In Flames -Sounds of A Playground Fading (Upcoming 10th album)

Well, it's more: not a dull melody than a riff. But yeah, it seems this is going to be a really good album.

Now, can someone please find a download link for full song. ;)
I listened to that sample a little bit more and I think it sounds kinda like Swim from 0:11.

The rhythm guitar also does the similar thing.

Not saying it sounds Clayman-ish, I just though that the structure was similar to Swim :)
and the track number next to ropes leads me to believe... that there's more out there. ;) how the heck do you search files on that site??

That site is just a file sharing service, like Rapidshare or Megaupload for an example. So the number in the file name really means nothing. Somebody has a leaked version of the album, and just cropped a sample of the song.
Some person posted it on another forum, I just shared the link here. You can search that site, but honestly, dont expect to find anything else :)

Regarding dull riffs, they arent exactly dull, but there are couple of cheap chugga chugga solutions here and there, which could've been done much better, IMHO.
That lead sounds like it could've been on a Sega Genesis game or something. For me this has a real 90's feel to it...not 90's In Flames, per se, but just the 1990s in general. Like the kind of music I heard when I was growing up.

Sounds amazing. Very well done so far, Bjorn. :kickass:

And holy shit, the synths kick ass in this.
So guys, you think this is The Jester Door? haha
if I remember it right, Anders said there was no guitar in that song, and also, this sound doesnt sound anything like in flames..

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The guitar in Ropes sounds a bit like Amon Amarth, I could definitely hear Johan Hegg growling but than I heard Anders. ;)
Agreed...definitely not IF. But, it has a touch of At the Gates IMO...
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I'm not saying that it can't be a good song because of clean vocals. I think it really has a potential to be a good song. Already an overall improvement on every aspect from the last album.
Assholes need to stop leaking bits of this album and just leak the entire thing already.... bastards :D