IN FLAMES Set Title, Release Date For New Album

Whoracle is probably the best sounding album at first.... the first IF song i ever heard was Jotun, it hooked me immediately.... but now.... its around the same level as r2r for me.... there are some really good songs.... im just a bit tired of it, i don't really know why.... plus it loses steam after morphing into primal.... Worlds.. is an okay song, Episode 666 is overrated, Everything counts isn't very good at all, and i don't care for the instrumental....

course its all relative, i still like Episode 666, but it definately fits in with the "In Flames's most overrated songs" list along with Moonsheild.

Theres a lot of reasons why I love r2r.... i really have to go into it to get them all out, but I just love the diversity, creativity, songwriting, catchiness and there are some really awesome riffs throughout, whether or not there are more "chugga" riffs.....
yea, i love episode 666 but it is fore "everything counts" that song is like "happy screaming"; if you will; but i'd still prefer whoracle over R2R
it'd be great if jesper and bjorn really contributed to "soundtrack to your escape" and it turned out to sound like dimension zero, even anders sang hardcore...i'd love it
I love how you guys all blame Anders for RtR, although I seriously doubt that he's the one who writes out riffs for Bjorn and Jesper to play. And I think the song titles are funny. IF does have a sense of humor. "I tried confidence/had it for breakfast today." The lyrics were stupid on Clayman; they stopped being meaningful after Colony. That's not such a bad thing. Cool lyrics are good, but it doesn't matter that much.

Watch them Feed and Land of Confusion sound good. If the same production is on the next album it'll sound good.
The Jester Race was the best period..
IF has had some bumps in thier Cds lately but never judge a Cd before u hear it
<RTR was ok but not TeH If i have come to love i just hope they solo more if they do iam happy>