going to listen to it.
I don't know what you mean here, but you should listen to the new Clayman if you hadn't already. It's so silly to bash (or praise) something you did not even listen to.

But maybe you did;frankly I did not read back, because you guys write too much. Sometimes less is more, folks! :D

Maybe I'll listen to it again at some point, but at the time I remember being unimpressed by it. By 2004 I had burned through a shitload of power metal so I may have just gotten tired of the genre in general.
You really should!
Now I can put a face to DE as well! Well, the only one, since I can only put a name to eoch. And sure, I am willing to drink a beer with everyone but Laverna, because the sexual tension would just be too high.

I don't have a twitter (lies, I do, but don't use it), but I do have a youtube, which I rarely use, but you can jack off to my voice:

I re-listed 3 of my videos (nothing interesting why they were unlisted to begin with), and I always thought if I do that, it puts it back to chronological order, but now it treats it like it was uploaded just now. Lame!
Now I can put a face to DE as well! Well, the only one, since I can only put a name to eoch. And sure, I am willing to drink a beer with everyone but Laverna, because the sexual tension would just be too high.

I don't have a twitter (lies, I do, but don't use it), but I do have a youtube, which I rarely use, but you can jack off to my voice:

I re-listed 3 of my videos (nothing interesting why they were unlisted to begin with), and I always thought if I do that, it puts it back to chronological order, but now it treats it like it was uploaded just now. Lame!

Since you now know my name and my face I guess I'll have to start being a bit nicer to you :D is that "Jester Slave" youtube account yours, or an account presumably created by some weirdo from here?
Since you now know my name and my face I guess I'll have to start being a bit nicer to you :D is that "Jester Slave" youtube account yours, or an account presumably created by some weirdo from here?
Where would the fun be in that?!

No, that's not mine, I think it's JSS's creation. This is the only platform where I have this name.
Where would the fun be in that?!

No, that's not mine, I think it's JSS's creation. This is the only platform where I have this name.

I'm not sure JSS has the creativity or intelligence to set that up in all honesty. I'd be more inclined to think it was Laverna. I'm sure I can remember somebody posting that "nightcore" version of the song on the ITM album thread, which will probably give a clue as to who set it up. I can't be bothered scouring through that thread right now though :D whoever did do that is a dickhead though. Friendly insults and joking around on here is one thing, but it's bullshit to take that kind of stuff outside of here imo. Obviously it's nothing personally identifiable to you outside of this forum, but still.
It's dickish, but an honor as well. Also, not much point fighting over it on the internet, as tools of harassment are greater in quantity than what you can possibly do against it. Seen worse when things got heated back in the day in an MMORPG :D
Oh yeah, there's a lot worse that could be done. You see people getting properly doxxed, phone calls to their house, etc. I'd like to think there's nobody here who is that unhinged. Although as per my signature you did once admit to potentially plotting to murder me over my textual beatdowns :D
So, how should I put this? Anyone creating fake accounts to impersonate another person, even if it's just for fun, deserves to die.

Well, maybe not. But that is taking the joke too far.
So In Flames have announced that Friday evening they will be streaming one of the sets from Borgholm Last year, which is super exciting IMO