IN FLAMES Clayman Re-recorded 2020

I just listened to the EP and...oh my god, what the fuck is this?

Leads are way too loud in the mix and should have been brought down by at least a few dB. The vocals don't sound like they were properly blended into the mix either, they stick out like a sore thumb. The songs themselves are just...ugh. Totally neutered and full of changes or reworks that don't serve to elevate the song. Drums sound flat and lifeless, but the performance is good for what it is assuming that they're not just MIDI tracks. The S&A portion of the medley was nice, and the new lead part Bjorn plays before the pre-chorus in OFTW is the only positive change to the original. That's about the only nice thing I can say about this.

I'm starting to find the theory that Anders and Bjorn were roped into re-recording these tracks more credible, because this seems like a very calculated effort to make these songs sound as shitty as possible. I literally cannot think of any other reason why these songs sound as bad as they are. Either that or they are hilariously, ironically out of touch.
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Well, fortunately the original songs are on the proper release as well - but they are "remastered" so who knows what's been done to them.

Here's a review that agrees with you. Just looking at the poster to the right will give you a clue.
I would say that the EP is average at best...And most of it is because of the production being absolute fucking TRASH!!
I thought there were some cool ideas here and there, such as the added lead guitar thing on OFTW at the ''I feel so guilty'' and "I fall behind" lyric parts. Pinball Map was kinda weird, and the chorus sounded Battles-like, the breakdown added like electrosynth was also odd. The atmospheric synthline in the pre-chorus was kinda cool though. Bullet Ride was probably my favorite of them all, it was kind of decent, with nice clean and crisp production it could have been good. I really liked the lead guitar they added after the chorus on the ''It's the cowardice that pulls you under" around 3min mark...I thought the clean guitar verse was pretty good and didn't actually sound terrible soundwise on the guitars for once...The outro was also kinda cool with the lead guitar imo.

All in all, probably won't listen to it again due to the horrible sounding production, but Bullet Ride with a good solid ass production could have been really cool imo. I mean the lead guitar tone isn't absolutely TERRIBLE but I'm not that fond of it.
You can find Bullet Ride with good production on an album released in 2000 called Clayman.

It was good... at that time.

It sounded good on amps, headphones or car... at that time.

Now it is better because... Computer generated sounds and lack of effort always sounds better.
Could it be you guys are listening to the pre-master?

This EP to me is exactly what I expected. Performance wise I like some of the changes Anders makes, dislike others. Guitar work is fairly faithful and where bits have been added like in OFTW and Bullet Ride i found it tasteful, that being said, the solos are weak sauce.

Now the elephant in the room. That production. It fucking sucks. Any potential for this to go well was lost before it begun. This rerecord EP with SOAPF production would probably be a lot cooler. Honestly I don't believe IF are still working with Howard through choice, I feel its a label thing, it has to be. They have never looked less comfortable discussing their records than over the last 4 years, look at Siren Charms - panned, but they still talked about it lovingly.

If this is the path IF want to go down then I can only see their career stagnating further, however if they go back to Europe and put out a solid album like SOAPF again then their legend status could probably be somewhat restored. How the mighty have fallen. Don't get me wrong ill probably listen to these again as I'm a masochist and notafanboyjustpassionate, but that doesn't stop it being objectively a disgrace to the original.
Honestly I don't believe IF are still working with Howard through choice, I feel its a label thing, it has to be. They have never looked less comfortable discussing their records than over the last 4 years, look at Siren Charms - panned, but they still talked about it lovingly.
Nope. They choose to work with Howard Benson before Battles. They were the ones who put the name on the table. And, honestly, as far as I know, they've been working with the producers of their own chosing since a long time ago.

I think Bjorns answers speak for themselves.... I'm 100% convinced it was a label thing and not their decision to do the whole project. He even says the songs were perfect as they were! refreshingly honest and long interview with Bjorn. Well worth a listen.
Nope. They choose to work with Howard Benson before Battles. They were the ones who put the name on the table. And, honestly, as far as I know, they've been working with the producers of their own chosing since a long time ago.

Before Battles yes but they've already basically denounced that album, and they told him to take more of a back seat on ITM which somewhat worked. These rerecords feel like a backwards step, and I just hope that going forward any new music is much better produced than this.

I think Bjorns answers speak for themselves.... I'm 100% convinced it was a label thing and not their decision to do the whole project. He even says the songs were perfect as they were! refreshingly honest and long interview with Bjorn. Well worth a listen.

I linked that video. He's saying that the sound was good for that time. That worked for that time. So he's suggesting that is not that good today. Just listen to the interview.

Before Battles yes but they've already basically denounced that album, and they told him to take more of a back seat on ITM which somewhat worked. These rerecords feel like a backwards step, and I just hope that going forward any new music is much better produced than this.

Source needed for the denounce. Since Howard Benson appears in the credits for all the songs of ITM as songwritter I don't see it as stepping aside.
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I completely missed the previous link whoops my bad, idk I don't read it as negative as you did but it's whatever, he's not gonna trash something just about to come out.

I can't remember the video but Anders was asked about working with Howard Benson and he described Battles as along the lines of "the best album Battles could be" he also said that there were "too many cooks in the kitchen" (on Battles Anders, Bjorn, Niclas, Howard and 1 possibly 2 (I can't remember and don't have the CD to hand) other procuders/advisors are listed in songwriting credits), hence why for ITM they told him the turn the guitars up, why the album sounds more like an In Flames album with American production, and not In Flames trying to write an American Rock album. I get the feeling for ITM It was very much they took completed ideas to him and he recorded them and advised them on bits and bobs, whereas the way they described Battles was more of a case of having loose ideas and melodies, which he helped arrange and contributed towards the fundamental writing of the songs.
I completely missed the previous link whoops my bad, idk I don't read it as negative as you did but it's whatever, he's not gonna trash something just about to come out.

I can't remember the video but Anders was asked about working with Howard Benson and he described Battles as along the lines of "the best album Battles could be" he also said that there were "too many cooks in the kitchen" (on Battles Anders, Bjorn, Niclas, Howard and 1 possibly 2 (I can't remember and don't have the CD to hand) other procuders/advisors are listed in songwriting credits), hence why for ITM they told him the turn the guitars up, why the album sounds more like an In Flames album with American production, and not In Flames trying to write an American Rock album. I get the feeling for ITM It was very much they took completed ideas to him and he recorded them and advised them on bits and bobs, whereas the way they described Battles was more of a case of having loose ideas and melodies, which he helped arrange and contributed towards the fundamental writing of the songs.

Battles had like... 5 or 6 songwritters? Which was stupid.

Still, if you listen to what Bjorn says about the original release of Clayman, he's saying that the sound was good fir the time that it was released, not that it's still good.

Probably, the re-recording was an idea from the label. It doesn't matter. They have full control of what they record and Bjorn sounds pretty confident about what they did for the re-recordings. Probably his hearing is not that good after years of playing live and the guy just doesn't want to admit that he's half deaf.

Here's a review that agrees with you. Just looking at the poster to the right will give you a clue.

Da fuq? This guy never listened to the original, but keeps talking about only wanting to listen to the re-recorded versions. Not even sure if he will listen to the original, but gave the new music 9.5/10. Da fuq kind of logic is that? Bro, the album is already out, just fucking listen to it.

Like this guy is too good to listen to music from 2000. What?
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Da fuq? This guy never listened to the original, but keeps talking about only wanting to listen to the re-recorded versions. Not even sure if he will listen to the original, but gave the new music 9.5/10. Da fuq kind of logic is that? Bro, the album is already out, just fucking listen to it.

Like this guy is too good to listen to music from 2000. What?
Look. He has a poster from 30STM just behind him so he most probably doesn't even know what's metal or thinks that 30STM are a extreme metal band :D.

About Bjorn, I like how he's complaining about having to work hard during the Clayman sesions. Apparently he didn't become a musician to work hard, just for the beers and laughs and let inspiration do the work. Like fuck effort and hard work :D.