In Flames -Sounds of A Playground Fading (Upcoming 10th album)

And besides this fucking amazing track, enjoy these words:

‎09. Ropes

Superb guitar line, massive rythmic, surprising vocals with many effects ; Anders is more into singing and talking than screams. Chorus is amazing, a bit experimental and there is a great electro backing. The solo is great and Heavy-toned. On a whole, the track is more complex than the firsts on the album, but all the structure is well put around this original chorus.

10. Enter Tragedy

A powerful riff again, down tuned and heavy, followed by an excellent lead in the way of ASOP. Anders is screaming and the work on his vocals is impressive. The guitar is just reinforcing the rythmic, but also delivers two clever soli (the second one is dreamy, inspired by the Hard Rock tradition). And then we have an oldscholl lead as a cloture.
The New Dawn is fucking amazing. Really really really really fucking epic track In Flames has made in a long time. The melodies just got like 100 times more interesting, the sound structure more interesting, this is what I wanted, for them to be creative, instead of just write the same chug riff a thousand times and call it an album.

Bjorn is really fucking stepping the mother fuck up on this album.
We are currently in the best year ever of Metal Album releases.
Can't fucking wait, and it's only 3 fucking weeks until the OFFICIAL release date, awesome as hell. Have only listened to the song once, going to listen to it more later, don't want to get too used to the radio rip quality once the real deal comes out :P I agree with everyone above though, best IF song for a long long while and it really is a serious mix of old and new (not like come clarity, better) Even Anders vocals is closer to his lower death growls than the high-pitched screams throughout CC.

About Jesper and ASOP and all, basically Jesper was the main songwriter on all albums including ASOP, but on ASOP he went in with a more open mind to the studio, and wanted to get the others opinions as well. Well since the french guy is doing the translation from the magazine later, you can read it yourselves.
About Jesper and ASOP and all, basically Jesper was the main songwriter on all albums including ASOP, but on ASOP he went in with a more open mind to the studio, and wanted to get the others opinions as well.

...then he saw the result and promptly left the band in disgust :D

(kidding btw)

In all seriousness, it's mind-boggling that the guy mainly creatively responsible for stuff like TJR, Whoracle and Colony also created STYE.
Someone said earlier that they dislike the basic song formula of verse>chorus>verse>chorus>solo>chorus. But when you take a song like The Mirror's Truth and stand it next to Sounds of A Playground Fading... you get what i mean? Just so much more raw inspiration and awesomeness.

When i look at Soilwork i see their career almost perfectly parallel In Flames'. If Sworn to a Great Divide was Soilwork's A Sense of Purpose, then it looks In Flames are about to release their Panic Broadcast :D
OK, I officially proclaim A New Dawn THE best IF track since Clayman and on par with the most songs from that album.

What is different? The song is not 3 minutes long, it's almost 6 minutes long, it has more stuff happening, guitars have time to develop melodies, those super powerful moments across the song, intro riff and melody with big COLONY written all over it, song that makes you headbang and jump at the same time, Anders sounds like a man once more, fucking beautiful violins/cellos... And all this without even hearing the song in good quality.

Whoever posted it - one big THANK YOU!
Yeah, the song is fucking sick, and I LOVE the mid-section part. This for sure is one of my alltime favorite songs already lol, I hope they play it live, can be such a nice feeling in the audience when they slow down for the cello part, though, they need to playback the cello, still.

TheCharade, do you really think I didn't know that already? :D
Saw it yesterday, and already sent a bunch of questions with different names. Hopefully he answers at least one of them.
Holy Fucking Balls... my tits are blown off.

A New Dawn is def a great one. Anders "new" verse vocals do sound much closer a deeper growl rather then a cat in a blender.
Now why would you want to stop writing and playing music as awesome as this, and start chugging nu-metal riffs and doing whiny vocals?

They've incorporate cellos into the song perfectly. It really is epic!
Now why would you want to stop writing and playing music as awesome as this, and start chugging nu-metal riffs and doing whiny vocals?

Indeed.... the reason so many of us have been pissed off at In Flames for so long is because we KNOW they can produce amazing songs, but it seems like they've taken the easy/commercial route instead (I don't buy the 'we write the music we want shit, sorry). It's like when they stuck that nice acoustic passage in the middle of the shitheap that was 'Alias' ... it was almost like mockery. We could, but we won't. They finally seem to be making the effort again, and I think they'll win back a few older fans because of it.