In Flames -Sounds of A Playground Fading (Upcoming 10th album)

Fuck I almost forgot, new studio episode tomorrow! NICE! You'll get it on Thursday though, suckers :P
This episodes are to short. When you skip all intros, credits and random stuff it's barely 4 min long. And when are we going to see and hear some guitars being recorded? :rock:
^And I agree with this guy ^ ;) (sorry, new post in between, I was referring to Zman)

It's a studio report. I wanna see what gear they use, I wanna see Bjorn fuc*ing up riffs and solos, I wanna see them rehearsing song... You get the point.

Also, I noticed they have this marketing parts, like when Daniel talks about how awesome and spectacular new Tama stuff is, or when Bjorn talks about getting the perfect sound...and then showing Dunlop strings.
Krofius, you've heard ropes, correct? Mind giving a brief description of what that song sounds like?

This song WILL be hated by many purists. And at the moment, I'm on the fence on the song. BUT!
The intro to the song, sounds like a REAL melodeath intro, not kidding at all. It reminds me off some band, but I can't recall what band. But the reason why this song will probably be hated, is because Anders basically sings clean during the whole song. But the song is definitely a grower (personally).

So there is an intro for 40sec, then a verse, then the intro part being played again for 4-5sec, then another verse, then the chorus. After the chorus comes a solo that's decent, it's not as good as the Deliver Us, and definitely not as the SOAPF solo.

After the solo something else comes, I think it's a verse, then another chorus, then comes the outro which is the same as the intro (and it kicks fucking ass).
Well, well well..the transformation is now complete. Long live in Flames. As a non-metal, stand alone song...Deliver Us is not too bad actually. Don't mind Ander's vocals at all in fact I think they are pretty good. an In Flames song - well its almost unrecognisable. Lets hope they do the honest, honorable thing and withdraw from all metal mags, websites, festivals etc. They are gone from us. Forever. Amen.
Well, well well..the transformation is now complete. Long live in Flames. As a non-metal, stand alone song...Deliver Us is not too bad actually. Don't mind Ander's vocals at all in fact I think they are pretty good. an In Flames song - well its almost unrecognisable. Lets hope they do the honest, honorable thing and withdraw from all metal mags, websites, festivals etc. They are gone from us. Forever. Amen.

Considering the simple fact that it's all about MUSIC (and not metal, what does that mean ?), I don't get your point. IN FLAMES is still IN FLAMES.

EDIT : I mean, the only important thing in music is that you get pleasure. It's a pleasure to play, a pleasure to listen to it. Is that metal ? Who gives a single shit ? There are billions of metal bands that are not capable to make me feel anything but pain in the ass.
Why? So what is the new genre they are playing? Hip-hop? Pop?

I recognize a lot of classic In Flames elements in Deliver Us. Colony/Clayman to ASOP.
Don't mind him, haters gonna hate. For him metal is some kind of a scene, that teens usually go through in their awkward stages. Music is music. It is meant to be enjoyed. If you don't like it, then simply don't bother to listen to it. IF we trust
Good music is good music.

I usually don't like Anders cleans...not because he sings cleans, but because he sings cleans badly. If its done properly I enjoy it.
C'mon guys & gals - put aside your fanboy love for everything In Flames for 5 seconds and look at things clearly. The song is pretty catchy and Ander's vocals I like, but you are going to put your hand on your heart and say it has surpassed all of your dreams for In Flames? You must be kidding.

The last time I looked - you were all posting on the Ultimate Metal Forum. In Flames no longer belongs here unfortunately. This is soft commercial pop rock (I am not criticising soft commercial pop rock per se - its just a fact that this is what it is).

Get it together guys.
Soft commercial pop rock... Errrr no!

No, it's not The Jester Race (and I really like TJR), but it is still some kind of metal. It wouldn't bother me if it wasn't metal (if it's good), but it is.
...Seriously? Anybody with half a brain can tell the difference between pop rock and metal. There hasn't been a single track that IF has come out with that sounded like pop rock, new or old. Not really sure what planet you're on, shadow king.
The song is pretty catchy and Ander's vocals I like, but you are going to put your hand on your heart and say it has surpassed all of your dreams for In Flames? You must be kidding.

Are you pretentious enough for that ? I don't have any dreams for IN FLAMES. I'm not here to tell them what to do for a simple reason : I never told them what to do, and I love each song they released so far. Each.Single.Song. From Lunar Strain to Deliver Us. This is a lot of songs isn't it ? I don't have any deams for this band because I don't have to. I don't give a single fuck about what music style they embrace. Metaphor isn't a metal song, and it is killer. Same for Pallar Anders Visa, same for Dawn of a New Day, same for a lot of them actually. It's not about the music style they do, it's all about their talent and creativity. IN FLAMES is NOT melodic death metal, IN FLAMES is talent and creativity. Their own talent, their own signature through the years. When will you try to understand that ?
C'mon guys & gals - put aside your fanboy love for everything In Flames for 5 seconds and look at things clearly. The song is pretty catchy and Ander's vocals I like, but you are going to put your hand on your heart and say it has surpassed all of your dreams for In Flames? You must be kidding.

The last time I looked - you were all posting on the Ultimate Metal Forum. In Flames no longer belongs here unfortunately. This is soft commercial pop rock (I am not criticising soft commercial pop rock per se - its just a fact that this is what it is).

Get it together guys.

Sadly, I kinda agree with you. While I did like Deliver Us to a certain extent, it is the first In Flames song that doesnt have that classic IF vibe (which was present in both pre and post-Clayman albums). It sounds more like Engel, even though Bjorn wrote it. Simply, it lacks that "sweet" vibe in melodies, if you know what I mean. In the end, its like you said, none of us can put our hands on our hearts and say that this is how we want In Flames to sound. It might be what we expect of them, but it surely isnt what we want.

What I really cant understand is how some people are able to pretty much eat-up everything as long as it has "In Flames" tag on it, like a true fanboys. Again, Deliver Us isnt a bad track, but its quite possibly one of the worst In Flames songs they published yet. Thats why comments such "it sounds like something of Colony/Clayman" sound pretty illogical to me.

And I know I mentioned this before, but the new production simply sucks. You cant hear anything properly. The guitars are buried bellow wall of samples and vocals, you almost cant even hear the lead guitar in the chorus properly. If there is one thing I miss when it comes to IF, it's the Fredman sound. I know they are going for modern alt rock/metal-ish production, but this is just... bad.