In Flames has the most craptastic frontman ever

I always wanted to like this band, but now I'm glad that I don't (not because of your clip, I've discovered that they suck regardless). Why people would compare Opeth to them is beyond me.
I actually liked this version much better than the album version, but Anders sounds so lame, just fuckin' play the song ftlog, and who the fuck in a metal band says "jump, jump, jump!!!!!" Maybe he thinks he is Jonathan Davis :erk:
Oh yeah, if you don't like In Flames you should listen to their older stuff... I have been listening to Subterannean lately, so good :rock: They have some truly elegant songs, but Anders has gotten progressively worse, although you can't deny he is a talented frontman, it's just that he wears his pants too baggy :lol:
I pretty much listen for guitars only with In Flames these days, if I listen at all. I like Jester Race, Clayman, Whoracle... of course.

This performance is dildos, to quote Skwisgard Skwigelf.
I have re-route to reamin...adn I like it actually....and MEtaphor is one of my 'Nflames songs...!!!......nice melodic guitar work...!!....PEAC EOUT