IN FLAMES Clayman Re-recorded 2020

Meanwhile UK Government as usual is behind the curve on everything and has only just made masks mandatory to wear in shops from July 24th.

Here I am, in the mask, the jester who wants to be freeeee (of COVID-19)
Uhm. I guess that's an ideological problem. Here, there is the people attacking the government for the mandatory buse of masks while criticizing the same government for not have made the use of masks mandatory before the virus was widely spread.
I have no problem wearing a mask but it's a little fucking late in the game to be introducing this - especially considering we were told only a few months ago that wearing masks has no impact on controlling the virus at all. It feels like nobody knows what the fuck they are doing, which as far as our Government is concerned is 100% accurate. I didn't vote for these stupid fucks but I'm being punished by their leadership anyway.
The problem is that masks should've been mandatory from the first day. Nobody did that.

And the problem is that they're not effective if they're not accompanied by other control.methids like social distancing and a good hygiene.

And this people just don't understand. You not only wear a mask to not contract the covid but also to not spread the covid.

But, from what I see, we Europeans are, in general, selfish and stupid.
Which is why despite restrictions being lifted I'm staying at home. I am more than happy to continue avoiding people.
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I would be happy to if my wife allowed me to do that :D

It's funny that right now I'm reading people saying that masks shouldn't be mandatory because they can keep the social distance in the street. No. That cannot be possible. There aren't streets as wide here and keeping the social distance involves two persons. It doesn't matter if you're trying to keep it if the rest of the world keeps on insisting on walking by your side.

And yes, the Gates conspiracy. That's my favourite one.

That people should just be denied medical healthcare.

You know, from day one of confinement I hated having to take the dog out for a walk. The few people that was outside was not respecting shit.

Then they allowed small walks and sport and it was worse. That's the same people that complains about the use of masks.

So screw them. If they die is better for us because they're slowing the fight against the virus and our progress as a society.
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To be fair, even the WHO said that masks are useless. I remember, our government told us for days - when being asked by reporters over and over again - that we can wear them, but they are useless. Then some countries started to mandate them, the WHO (the FUCKING WHO) said oh wait, actually, it's super good, you should wear them, and like the next day our government said that they are mandatory in shops.

We also had a special time (9-12 am) when ONLY people older than 65+ could visit shops (but they couldn't visit any other time). You wouldn't believe how many old motherfucker did not care about this, nor about the masks. Like, the main reason we have this problem is because they are dangered. We would be fine with it - sure, the extreme cases are getting a lot of publicity but younger people die from influenza as well.

Non-Asian countries just do not have that level of discipline.

Also, my main ideology is that if you are endangered, do yourself a favor and protect yourself first, THEN complain about others being inconsiderate. I've seen so many posts crying about them having this and that kind of health problems, which make them weakened against Covid, but if they were to wear proper masks, and looked after themselves, they would be fine.
To be fair, even the WHO said that masks are useless. I remember, our government told us for days - when being asked by reporters over and over again - that we can wear them, but they are useless.

Masks aren't useless if everyone is wearing them and are accompanied by proper hygienic measures.

We also had a special time (9-12 am) when ONLY people older than 65+ could visit shops (but they couldn't visit any other time). You wouldn't believe how many old motherfucker did not care about this, nor about the masks. Like, the main reason we have this problem is because they are dangered.

No. Everyone is in danger. Not just the old people. But I agree that they should be specially careful and they're not.

Also, my main ideology is that if you are endangered, do yourself a favor and protect yourself first, THEN complain about others being inconsiderate. I've seen so many posts crying about them having this and that kind of health problems, which make them weakened against Covid, but if they were to wear proper masks, and looked after themselves, they would be fine.

That's not true. Even if you cannot die of covid, if you're having it and don't wear a mask you can transmit it to anyone because it enters the body through the nose, mouth and eyes.

And the more people you contact that have covid the more in danger you are. This is why medics and nurses are in great risk. Anyone refusing to wear a mask is putting them at risk.

And anyone thinking that it only affects old people or people with extreme diseases is blind or uninformed.
WHO said masks are useless. They went back on their statement, but still, it was extremely careless to say such a thing with such authority.

I know we can get it too, but eventually you grow resistant to it. Hence why some countries tried the herd immunity thing.
Herd immunity isn't proven yet, and there are documented cases of people getting it more than once which suggests it may not be as straightforward as certain people would like you to believe. The damage to vital organs caused by initial infection, even in younger people, can be pretty brutal as well so I wouldn't advise attempting to contract the virus in the hope of becoming immune.
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WHO said masks are useless. They went back on their statement, but still, it was extremely careless to say such a thing with such authority.

I know we can get it too, but eventually you grow resistant to it. Hence why some countries tried the herd immunity thing.
Now I get what you meant. Yes. You're right about it.

About the resistance, as some guy said, Slipknot are wearing masks in every fucking concert. If they can then everyone can.
Herd immunity isn't proven yet, and there are documented cases of people getting it more than once which suggests it may not be as straightforward as certain people would like you to believe. The damage to vital organs caused by initial infection, even in younger people, can be pretty brutal as well so I wouldn't advise attempting to contract the virus in the hope of becoming immune.
But people is stupid so I'm sure that someone has yet tried doing that.
But people is stupid so I'm sure that someone has yet tried doing that.

I've heard plenty of people say they'd rather have the virus and "get it over with" so they can go back to normal. Fucking morons. The only reason anything is even starting to go back to some level of "normal" now is because economies are in danger of collapsing and Governments literally cannot afford to keep everything shut down. It's always been a balancing act between public health and the economy, and now we are in the phase where the economy is deemed more important. I am not sure how the global economy will survive when the second wave happens in the autumn/winter.
If we all kept the minimum health requirements there would probably be little consequences. But we cannot count with that. The people saying that does not care about the consequences to other people's health, including the workers of the health system, and don't care about the economy. Because, if we don't control this, a second confinement will be unavoidable.
Bryce has been complaining on Twitter about the government's response for months now, lol. But he seems to be the "America fuck yeah" type.

Meanwhile Tanner told us all to mask up on IG...

The true LEGEND, imo
Bryce has been complaining on Twitter about the government's response for months now, lol. But he seems to be the "America fuck yeah" type.

Meanwhile Tanner told us all to mask up on IG...

The true LEGEND, imo

Tanner seems like a good guy. Bryce on the other hand, based on his Twitter, comes across as an idiot. Although his views are similar to Krofius and Slave, so I guess it is what it is.