In Flames, Soilwork & backingtapes

of course it's bullshit ;) as soon as a band became more famous than tartenpion (band from mars) we can always read this kind of bullshit...
I know one thing about In Flames : They are TRUE with their fans.
Anders DOES sing with a backing track. Soilwork doesnt't this was established on their board a week ago. In Flames however does use vocal tracking at least for the choruses since Anders can't pull them off.
I have that cloud connected video, where Anders is using that Sellout t-shirt, it doesn't sound like he is using a vocal track, but you can see that Anders is "suffering" to sing, specially the Chorus.....
on the other hand, I have a bootleg live in japan, and in songs like Reroute to Remain, Trigger and Cloud Connected you can hear a background vocal, which I doubt that is made by Björn, Jesper or Peter........
But they only do this with their newer albums right?

For In Flames, on those live vids of shows you can get off the net, you hear Anders singing clearly to a bunch of earlier songs. But I guess that makes sense since there were no gang backing vocal type things in those days (as far as I recall). Anyway.
Sindustry487 said:
But they only do this with their newer albums right?

For In Flames, on those live vids of shows you can get off the net, you hear Anders singing clearly to a bunch of earlier songs. But I guess that makes sense since there were no gang backing vocal type things in those days (as far as I recall). Anyway.

as far as I know, its only with R2R songs.
Jabi said:
Taken from

"Allow me to touch on Soilwork’s live set. As with In Flames, Soilwork play along to their CD over the soundboard. I have seen them live three times, and In Flames at least a handful of times, and each time it’s the same thing. You hear the songs playing in the background and the actual live music barely makes its way in front of it at times. The main reason for this is to hide any mistakes that might occur live. Also, both Speed (Soilwork) and (In Flames) cannot pull off the traditional metal screams they do on record and then go into the clean vocal parts. It just won’t, and can’t happen. Also, a lot of the Soilwork choruses have gang, clean singing parts which would make one believe that their bassist and guitarist, who stand by the mics throughout the band’s live set, would be helping vocalist Speed out. Unfortunately they are merely there for show and that’s it. I cannot stand when a band does something in the studio and they can’t pull it off live. It’s a total bumout. I will never forget at last year’s New England Metal Fest when I saw Soilwork live - hearing a gang singing part and seeing the guitarist and bassist footsteps away from their respective mics when they should’ve been layering their vocals over Speed’s screaming part. This just wasn’t the case. The clean vocals, including choruses, are punched in through the soundboard. Granted, it sounds amazing live, but unless you are blind, it leaves a fan like my self feeling as though I have been cheated".

Hmm. What do ya say? This sounds, looks and smells like bullshit, but I surely as hell aren't going to taste it. :p

In Flames use vocal backingtracks on songs with CLEAN singing in because Anders have problems going from grolw to clean. I dont think the track is higher in the mix than the live music, thats just bullshit. You can hear that it is there but it is not very dominating.

They dont use backing on cloud connected because it uses a hybrid vocal tecnique morphing growling and clean vocals that Anders actually does pretty good live.
I don't think what they are saying ever happened. There was no bitching on the official IF board. If it happened, people would bitch about it there. half the stuff people were bitching about there didnt even happen.

It isn't unreasonable if ANders uses a vocal track on the RTR choruses, because for many vocalists, their performance isn't as good if they continually switch from growling to clean.

As for Soilwork... I don't care.

Anders really should give up the clean, most vocalists that switch between harsh and clean can pull it off live (Stanne, Akerfeldt, Vintersorg, Strid). If Anders cant handle it live its not even really worth having on the CD, especially considering they want to make songs that fit a live setting betters (which apparently they tried with R2R). Anders clean vocals are more than lackign anyway...its not like In Flames would be worse off without em...