Its just hard for me to imagine someone liking TJR, Clayman, ASOP and Deliver Us equally at the same time. They are all so different.
YES. I am 100% positive they are trying to go for a certain style of production. Every album has softer and softer production, as they are appealing more and more to the mainstream music. Nothing wrong with that, I just happen not to like it (the new production) that much. After all, the guys in the band have families now, the band is their main job, and they cant really go around with "i dont give a fuck about wether will someone like it or buy it" attitude anymore. If you honestly think that IF didnt try to appeal to a bit wider audiance with the last two albums (at least production-wise), then I dont know what to say.
And as someone who is a musician, and knows a thing or two about recording/mixing techniques, I think I'm fairly competent to express my opinion about certain stuff. You honestly think that I didnt "try enough" to hear the new song of one of my favourite bands? Well, I dont. I didnt state "alt rock/metal way of production" as something generally labeled, which was obvious I think. The new single has guitars buried deep down in the mix, guitars that were always IF signature. Thats all there is to be said, and I'm pretty sure that you will agree with me.
I hate when someone says this. This is a message board/forum, whatever will you call it. It's purpose is for us to exchange our opinions. I could just as well say the same, "if you like it, f*ck off, listen to it and dont share it with me". Do you see my point?

I dont approve of trolls/bashers who will come just for the sake of saying bad things, but that is a completely different thing, I think you'll agree.
Of course a forum is used to share opinions and discuss things. On the other hand, when you post your opinions, and try to state them as facts, it's just retarded.
And 90% of those who don't like the newer material, they don't take the ''constructive criticism'' route, the just straight out bash the band, and what is there to discuss if someone just comes by and posts something like ''RIP IN FLAMES 1990-2000'' or something similar?
I think messages such as ''OMG THIS IS THE BEST SONG EVARR IN FLAMES WE TRUST'' is as worse as the bash messages. They contribute zero to a discussion. And really, if you don't like something, then you just skip it, why waste time on it? I fucking hate Justin Bieber, but do I spend time posting comments on why I think he sucks on forums? No. And it also leads to nowhere. A hypothetical situation: You come in to this forum and you don't like IF's new album, and I do. Doesn't matter how much we discuss, it's not like anyone of us is going to change our opinions, it's just a waste of time.
I say, spend time on the things you like, not the things you dislike.
And yes of course there is bands who have played the same style over the years despite growing older, getting a family and such. But me personally, I find those bands mostly boring. Like Amon Amarth, great fucking band, but do I listen to all albums? No. It feels like, if I've listened to The Avenger I've heard The Crusher as well. And imo, bands who just play the same style without experimenting or anything, it does not only get stale, it's kind of taking it really safe and riding the moneytrain to the bank.
But of course there is bands who just play the same music and love it. But I do prefer bands like IF, and actually, they really DO not give a fuck what people except the ones in the band thinks of their music. The music is always very distinctive and you still know it's In Flames whatever album they release, but they always try new things and new approaches on every album, and it's what I would call not taking it safe. Sure, they might lose fans, but they don't care because they are doing what they love. Should they keep writing the same style of music, that they prefer not too, just to please fans? Then THAT'S selling out. If they would go back to their old style, THAT would be selling out, because so many people are screaming for them to do it.
I don't really believe all this sellout talk, it wouldn't work for a band touring as much as In Flames if they wouldn't love to perform their music. You simply can't go and play so many shows a year if you don't like the songs you are playing.
And I hope you know that when IF released Whoracle, there was the same type of whining as there is to day. TJR transition to Whoracle is big, same with Whoracle > Colony transition. It's not like the old albums sound the same either, and there is distinctive changes in the vocal department as well.
If you honestly think IF is writing their music to appeal to more people and not for the love of music, then I feel sad for you.