In Flames -Sounds of A Playground Fading (Upcoming 10th album)

yeah its annoying. but I bet that it will leak in a couple of days, It will around 5th for sure, Century Media leaks are always every time about 10 days before the release.
There's a touch of Swim about the ropes intro. I don't think this album is going to be ANYTHING like A Sense Of Purpose, everything from this has so far made me say "wow" in a way that the ASOP tunes never (or very rarely) did. When it came out I was into it because it was the first In Flames album released since I became a fan, but even as I wanted to support it I was let down. First of all by The Mirror's Truth... I thought the chorus was "we aren't even trying" and I agreed, I could hear none of the elements of what made me a fan of the band, but still I clung to hope. Enjoying a few sections like the harmonised acoustics on Alias or the low growls on March to the Shore. I remember listening to Condemned after hearing it would sound like old In Flames and being bitterly disappointed... Mainly because of the absence of melody in a largely riff-based album.

Deliver Us is the track on this album I'm least excited about and even that sounds WAY more like the In Flames I love than anything on ASOP, the twin-lead just after the solo is better musically than pretty much anything on ASOP. The other two songs just blow my mind, see I have no problem with IF "progressing" and trying new things when they do it well, I think Metaphor is an amazing song, "Evil in a Closet" gives me goosebumps, even though I think The Jester Race is their best album. SOAPF and A New Dawn are just stunning and don't give off any vibe of being half-assed or out of touch whatsoever, I'm fine if Ropes has completely clean vocals if the music remains of the quality of the intro. What's important here is that I feel In Flames are stepping up to the plate in a way that they haven't been consistently able to do in a long time and being prepared to make a thing of beauty.

I think we could all agree that from Subterranean-Clayman the albums were all works of art. After that, in my opinion they haven't really been... there've been really great songs, but they've produced a patchwork of hits and misses. What I hope for SOAPF and what I've been thinking from hearing these samples is that we might just have another whole work of art on our hands. Fingers crossed.
OMG - soft pop-rock - Liberation!

I dislike Darker times - to generic.

The rest is quite good actually. Could be the best thing since Clayman. Sound is definately changed - some moments remind of of Soilwork.
These samples alone sound 7834791239841272179109491729497124 times better than the whole ASOP... and Anders seem to finally learned how to sing. Enter Tragedy somehow reminds me of CC.
OMG - soft pop-rock - Liberation!

I dislike Darker times - to generic.

The rest is quite good actually. Could be the best thing since Clayman. Sound is definately changed - some moments remind of of Soilwork.

Yeah Liberation sounds really soft pop-rockish and I bet it will be the most controversial song among the oldschool fans. We've just heard 30 sec out of 5.12 though.
Fear is the weakness sample sounds reaaaaly awesome. And I actually like the Liberation sample :D
Now I'm honestly hyped for this, I cant wait to hear the whole album.
I don't get this old fans vs new fans thing? So old fans should only listen to pure melodeath, while new fans started listening In Flames - a metal band later, and they are OK with pop-rock?

I will like any In Flames song, no matter how mellow it is...if it is good. And I consider myself "old fan" or better fan of older In Flames.

I'm just surprised to hear that happy sounding pop-rock power chords when Anders starts singing "I've found a way...".

It seems they really came up with original vocal lines, mature lyrics and some fantastic samples. This album is already 10 times better than ASOP.

The puzzle has the whoracle-ish riff, Liberation is pop-rock, Fear is the weakness has cool electro intro, All for me sounds heavy, Enter tragedy IMO is second best after A new dawn, Darker times sounds dull, Where the dead ships dwell sounds OK, SOAPF is really good, A new dawn - fantastic, Deliver us - nothing special, The attic has great atmosphere, Jester's door is interesting, Ropes - great intro... Judging by 3 leaked songs and these samples - this is a 8.5/10 for me.
Fear is the weakness sample sounds reaaaaly awesome. And I actually like the Liberation sample :D
Now I'm honestly hyped for this, I cant wait to hear the whole album.

Regarding Liberation, there's nothing wrong that it seems to be a soft pop rock track but the thing that bugs me is that this sample sounds very generic. When the chorus starts it sounds like the avarage radio song that we've heard so many times.

Then again this is a sample and I won't judge a song that's 5.12 long from a 30 sec sample.

On another note, The Puzzle sounds really epic. Just listen to the keyboard in the chorus! :kickass:
The verse after the intro of Fear is the Weakness is really appealing to me.

The rest... I dunno, I need to hear the full song to judge. I can't really get into the samples if you know what I mean.
"I have a better plan..."

"Why is it part of the plan..."

"Guess I was part of the plan..."

Anders and his plans. :)
Wow, this shit sounds great. :)

Anders cleans are 100% improved from ASOP. In fact, everything sounds 100% improved from ASOP. I cannot fucking wait for this to come out.

And also, how good does Fear is the Weakness sound? Holyyyy shit :D

Fuck it, i'm gonna say it... I like how Liberation sounds too :D but then I also liked Metaphor.
Fear is the weakness intro sounds like Solution .45, melody and verse after that are just awesome.

Liberation is good until that mainstream-radio-station chorus doesn't kick in.

And I liked Metaphor too.

When will damn thing leak already!?