In progress - comments apprecited

Oznimbus, sounds completely rad. Any recording drum/guitar infos?

The only small problem that i found is that the clean vocals part saying "Over your shoulder...." sounds kinda strange. Probably just the singer's voice though.
This sounds awesome man! It doesn't have heaps of that shiny pristine sound that a lot of mixes in this style of music have these days. I think it has a lot to do with the reverb on the snare and toms, as well as the overall feel of the guitar tone.

I at first thought the kick might be a little too clicky/tinny, but after listening throughout the whole sample I think it has a nice amount of body and sits in the mix really well.

The singer has some great sounds and I think the vocals sit very well in the mix. They sound clear but they don't seem to stand out to the point where it's almost like listening to a singer do their thing over a backing track.
the panning on the drums is really acward; the toms are really wide (almost like they are either hard left or hard right) and the hihat is in the center? the synths could be a bit louder and the guitarmelodies could poke a bit more thru in the mix, otherwise sounds pretty sweet.
I've been mixing the whole day so take these with a grain of salt.

The vocals stick out. The snare sounds somehow loose (don't know if this term makes sense). I like the guitars and the kick. The midrange could benefit from some cleaning up.

Good work as usual :headbang:
Much appreciated guys!

Everything about the drums is natural, save for the kick which is Slate 5. Overheads are my Oktavamods, & the room is a U87 & Apex ribbon in M/S config.

Guitars are 5150 into my Mesa Cab, dual 57 Nordstrom, into API 512cs....

Bass is a blend of a Markbass head into a David Eden 4X10 and a Sansamp with the distortion cranked.

Vocals are my Vintage U87 into Great River MP2NV and Distressor in Opto mode.

I'll work on that tom panning & I'm still not 100% sure on the guitar tone...
You can really drive yourself crazy with reamping.....
Drums sound awesome! Nice and roomy which is a welcome change for this genre.. I agree with tachy that the vocals seem a tad loud and yeah, maybe the guitars could be a bit more in your face, but this might be a by-product of the vocal level..
That's my favorite part! Fuck the samples! I want to stay as natural as possible with these guys.

Automate room sound down a TINY bit during the drum-only fills. This will allow your great room sound to make the drums full when the instruments are playing and tight when they are solo'd.

Great mix, first I've heard from you in this particular sub-genre of metal. I would go for a more mid-rangey guitar tone though. Try the Windsor with the mid boost in.

Killer stuff Oz, I'd change the kick sample for something else... but if you like this that's ok ;) this samples gives a natural sound to the mix, kinda different from the typical processed sample ;)
I would have gone for a more punchy and fatty kick.
I like the vocals a lot!
That's my favorite part! Fuck the samples! I want to stay as natural as possible with these guys.

Yea don't change that snare! I personally love the mix the way it is and my only gripe is the kicks do sound weired in a few spots (very few). Its like the kicks were edited to the grid and you hear the original sloppy kicks in the rest of the Mic's or the kicks were just plain sloppy.

1:08 there is a section that I'm talking about with the kicks...

Great sounding mix though!!!
Sounds great to my ears. I really like the snare. Toms are really wide, if you brought them in towoards the center it would be cool.

Nice mix, just guitars needs to be deeper in mix i think, rest are perfect :)