Should CoB remake their old Inearthed songs?

Um, riiiiiiiiiiiightt.. aaaaaaanyway..

I'm not sure if they should remake them ALL, as some parts of those songs are later used in current CoB ones (like Mask of Sanity and Towards Dead End) but one thing is for sure:

They gotta definately put some serious consideration into remaking HOMELAND! Make it a track on a single or something but! That song just fucking pwns, hands down. The quality is bad, but the song is so great I don't even notice really... Just a thought though, it's my FAV IneartheD song.. by far. I'd love to hear it redone, with clean audio. That'd r0xx0r my s0xx0rs!!

(for you nerds out there!)

P.S. PLANKCORE! I HAVE LONG HAIR!! But sadly I own no camo or act like a viking.. but I do like Amon Amarth.. so um, ionna?! What's yer point I couldn't be bothered to read most of the thread!!!!!
i sorta liked homeland II its just played by acoustic. and plus homeland II is the beginning part of towards dead end
I like it too... and it's really the beginning part of Towards Dead End. but it's surely more relaxing...
Anyway, I listened to some Inearthed songs... and in my opinion the quality of the sound isn't that good, sure, but it's not also that bad.. it's more or less acceptable, considering the fact that they were initiating their career...
yeah they should remake some of the songs but not all of them. they should mix a couple of songs and make one of it.

and the part at 0:47 of homeland is awesome!
homeland 2 is not bad but really repetitive, gets boring after some time.
I havnen't listened to Homeland II yet but Talking of the Trees and Eternal Tears of Sorrow were really good. I wish they'd remake those songs but i doubt hey willm,jkuiuihgyh
Homeland still is um, my FAVOURITE IneartheD song... But after re-listening to Homeland II a few times, it's not so bad... but if you speed it up on WMP with the play speed settings it's better lmao!
songs by inearthed that aren't in the the shining:

shards of truth:
http://www.*************/files/room15/384148/Inearthed - Shards of Truth.mp3

http://www.*************/files/room15/384148/Inearthed - Shamed.mp3

http://www.*************/files/room15/384148/Inearthed - Possessed.mp3

http://www.*************/files/room15/384148/Inearthed - Chaos.mp3

(got these songs off of myspace :p)
Thanks :D I have the torrent.. every IneartheD song + cover art but it took me DAYS AND DAYS to get, I hate dead torrents.. this is a great chance for people without the torrent though to listen, thanks a lot!
you said username said:
i sorta liked homeland II its just played by acoustic. and plus homeland II is the beginning part of towards dead end

YAY!!!!:Smokin: That's such an awsome song! It's beautiful. The guitaring is really, really good. It's slow, and so peaceful. *faints*
Plankcore said:
Ohhh I dunno. Apparently having short hair makes you a girl. I shave my hair pretty short (Think Army style =P) and apparently i'm not a true metalhead because I'm actually aware of the existence of scissors, and I don't wear camouflage every day, nor do I pretend to be a viking, and I actually have some kind of work ethic and common sense. =P

you haven't seen my kreig afro
Lady_Laiho said:
YAY!!!!:Smokin: That's such an awsome song! It's beautiful. The guitaring is really, really good. It's slow, and so peaceful. *faints*

Yeah good, please don't wake up.
I could imagine so many things with that song. I could imagine me and alexi overlooking a lake and it's breezy and chilly. He holds me in his arms and he looks me straight in the eyes and tells me he loves me. His hair is flowing in the wind and we live together forever!
Zak1392 said:
I think it would be a great idea. All the Inearthed songs I've got right now are really bad quality, which is a shame because they are really great songs. Does anybody else like the idea?

Not remake, but take some more Inearthed riffs as they have done previously. Like in Towards Dead End, Mask Of Sanity etc. What I mean is, that they still have old Inearthed riffs in their backpockets.