Infected Nations : ONE YEAR LATER


Crippling Self Doubt
Apr 9, 2009
Well, its been a year since the release of Infected Nations, are you guys' (girls') thoughts still the same about the album now? What songs have gotten better, or worse? Any nitpicky things about it? Stuff like that.

Personally, I don't see this album ever getting old. I'm listening to Genocide right now, and its just as satisfying now as it was when it had the OOOOOOOH NEW AND SHINY effect last year.

Favorite Track : Metamorphosis/Hundred Wrathful Deities/My Parasite

After listening to the album a bunch of times, it became apparent that these songs became my favorite. However, the more I listened to it, the more I came to consider these three as one BIG song, much like a lot of Dream Theater songs. I still consider this to be one song by the way. :p

Anyone else wish to comment?
Yeah, I'd like to comment.

I gotta say, at first, I "liked" this album. I say "liked" because, even though I thought the album was good, I didn't quite love it as much as I do know. "Infected Nations" was (for me), an album that I had to sit down and listen to, in order to fully understand and comprehend the kind of thrash metal I was being exposed to. Nowadays, I am convinced and can swear to my life, that "Infected Nations" is one of the greatest thrash metal albums that I've ever listened to, and that it is a true masterpiece, and a testimony of great things to come for a band on the rise.

As a closing statement, "Infected Nations" made me unpacient for a sequel, while being a masterpiece on it's own (which is what every great metal record should do).
My thoughts exactly.

It didn't take time to "grow" on me though, the first listen did that, but I do agree that it got better with every listen.
It's got better every time I've listened to it, there's still little bits of the drums or the guitar work which I never heard the first thousand listens & then I'm like 'fucking yes'.

Infected Nations is just, superb. Always will be.
like deth said, i needed time to think about what i was listening to., because it's so different than ETG.
i did like it though when i first heard it. i really like complex music so Infected Nations kind of invited me to listen to it way more times so i could dream the arrangements.
first ''genocide'' and ''devoid of thought'' were my favorites, now i listen more to the last 3 songs, time no more, metamorphosis and hundred wrathfull deities.

but the strange thing for me with metamorphosis was that i considered it as the weakest song on the record for a long time. it's weird to see that it's now one of my favourites :lol: so that one took the most time to grow on me.

and i still think it's stupid that they haven't put my parasite on the normal version :lol: that's like ...and justice for all without dyers eve.

this is a great album which showcases incredibly good musicianship. although this is just their second record, i don't know how they could make a better one, but i'm confident that the next one will be just as great as infected nation :D i definately dare to say that it's one of the best cds in my collection ( which is just like 50 cds, but still)
A timeless album that's pretty much as close to perfection as any of these so-called 'new wave' bands will ever get. I still hold Infected Nations in the highest regard possible, and coming from me, that's something.
I probably sound stupid for saying this but's a "desert island" album for me. Top 10 or whatever.

I swear it was EXACTLY the album I hoped would come from them after ETG. I heard that they were trying to be a bit different, more original etc and I was really hoping for what was actually given. It's like progressive thrash, so many very clever and complex arrangements - it's really entertaining.

I can't believe it's been a year, I'm still nowhere near bored of this album
I actually haven't listened to the album all the way through in awhile, but the album is amazing beyond belief. The technicality is what blew me away the most, it was a drastic change yet still retained their roots. Evile is a fucking tree that won't stop growing man.
It's like progressive thrash, so many very clever and complex arrangements - it's really entertaining.

The technicality is what blew me away the most, it was a drastic change yet still retained their roots.


It's what I love most from this album, it's different, not quite progressive as Dave said, but you get it, it's a hell of a lot more complex than most thrash albums out there, yet it never quits being a shitload of fun to listen to.

Props to Ol for making the songs a 10000000000000000 better than they were already. Listening to this album makes you know he is going to be one of the greatest.
Honestly I only thought it was half as good as Enter the Grave on first listen, but it REALLY grows on you.

I would call this Progressive Thrash in the vein of late career Coroner or Toxik (without the crazy vocals)
The pre verse riff of Infected Nation is pretty much as tight a riff can get.

You know, the "Brrrrrrrrr du du BARANU Brrrrrrrrr DURU DURU Brrrrrrrrr du du BARANU Du Du BARANU DU DU BARANU BARANU BARANU BARANU BARANU" part before "FROM THE SKIES I SEE A RISING STOORM!!!!!"
I give them every credit in the world for standing up on just their second release and going 'Actually fuck doing exactly the same as everyone else. Let's be smart and try something different that requires the listener to think about what they're hearing'

And then they went to get some chips