Active Member
I don't really know why I've posted this lol but maybe I'm saying you should develop a wider taste of music because I think In Flames changed for the better and that all their albums probably appeal to most In Flames fans (not talking about the ones who only listen to Take This Life and complain about the screams in it)
My problem isnt that their music is different now. My problem is that the overall quality of it isnt as good as it was. Simpler arrangements, uninspired and generic drums, less and less decent guitar ideas, constant forced-up clean vocals (which surely doesnt fit IF, since Anders, wether you liked it or not, cant really deliver them properly). And when it comes to my own music taste, I listen to all kind of stuff, from electronic music, over jazz/funk to rock/metal, and much more in between. So trust me, my music taste isnt as narrow as you might think, to be honest I wouldn't be surprised if it was wider then your own.
And yes of course there is bands who have played the same style over the years despite growing older, getting a family and such. But me personally, I find those bands mostly boring. Like Amon Amarth, great fucking band, but do I listen to all albums? No. It feels like, if I've listened to The Avenger I've heard The Crusher as well. And imo, bands who just play the same style without experimenting or anything, it does not only get stale, it's kind of taking it really safe and riding the moneytrain to the bank.
But of course there is bands who just play the same music and love it. But I do prefer bands like IF, and actually, they really DO not give a fuck what people except the ones in the band thinks of their music. The music is always very distinctive and you still know it's In Flames whatever album they release, but they always try new things and new approaches on every album, and it's what I would call not taking it safe. Sure, they might lose fans, but they don't care because they are doing what they love. Should they keep writing the same style of music, that they prefer not too, just to please fans? Then THAT'S selling out. If they would go back to their old style, THAT would be selling out, because so many people are screaming for them to do it.
Thats just a matter of taste. I would rather have a band make 5 similar albums where almost all songs on them will be awesome (like Dark Tranquillity, or Amon Amarth), than to constantly change just for the sake of it, even if that would degrade their overall quality. If I want different sounding music, I will listen to a different band.
And as far as I know, people pretty much loved the shit out of Whoracle, since its pretty much TJR part 2. With Colony came all the bashing, since thats when they started incorpotating shitload of synths/samples and clean-ish vocals