In Flames -Sounds of A Playground Fading (Upcoming 10th album)

I started right in the middle with Clayman, listened to Reroute and thought after some time it was OK, then went backwards. Then those assholes released STYE and I was unimpressed to put it lightly :D

And yeah, as usual Anders is trolling with his Jester Race comment. Either that or he's fucking deaf :D
Lol no, I think he does know better than us listeners since it's his own music. He said that if you take away all the fancy stuff, all the things, riffs and melodies could be on TJR. Or at least that is his perspective, and I would trust it better than anyone elses tbh. That said, it obviously doesn't mean that SOAPF sound anything like TJR which we already know.

And trust me, would R2R have been recorded in Studio Fredman as well it would have sounded very much like Clayman, although with more samples and clean vocals, but the actual production sound would have still sounded ''old IF-ish.'' At least that is my opinion.

EDIT: Found an cool interview with Björn and Anders.
After watching that one itnerview and reading the one with anders and bjorn, I respect these guys even more. Honestly, if they did put some of these songs through the old production, and swapped anders's new vox with growls, they would fit somewhere in the old albums one way or another. I believe that if the last IF album you heard was whoracle, then you heard SOAPF, you would know right away that it was In Flames
I agree on R2R Krofius, with better production a lot of that stuff could have been on Clayman.

But as for the rest of the albums, sorry, but Anders is making it up as he goes along. I don't think he truly believes that. If he does... well, the man's gone insane :D
After watching that one itnerview and reading the one with anders and bjorn, I respect these guys even more. Honestly, if they did put some of these songs through the old production, and swapped anders's new vox with growls, they would fit somewhere in the old albums one way or another. I believe that if the last IF album you heard was whoracle, then you heard SOAPF, you would know right away that it was In Flames

Agreed. In Flames We Trust!
I agree on R2R Krofius, with better production a lot of that stuff could have been on Clayman.

But as for the rest of the albums, sorry, but Anders is making it up as he goes along. I don't think he truly believes that. If he does... well, the man's gone insane :D

Well imagine your band went through changes, you'd say the same thing as Anders, because you'd know your music more than anyone. Same with everyone, and even if others might consider it different, the sound is there and it'll always be the same.

IFWT \m/
Anders can say whatever he wants, but on this point I simply don't agree with him :D but it doesn't matter either way, I'm not looking for another TJR. If I was looking for music like that I'd look for another band.
Is Anders really that bad live or does the camera mic change the voice?

That's some serious karaoke right there.
Anders can say whatever he wants, but on this point I simply don't agree with him :D but it doesn't matter either way, I'm not looking for another TJR. If I was looking for music like that I'd look for another band.

yeah you're right about that. I want to hear the god damn album NOW! I'm very interested in "All For Me", "Fear Is The Weakness" and "Ropes".
Anders can say whatever he wants, but on this point I simply don't agree with him :D but it doesn't matter either way, I'm not looking for another TJR. If I was looking for music like that I'd look for another band.

Yeah, Anders must be drunk if he's saying that. No way STYE or CC riffs and melodies could fit into Lunar Strain or TJR no matter how bad production is.

Still, you are right my friend... I don't want a new TJR either, I just want quality music no matter the genre. (that does not include shitty pop hits) And I can't fucking wait to hear SOAPF album in all of its glory.
Yeah... I can see where he's coming from, they've always had the same great sense of melody, but the music really has a different style now. Look at a song like Artifacts, it doesn't even have a chorus, the leads are the hook. Same with Goliaths, it has a chorus but who's listening to that when you've got one of the greatest leads in existence (if you ask me).

Not to mention they've all but ditched the instrumentals they used to have, besides that one B-side on The Quiet Place I believe. Not to say I don't like their newer material, but besides their recognizable melodies there's not very much in common.

That being said I love In Flames and have found something to love in each of their albums, and will always look forward to anything they choose to put out. They have a style I've yet to hear replicated, and it's stuck across every single one of their albums.
Is Anders really that bad live or does the camera mic change the voice?

That's some serious karaoke right there.

He uses backing tracks. They layer the vocals a lot in the studio and if they don't use the backing tracks, they can't play the song live... I guess. I'd personally rather hear the songs without them. I think they sound horrible, especially in songs like Alias and My Sweet Shadow. I wish Anders would stop doing things in the studio that he can't replicate live properly. When you go see them and there's like 10 vocal tracks coming out of the PA, it's noticeable and doesn't sound good.
Just got my pre-order finished. Now we play the waiting game... still waiting...

NOW play the waiting game? I've been waiting for months. I need a new leak. B.T.W.: When's the next In The Studio episode coming? Shouldn't it have come now? It's Thursday, right?
Lol no, I think he does know better than us listeners since it's his own music. He said that if you take away all the fancy stuff, all the things, riffs and melodies could be on TJR. Or at least that is his perspective, and I would trust it better than anyone elses tbh. That said, it obviously doesn't mean that SOAPF sound anything like TJR which we already know.

And trust me, would R2R have been recorded in Studio Fredman as well it would have sounded very much like Clayman, although with more samples and clean vocals, but the actual production sound would have still sounded ''old IF-ish.'' At least that is my opinion.

EDIT: Found an cool interview with Björn and Anders.

"In February 2011, guitarist Jesper Strömblad left In Flames for personal reasons" i stopped reading after this,he left 4 months ago,really??? :D
I don't remember Anders saying in that interview that their music could easily be on TJR and you wouldn't know the difference. What I do remember is him saying that if you take all the fancy stuff from THIS album, SOAPF, you could put the riffs on TJR. I also find it funny that people say after Clayman they really changed. They might have made a more "mainstream" album with R2R, but going from TJR to Whoracle, Whoracle to Colony, and Colony to Clayman there are big changes. Especially from Colony to Clayman, the biggest change probably being the vocals. They have made changes on every album. Just like he said in the interview.

The next studio update (#5) comes out next Thursday, and the last one comes out the Thursday after the album is released in America.
@fonzbear, you should've mentioned that its the live song audio rip from Youtube. I expected the album version :) And here is a new interview with Anders, in case it wasnt already posted.

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