"In the mist she was standing" made me cry

Music doesn't make me cry. And weed especially doesn't make me cry. But I guess I'm just not emotional whatsoever.

If anything weed just makes me happier.
For me it's Nevermore, Dream Theater, Opeth, and The Kovenant. Good music to hear when high. I never really smoke with anyone other than myself, my brother and my band. On rare occasions maybe, but I don't go to school anymore.
youd laugh because someones friends have died?? but you cry when you listen to opeth... need i say what the fuck?


As if you would listen to music when you're high. I don't do it often, actually not anymore at all coz i realised how bad that shit is for you. But i used to run around like a stupid idiot. It's more beautiful when music makes you cry when you're actually not high/drunk or anything. Shows the real talent of the musicians when they touch your mind, when it isn't being altered by something else. I will admit to crying to some Opeth, Pork Tree and Eternal Tears, and trust me, i never cry. Last time i cried for a real reason would have been many a years ago.
opeth can definitely make me cry....ive shed some tears for "collapse the light into earth" a couple of times...by the time you get to the end its just the most appropriate beautiful damn thing that can possibly come out of the speakers...but its also a mix of emotions outside of the music that throughout the cd attach to it...whenever i listen to in absentia i have very strong memories of that summer
The only time ive ever cried while listening to music was when i ate a QP of blue tinted shrooms when I was 20 yrs old. For some strange fucking reason I was listening to dark side of the moon...i think on repeat...i dunno but those shrooms were deadly:hypno: :zombie:
I should of been listening to sky moves sideways by Porc Tree and maybe then I still would have wigged out. If I ever happen to do shrooms again I WILL be listening to Porc Tree
MARIJUANA IS SAFER THAN ALCOHOL AND CIGARETTES + NO ONE HAS EVER DIED FROM IT. Some of you seem like you were born yesterday...

I once got teary-eyed during a live Opeth experience. I think it was a song from Damnation, possibly Windowpane. I wasn't on any drugs (that includes alcohol), but that's beside the point.
youd laugh because someones friends have died?? but you cry when you listen to opeth... need i say what the fuck?

You must be retarded... Have you never heard the expression "I don't know whether to laugh or to cry"? I'll explain it to you.
If someone does/says something utterly stupid, i say "I don't know whether to laugh or to cry", because i don't know whether to laugh at you or cry from pity.
So what i meant wasn't that i would cry if my friends died, i meant that Terrorbakis is a retard... Jeez... People...
The only time ive ever cried while listening to music was when i ate a QP of blue tinted shrooms when I was 20 yrs old. For some strange fucking reason I was listening to dark side of the moon...i think on repeat...i dunno but those shrooms were deadly:hypno: :zombie:
I should of been listening to sky moves sideways by Porc Tree and maybe then I still would have wigged out. If I ever happen to do shrooms again I WILL be listening to Porc Tree

Yeah Porcupine is awesome. Have you ever heard Shpongle?
Mä;6047446 said:
Psychosis? What's that? And are you telling me your friends died from smoking weed? I don't know whether to laugh or to cry...

They died of other drugs but they started with weed.. I don't say you die by smoking weed but you can get some serious mental problems, i have some friends that have psychosis from smoking weed.
They died of other drugs but they started with weed.. I don't say you die by smoking weed but you can get some serious mental problems, i have some friends that have psychosis from smoking weed.

I have a friend that has psychosis too. I think he might have got it from smoking weed. Drugs are not for everyone.