In Malice's Wake - The Thrashening (Ermz, James Murphy, Plec, JeffTD)


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

Bringing you the latest CD I worked on from the bottom up. Pure old-school thrash this time. The band is in fact the very first I ever worked with when I started engineering several years ago. We've kept a solid partnership over the years, and this is our 2nd record together.


You can listen to the first released track here:

If you want a higher quality stream, just go to my site and use the player:

Credit list for this one is:

Recording, Mixing & Additional Production: Ermin H
Drum Editing/Triggering: JeffTD
Guitar Reamping: James Murphy
Mastering: Plec

As always, a pleasure working with all those guys, and I hope that some of you enjoy the finished product.

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Commented on the facebook, but want to reiterate here - guitars really came out quite nicely in this, will have to see about keeping something with a JB in it around just for tracking. Bass grind rules and carries the center like an extra guitar track with all the glorious grit it's got on it. The amount of verb that solo has on it while still being clear and defined kicks total ass, too. Love how far away it feels.

As always, was a pleasure to work on!
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Listening to the album for the first time on my PC. Sounds good as usual, though the vocal verb seems to be a bit too smeary for my tastes, espeically the backing vox on some songs.

The bass definitely works wonders for the mix.
It sounds awesome but fuck, the solo tone is incredible. As Jeff said, it's so clear and is tastefully distant and "wet", it doesn't get buried behind the rythm track and sounds awesome in itself.

Good job on this project everyone !
Excellent, glad that most of you are liking it. Thanks for taking the time out to listen.

From what I gather the band will have a video out for another one of the songs in a month or so. The rest I imagine will leak naturally on YT, as they always do, regardless of anyone's wishes, haha.
Sounds really nice. The only thing I'd comment on is that there's a lack of lowmids down the centre channel. The guitars kinda make up for it, but both the bass and drums are a bit lacking there and it makes it sound a tad hollow. Other than that, really nice.
Vocals are a bit too wet to my liking but the rest of the mix is GREAT, love the way the whole mix is glued, compression and EQ-wise.
FWIW, the bass we used was the BTB705DX I bought a few months ago.


The grit really came all from the player, the bass just channeled it into a usable range. Most violent I've ever heard. Was partially deaf in my right ear after every session due to the volume of acoustic fret buzz. There was no way it was not going to be prominent in the mix.
This is probably my favourite mix of yours since The Untruth ep

Really immense guitar and bass tones!

Sounds great overall. Are the guitars 5150 III by any chance? They seem to have a high-mid focus which I usually hear with that amp (could be and probably am totally wrong). I think more on the bottom end/lower mids on the Guitars may have filled out the low-end of the mix a little more (just a personal preference of course :saint:). That Bass tone is awesome :yow:, but would have liked to see it gel/glue some more with the guitars rather than compliment them, if that makes sense (or if you care :heh:).

You have talked about doing your Guitar Reamping "in-house" lately. With your 6505, Dave's Cabs, etc... I thought that you may have taken care of the guitars for this one yourself. Not sure of the circumstances but assume deadlines were the reason.

Once again, great solid mix. Well done.

EDIT: I am not listening on Monitors so I may not be hearing the Low-end accurately enough. Don't take my comments as criticism, merely personal preference.