dose someone know were i can get some Inearthed songs?? were to download cuse i can't buy them now all are souldout, or??
Uhh sorry wildchild but I'm too lazy at the moment to install new software and I've heard that DC oblige you to share at least 20 GB o' stuff before you can download anything. My HD is only 15g, I'll get a 80g one in the following one or two weeks, but the other problem is that I have a limited Internet bandwich. I have no more, no less than 1Gb ti spend a month-WildChild In Time- said:I use to download songs from a software called Direct Connect... Try it.
jazie said:Uhh sorry wildchild but I'm too lazy at the moment to install new software and I've heard that DC oblige you to share at least 20 GB o' stuff before you can download anything. My HD is only 15g, I'll get a 80g one in the following one or two weeks, but the other problem is that I have a limited Internet bandwich. I have no more, no less than 1Gb ti spend a month. So I'm very economical at it and in kazaa, for example, I do not share anything. I just d/l