Inferno Festival

damn Morgana, I got really confused with this thred :)
when I saw all the old posts, but then I saw this was the 'Inferno Festival' thred and not the 'Inferno Festival: Bands' hehe
but anyways...
Ill probably go to Oslo in three days now
and who was it that are going now?
Morgana, Blackspirit and me? is that all?
just that I'm not 100% certain yet..
Well, I know more people to go, Evergrey's webmaster (Kristian Forsell) and his friend are there, same hotel as me, then I hope to meet Alida, a girl from Germany moved to Norway, than Minna my new pally... and now I'll ask at the PM board if someone will be there. :)
I ment if it was only us from this board...
and well, I've meeting up with alot of ppl down there to... going with two friends and meeting a childhood friend I've not seen in years!
really looking forward to it..
going to bye myself train and Inferno ticket today! :grin:
it all seems well now...
oh yes baby! :grin:
started to be a little scared when we got to the post ofice(to bye tickets) they were empty!!! but they still had single tickets left, so we had to bye one ticket for each day... was more expencive, but it is worth it :)
Ok folks!!!! on Saturday we'll sink into the Live psychosis and empty our souls for you from stage, see you at the front row,right??
Originally posted by Vintersorg
Ok folks!!!! on Saturday we'll sink into the Live psychosis and empty our souls for you from stage, see you at the front row,right??

Hell yes!!!!!!!!! >:o))) Hehehe....

By the way, all you people NOT going to the festival...
The Norwegian radio will send some of the concerts
from Friday + they will send video as well!!! :o)
I think you all should listen/watch! :o)

I'll try to dig up some links if you want...? :o)

Oh, and I am supposed to say "HELLO!" from
Morgana! She sent me some messages earlier today.
She's on the ferry to Norway, only half an hour til
she's here I think >:o)
Blackspirit, some audio or video links would be really appreciated. There is no way I could make it to see this on such short notice or probably even if I knew ahead of time. I'd really like to listen to this. Any chance anyone will make mp3s of it? ;)
Originally posted by OpethianSoul
Blackspirit, some audio or video links would be really appreciated. There is no way I could make it to see this on such short notice or probably even if I knew ahead of time. I'd really like to listen to this. Any chance anyone will make mp3s of it? ;)

I'll be recording the sound anyway, but I have
no idea how to rip streaming video.... I'm not
sure how much HD space I need etc.... But the
sounds will be recorded, 100% :o)
Need it as a memory :o)

Unfortunatly they are not airing Saturday,
which means no Vintersorg :o(

Anyways....*off to find some useful links*
WOW! I'm _so_ surprised! They actually have the
site in English as well! Great for all of you guys! :o)

This one has everything; What bands play when,
links to audio/video streaming :o) Enjoy the show
tomorrow! I know I will :o)

Oh, and the radiolinks already work, so you can
test and check etc.

Edit; LOL! I _forgot_ the link!!! Hehehehe.......
I didn't even notice that myself! lol! Thanks for
reminding me The Nomad!
*Goes hiding under a rock*