I don't get this old fans vs new fans thing? So old fans should only listen to pure melodeath, while new fans started listening In Flames - a metal band later, and they are OK with pop-rock?
I will like any In Flames song, no matter how mellow it is...if it is good. And I consider myself "old fan" or better fan of older In Flames.
I'm just surprised to hear that happy sounding pop-rock power chords when Anders starts singing "I've found a way...".
It seems they really came up with original vocal lines, mature lyrics and some fantastic samples. This album is already 10 times better than ASOP.
The puzzle has the whoracle-ish riff, Liberation is pop-rock, Fear is the weakness has cool electro intro, All for me sounds heavy, Enter tragedy IMO is second best after A new dawn, Darker times sounds dull, Where the dead ships dwell sounds OK, SOAPF is really good, A new dawn - fantastic, Deliver us - nothing special, The attic has great atmosphere, Jester's door is interesting, Ropes - great intro... Judging by 3 leaked songs and these samples - this is a 8.5/10 for me.