Haha Scream's actual lyrical theme isn't bad to be fair- it seems some lines Anders has wrote are taken as jokes by some of us (what was that cheerleading lark all about before? Hahaha), but in actuallity In Search for I is actually a quite clever play on letters. It's more imaginative than: "Feeding on left overs, i feel my time has come" Aurgh *shivers* welcome back Anders!
"It is the opposite philosophy of music. You don't spend your life doing epic metal/rock songs and then suddenly become a huge fan of 3 minute MTV "hits"."
Fair point to you there- it seems that there are two types of metal/rock bands in this World. One type constantly writes masterpieces, pushing the boundaries of what they can play/do, creatively exploring different ways of approaching the music and experimenting. Another type seems content with sticking with a formula and writing an album full of 3-minute verse-chorus-rinse-repeat (don't get me wrong, some good music can still come out of bands that do this, it's just hardly boundary pushing). It seems somewhere down the line In Flames got sick of writing melo-death (after making four similar sounding albums, perhaps only natural) and so wanted to experiment. It's a shame that they slipped down into the 3-minute pop-formula route, while experimenting and changing sound, and it has undoubtably limited their creativity.
I think we are going to get a perfect balance of accessible, catchy metal tunes AND creative, self-indulgent masterpieces with the new album.
"It is the opposite philosophy of music. You don't spend your life doing epic metal/rock songs and then suddenly become a huge fan of 3 minute MTV "hits"."
Fair point to you there- it seems that there are two types of metal/rock bands in this World. One type constantly writes masterpieces, pushing the boundaries of what they can play/do, creatively exploring different ways of approaching the music and experimenting. Another type seems content with sticking with a formula and writing an album full of 3-minute verse-chorus-rinse-repeat (don't get me wrong, some good music can still come out of bands that do this, it's just hardly boundary pushing). It seems somewhere down the line In Flames got sick of writing melo-death (after making four similar sounding albums, perhaps only natural) and so wanted to experiment. It's a shame that they slipped down into the 3-minute pop-formula route, while experimenting and changing sound, and it has undoubtably limited their creativity.
I think we are going to get a perfect balance of accessible, catchy metal tunes AND creative, self-indulgent masterpieces with the new album.