In Flames on Ozzfest 2005

They'll play poppy stuff from R2R and STYE. I guees I'm happy for them because they're finally getting some recognition, and while their last couple CDs aren't up to par with the rest of their stuff it's still a couple cuts abpve Korn/Slipknot/Papa Roach/St. Anger.
I'm all.. cool, good for them. They will play Jotun.
& I'd watch them if it wasn't fucking 4 hours away..
TO me they can play what they waNT. I mean its Inflames and I rather see them again for the fourth time and see some of the new sngs played live then nothing at all.
AlphaTemplar said:
They'll play poppy stuff from R2R and STYE. I guees I'm happy for them because they're finally getting some recognition, and while their last couple CDs aren't up to par with the rest of their stuff it's still a couple cuts abpve Korn/Slipknot/Papa Roach/St. Anger.

What he said.

Still not going to Ozzfest though.
In Flames' setlist will be disappointing... it'll be like

Cloud Connected
Quiet Place
Touch of Red
2-3 new songs

it's gonna suck, face it. You'll be lucky if they even play 1 song from Colony, Clayman, or Whoracle.
Looks like I will be going. There's 7 other bands I'm interested in seeing and most of them, I've seen them before.
Im geting free tickets so Im very happy to see The Haunted, Soilwork, Inflames, Shadows Fall, Killswitch Engage, and Black Dahlia Murder FOR FREE.