In Flames has the most craptastic frontman ever

We are giving respect where its due: to the decent/older In Flames. They've been releasing shit music for almost this entire decade, making crap shows and still filling their asses with money, stfu.
I'll admit that I still listen to In Flames regularly and that The Jester Race is one of my all time favorite albums ever. However, I'll agree that I dont like how Anders sings for the past few years, but I still listen to them. When your a fan of a band for a long time and they change for whatever reason you still have a part of you that enjoys them, and I'll always like In Flames.
When your a fan of a band for a long time and they change for whatever reason you still have a part of you that enjoys them, and I'll always like In Flames.

u Sire....are a smart one....!!!!...thats something ppl need to understand.....good for you...!!!...Keep rockin.....PEAC EOUT
you people act like theyre metallica or something. in flames is a HUGE reason why most of you even know of Opeth or similar metal bands. at least give some credit/respect where its due, and stop being a bunch of twats.

Thank you. Yes in that first link Anders' voice is pretty bad but guess what!!!!! Vocalists cant sound good all the time. Its called having a bad day. Yeah he sounded shit there, and i've seen and heard lots of footage of his voice sounding just as bad, but i've seen and heard even more footage of him when he's been in brilliant form.

Every vocalist sounds shit at some stage. James Hetfield, Maynard James Keenan, Steve Wilson, Ihsahn and even Mikael have all sounded completely shit at times. There is only so much the human voice box can take afterall.
i love how people act like in flames is SOOOOO different than what they used to be. lets look at the facts...

A) scene goers considered them soft and overly melodic (even for the gothenburg sound) all things considered

B) had much pop flavor, influence AND appeal, compared to just about all of their contemporaries

C) roughly changed, improved or progressed their sound using honed past elements and also new ideas they hadnt previously explored on every release since day one

D) never had any motive other than doing what they felt like and writing what they felt like, always gave a "fuck you" to anyone who didnt like it

E) continue to be respected, and influential upon their peers and otherwise

do any of the above really not apply post-colony or whatever point you people are trying to get across? not really. simply say you dont prefer their current sound to the old one. but acting like theyre an entirely new band isnt entirely fair, accurate or mature. period.
I've hated In Flames new sound for a while, but it's impossible not to agree with NFU. In Flames was always what you wanted to hear at the time. I loved their old sound, but can't disagree that their current sound is at least respectable for what it's trying to achieve. Can't hate on Anders or In Flames.
They used to make memorable albums, now they don't, thats difference enough for me. For the record I actually think the new one is pretty good. Nothing special, but theres some good stuff on it. Theres a few songs I like from RTR too, everything I heard from STYE was a joke though. After I saw the video where there was some mean looking dog barking at them from behind a fence I couldn't bring myself to give that album a chance.
I don't have the new one but have Jesters race and whoracle and while the guitar riffage is pretty damn good the singing is just so-so....course I liken the dude from Enslaved to Dave Mustaine after a hit of helium so........
memorability is totally relative anyway. i can remember their older albums more because i played them more...and their melodies were very similar and blatantly catchy back then. i think its natural. anyone who takes the time to get to know the new albums would find those memorable too im sure. so i dont see how that argument holds much water.

and dont get me wrong, im not really defending their new stuff specifically. just trying to call a spade a spade. i thought reroute was fun and ambitious, but never listen to it anymore really. and their last 2 albums i didnt care for at all (although i think come clarity is a step in the right direction compared to that trainwreck called soundtrack to your escape). so whatever...just be real is all im saying.

edit: and slagging a band due to a dog behind a fence in a video? jesus christ. first of all, bands RARELY have ANYTHING to do with the video concepts theyre forced to mimic playing through anyway. they often dont enjoy making them, and never really see a dime from that directly as it is. but if you REALLY want to pull that card, ill gladly bring up the grand conjuration video if that makes you stfu about it....
I hated the video for TGC, I never got through the whole thing.

Memorability is relative, I'm only stating how I personally feel about them. Come Clarity wouldn't become more memorable to me if I listened to it as much as the Jester Race, even if I hadn't heard of them until CC came out. Its just not as good of music as their "classic" albums imo. And I'm not slagging them just because of the video, the song was terrible too. The whole video really just seemed like a run of the mill nu-metal video (I hate when people throw that term at In Flames, but in this case I feel its true), I don't see how you're surprised that it turned me off from them.. though they never had great videos, and most metal bands don't anyways.
The sad thing about new In Flames is that they are using horrible influences in their music, it really sounds like your typical poppy mallcore/nu metal now, Anders' voice is getting unbearable, they lost their identity, and i bet the crushing majority of the old fans don't like this new direction, who the hell wants to hear In Flames emulating Linkin Park(or whatever the fuck it is) and losing the most remarkable elements they used to have in the past? what is the point of trying something new if it is so awful? if i'm gonna talk about progression then bands like Ulver or Katatonia are two good examples, and that is why i respect them.

I'm not saying that In Flames should've sticked to their older style forever, but that what they are creating now is bollocks, really worth a laugh, lol it is not like i'm trying to give solutions to their problem...Reroute to Remain still had a few pretty good songs, but was flawed, the last 2 albums are jokes, save 1 or 2 songs. They were never extremely heavy or difficult to grasp but at least they were very competent at what they used to do, i still love all the albums before Clayman and stuff...anyway, if people like the new direction, good for them, i can't help but find the new In flames hilarious.