Infected Nations Redux

right the infected nations redux....

stay with me on this one, i'm not shifting blame or anything, just being honest. i truly thought there would not be a redux for this album, which is why it was released in 2 versions, with the dvd and without the dvd at first. i hate re-release albums, i really do not approve of them but i believe in this case, i have no say in it, it's getting released.

So if that's what is happening then i might as well go with it and make sure what's released is worth releasing. It will have a 2nd disc with 2 live shows, i'm not sure if they're full shows or not yet. plus a patch and sticker or something, i wanted more to go in it but it would make it too expensive and thats the last thing it needs.

Also because i now look like a massive fucking liar by telling everyone there wouldnt be a redux when there actually is going to be one i've decided to donate something to the cause, it doesn't change the fact i've been made to look like a liar but when you buy the redux you will get entered into a draw to win my jackson KV2, the one i used live and in both music videos we have done, the actual one. i was trying to sell it for a while, but have since decided it might be worth more to give away to someone.

think of all that what you will, hopefully the redux is worth some peoples attention.
i was going to buy it anyway, but since you're offering your Jackson i know it for sure :D it's a great guitar and i would love to take a shot for it to win it.
I think it's a bit unfair with people going against your word. But obviously we don't know the details of your contract. To be honest with you it doesn't make you look like a liar, in the slightest... Just makes me frown at Earache yet again. Let's hope the live shows are cool and worth the money :D

Does anybody remember the Bolt Thrower re-release? Without the bands consent Earache re-released Realm of Chaos when they were bringing out Those Once Loyal.

But as a great man once said to me, 'It's the music business... Not the music friendship'.
was goin to buy this 'cause of the live stuff, but with the chance to win Matt's guitar, fookin 'ell, thats worth it alone!!!!!!!!!!!!

roll on october release date, yipee!!!!!!!!
there's no real perfect way of wording this so it may sound quite offensive and inconsiderate, but when nations came out and we started promoting it, we had a horrible incident which we all know about which stopped us from pushing the album, as that took a backseat to sorting everything out after what happened and it never quite picked up after that as you can imagine...

so this is really a chance to promote the album again now certain things are behind us, get it back in shops, get some fresh promotion, get to people who might not have heard of us yet, and also offer a few new things to people who already have the album, a live album might be done down the line but we aren't finished pushing nations yet, we're touring america/canada at the end of this year for 3 months and it's a good chance to promote that with the redux, have something new to sell at shows, get it in shops while we're there and spread the word of evile, get some new fans, build ourselves up!! PLUS our live show isn't quite where we want it to be to be worthy of a live album, not yet....

which is why i'm offering my guitar, for people who already have the album it's a chance to get that, it's a "sorry i said this wouldn't happen, but it seems it is and i'm taking it on the chin" offering. for the people who don't think the redux is worth it, you don't have to buy it. the beauty of choice.

i think it will be the first few thousand copies will have the guitar competition running, hopefully there will be more prizes to win, like 50 or 100 people will also win something cool, i hope that helps to make it worth looking at with less scornful eyes. i want to do as much as we can afford with it so we don't let people down, but bear in mind that the more we put in it the more it costs and the more it would cost to buy, so it has to be a good compromise, and we think of you guys before anything.

That doesn't change that i said there wouldn't be a redux, at that time i understood there wouldn't be, so i apologise if anyone feels misled, but now it's happening i want to make sure it's a decent package for new fans and old fans alike. as i say, you have the choice of whether to get it or not.
Ahh sorry my last comment wasn't to you. Just a general... Question really. But yeah that all makes sense and it's beyond nice of you to add something else there for the fans. Keeping it real boyyoooo.
i'm pleased that Matt spent the time explain the situation, not alot of bands do that, so hats to you "give" me that geetar!!!!!!
Capt. Information strikes again. A good explanation solves anything. Kudos to Matt for being so upfront about it and admitting his mistake. We all make them so its all good. :)