In Flames = Death Metal

mekane said:
oh yea, and whats worse... my friend likes Amon Amarth a lot too, and he likes the band Rush!!! Your insults will be forwarded to him... bring them on... i beg you.
First of all, id rather listen to Rush than anything metallica has put out in the last 15 years, or creed period. secondly-

In Flames = Boring rehashed songs and sub-par songwriting. Never was death metal, and certainly isnt today.
Dude, listen to what you want....
I don't want to know about it.
IMO most of In Flames sucks. At least what I heard (don't start convincing me again, just don't).
PPL tend to show the same opinion.
You love In Flames? Great! No one's gonna eat ya for it, but keep them to yourself.
Stealer of Dreams said:
If you don't like it you can leave.

hey, i said some people, not the majority of people here. That axe guy pisses me off for one.
Beorn of MythOdeviL said:
Dude, listen to what you want....
I don't want to know about it.
IMO most of In Flames sucks. At least what I heard (don't start convincing me again, just don't).
PPL tend to show the same opinion.
You love In Flames? Great! No one's gonna eat ya for it, but keep them to yourself.

hey you don't speak for the world here... there are plenty of people that like in flames, and if there are people that could like them but heard the wrong songs, why should i "keep them to myself"?
Stealer of Dreams said:
It's not that we're not open minded, it's that you're a fucking moron.

i still don't get why you guys are callin me stupid... im actually a smart guy, give me a specific example of why i am stupid...
Well, let's see....

You voted for yourself and pretended it wasn't you ON A PUBLIC POLL, you defended a Limp Bizkit song and said you weren't claiming it was good, you recommended bands EVERYONE has heard of, and then continued recommending them after everyone told you to shut up, you started pointless threads, including this one, you don't think Iron Maiden and Blind Guardian are metal and yet you think new In Flames is death metal, you defend Creed on the Amon Amarth forum, you can't spell retarded (, you claim that you're 19 yet you act like a fifth grader, and most of all you won't take a hint and LEAVE.
Stealer of Dreams said:
Well, let's see....

You voted for yourself and pretended it wasn't you ON A PUBLIC POLL, you defended a Limp Bizkit song and said you weren't claiming it was good, you recommended bands EVERYONE has heard of, and then continued recommending them after everyone told you to shut up, you started pointless threads, including this one, you don't think Iron Maiden and Blind Guardian are metal and yet you think new In Flames is death metal, you defend Creed on the Amon Amarth forum, you can't spell retarded (, you claim that you're 19 yet you act like a fifth grader, and most of all you won't take a hint and LEAVE.

well i have already responded to a lot of these.... but here we go again...

The voting for myself thing was obviously a joke ( whos the dumbass now )
I wouldn't call that defending limp bizkit, i said they are one of my least fav. bands
And i recommended the bands because some people haven't heard the right songs by those bands. I repeat SOME because a lot of people have, but there are still SOME who haven't, and if not u should have skipped to the next thread damnit.
The "not shutting up" was mainly defending myself against accusations like this one.
And if you truly think Blind Guardian and Iron Maiden sound anything like other metal bands, you are a trip. Compare them to Amon Amarth, for example. I think they sound more like Creed than they do Amon Amarth. I can see why they are classified as metal though.
I never said the new in flames is metal, but it sounds more like metal than Blind Guardian and Iron Maiden to me.
The ritardead thing i mispelled was a typo (yea i bet you have had a few yourself)
I haven't left because i love posting here. I really could care less that you all hate me, it probably only makes me want to post here even more. I am just one of those guys who likes a good controversy every once in a while.
Well Mekane, if I understood u right ur point is that every fan of Amon Amarth should listen these Opeth and Inflames songs at least for a 500! times and than he will be able understand them. So I listened to Opeth "When" 5 times...... Don't worry I'll take my time.

NOW I HAVE A PROPOSAL FOR U Mekane. U know what, u should try CHILI PEPPER and Onions. Try eat four of them without any other food or water (especially water). YES, you ain't going like it for first time BUT after 500 times it would sure taste different. ;)
mekane said:
And if you truly think Blind Guardian and Iron Maiden sound anything like other metal bands, you are a trip. Compare them to Amon Amarth, for example. I think they sound more like Creed than they do Amon Amarth. I can see why they are classified as metal though.
This has to be the funniest piece of expertise I have ever had to read. Go shout that at an Iron Maiden show and you ll end up like the nu metal posers I have seen being ruffed up at death metal shows. Mekane, are you for real or are you just trying to get attention? You want my opinion, metal isn't for yr ears, seems like yr brain cannot process the genre. Maybe you are one of those kids who just hasn't had enough of MTV and BET and is now in a state of confusion about what is good music. I suggest you get a plunger because yr ears are filled with shit. You trully remind me of board trolls and pls double check yr post because to tell me that Creed reminds you of Iron Maiden trully goes to show that you don't know jack shit about metal in general. I am sure you will share you counter expertise and prove us that we were wrong again.
Belgar said:
mekane said:
And if you truly think Blind Guardian and Iron Maiden sound anything like other metal bands, you are a trip. Compare them to Amon Amarth, for example. I think they sound more like Creed than they do Amon Amarth. I can see why they are classified as metal though.
This has to be the funniest piece of expertise I have ever had to read. Go shout that at an Iron Maiden show and you ll end up like the nu metal posers I have seen being ruffed up at death metal shows. Mekane, are you for real or are you just trying to get attention? You want my opinion, metal isn't for yr ears, seems like yr brain cannot process the genre. Maybe you are one of those kids who just hasn't had enough of MTV and BET and is now in a state of confusion about what is good music. I suggest you get a plunger because yr ears are filled with shit. You trully remind me of board trolls and pls double check yr post because to tell me that Creed reminds you of Iron Maiden trully goes to show that you don't know jack shit about metal in general. I am sure you will share you counter expertise and prove us that we were wrong again.

Youre so Right Belgar... :headbang: :D

Maybe Mekane make a mistake and end up at a festival such as WackeN and about 40.000 people can whope his arse...!!