In progress - comments apprecited

Fuck that! I love that snare!! Do not use samples for those!! The room sound on the snare is AWESOME! Leave that be! What I'm not liking is the Toms, not only the panning but they're too boomy, they could benefit a bit more punch but loose the boominess. And also perhaps just lower the vox just a touch and up the guitars also a touch. Great mix man! And cool song
I fucking love that snare. In fact, I think the drums are what kept the mix interesting. The genre is pretty blah in my opinion, but having those natural sounding drums keeps it interesting. And that bass tone is fucking killer. Sorry I didn't have anything constructive to say. Maybe my comments will boost your ego a bit, and that can be my constructive contribution!
Don't touch that snare! I fucking love it.

Overall = Amazingly great mix. Vox may be a lil' loud.

Nice job!!

For some reason this music makes me think about "Forced Entry".
Fuck that! I love that snare!! Do not use samples for those!! The room sound on the snare is AWESOME! Leave that be! What I'm not liking is the Toms, not only the panning but they're too boomy, they could benefit a bit more punch but loose the boominess.

You're right on the money.... I was cutting at far too high a frequency.... I've got the toms cleaned up majorly now... thanks!

Hopefully I'll have this project wrapped by the end of the week.

BTW, I'd like to thank everyone who chimed in.... I really appreciate the no-bullshit evaluations & your opinions.
