And I remember reading somewhere that somebody said these are better than the ones from ASOP recordings
Sure:Krofius, you've heard ropes, correct? Mind giving a brief description of what that song sounds like?
Well, well well..the transformation is now complete. Long live in Flames. As a non-metal, stand alone song...Deliver Us is not too bad actually. Don't mind Ander's vocals at all in fact I think they are pretty good. an In Flames song - well its almost unrecognisable. Lets hope they do the honest, honorable thing and withdraw from all metal mags, websites, festivals etc. They are gone from us. Forever. Amen.
The song is pretty catchy and Ander's vocals I like, but you are going to put your hand on your heart and say it has surpassed all of your dreams for In Flames? You must be kidding.
C'mon guys & gals - put aside your fanboy love for everything In Flames for 5 seconds and look at things clearly. The song is pretty catchy and Ander's vocals I like, but you are going to put your hand on your heart and say it has surpassed all of your dreams for In Flames? You must be kidding.
The last time I looked - you were all posting on the Ultimate Metal Forum. In Flames no longer belongs here unfortunately. This is soft commercial pop rock (I am not criticising soft commercial pop rock per se - its just a fact that this is what it is).
Get it together guys.