Inferno Festival

Originally posted by HellSpawn
are you recording the video stream aswell Blackspirit?

Well, I most certainly will NOT be able to record both! Hehe...
But I'm going to dig up some info on recording the video and I'll
see... I should have enough hard drive space, just need the
right programme, and find out how to use it :o) Maybe I can
steal one of my boyfriend's computers tomorrow? Not sure
if they all have soundcards and enough harddrive space....
I'll have to do some tricks here! hehe... :o)
I found a brilliant programme to record video with, and
after much hassle (swearing, beating my computer etc
etc, you know the deal) I finally found out how to
record streaming video!!!! :o)) Turns out pretty good
as well!!

The only problem now is HD space and I don't think
there will be enough bandwidth for me to pick
"broadband streaming" tomorrow :o( But I'll test that
when the festival kicks off, and then run down and
headbang with the rest of the satanic freaks >:oP

But, I think I'll end up only recording the audio.....
Heh heh, okay folks, I'm new to this board and also fairly new to Vintersorg but I know Morgana and she's currently keeping me informed about the happenings in Norway via SMS :)
When I woke half an hour ago I had three SMS and well, she wanted me to pass on her regards.

Sure she will be at the front row as Vintersorg said ;) and she hopes to meet all of you who are going to be there...
Hm, thinking about that I bet those who will be at the front row will not read this post until they're back home again but anyway..... I did my duty :)
Originally posted by Gaunerin
Heh heh, okay folks, I'm new to this board and also fairly new to Vintersorg but I know Morgana and she's currently keeping me informed about the happenings in Norway via SMS :)
When I woke half an hour ago I had three SMS and well, she wanted me to pass on her regards.

Sure she will be at the front row as Vintersorg said ;) and she hopes to meet all of you who are going to be there...
Hm, thinking about that I bet those who will be at the front row will not read this post until they're back home again but anyway..... I did my duty :)

Yeah! I woke up an hour ago and she had sent
me some messages as well! What a nice surprise
to wake up to :o) I'll probably meet her later
during the evening!

NB!! May contain serious typo's, I feel drunk,
though I haven't been drinking anything!! >:oP NB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Sips Fanta, eats painkillers*

WOW!!!!! I can hardly hear my fingers tapping the keyboard!
Lol. And I have a headache as well, from all the loud music!

All my hello's from Morgana, Fjelltussa and Hellspawn.
Hellspawn wanted me to tell you that his reviews will come
when he gets home! >:o)

Anyways, Windir kicked ass! The clean vox sucked, but it was
still really good. It was nice to actually hear some rhythm,
and not just blastbeats >:oP This is definitely a band I'd like
to see again :o)

Behemoth was a big surprise! I had downloaded a few of their
tracks, and I thought they pretty much sucked (don't shoot
me Hellspawn)... Live everything was different! Got to do some
serious headbangin' and a little bit of dancin' :o) What was
good about this concert was that you could hear all the
instruments, not all the time, but most of the time >:oP

Well, after Behemoth we were all waiting for the all mighty
Dimmu Borgir. Huge expectations!! What met us, or at least me
was a wall of noise! I have spent hours and hours listening
to some of their records, but the sound live was too loud!
I could hardly hear the keyboard sound. I was SO looking
forward to hear and see Simen (Vortex), but his voice was
poorly mixed :o( It sounded like it was vibrating all the time.....

Then I got home, and listened to the recording of this day,
and I can only ask; "Why the hell did they turn the sound
so fucking loud?!??? This sounds GREAT from the radio!!!"
Seriously! The recording is good, the sound and everything,
I can hear the keyboards in Dimmu!
But I couldn't at the festival! :o(

But, tomorrow is another day! I'll que up early to get up front
for Vintersorg. Then I'm going home to cure yet another
headache and ringing ears >:oP Hehe....
Blackspirit, thank you so much for the update! I am glad you got to meet fellow Vintersorg boarders :) I hope you get rid of the headache before tomorrow! lol have fun!
It's me again, the human link from Morgana to this board :)
I just received another SMS and she asked me to post this:

"I hope Andreas will record the show and release it. I need something to remember since it is strictly forbidden to take photos :cry: No photos for the official site..Greetings, Morgana"

Well, I second that, not because of the same reason though. I'd love to hear it because I'm not there...
:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

Iiih!! That was great!!! Front row, and everything!! (Thought I thought I was going to fall a couple of times with all those ppl pressing from the back) And damnit, Vintersorg's even more handsome in real life than in photos :grin:

Some friends of mine said they thought the vocals didn't sound very much, and that that was ruining a bit, but I wasn't thinking very much of that in front there. Just wished it had lasted longer....

Else I liked to see Scariot, Behemoth, Blood Red Throne..... to mention a few. Lost In Time were also good - hadn't heard them before, so that was fun. :) And oh, the fashion show were fun!!! So many cool clothes :grin: But I missed Windir :cry:

I'll leave the reviews to the others. Cannot think to much right now; have a f#$*ing headace (and my neck hurts as well).

@Blackspirit, Morgana, HellSpawn: It was fun to meet you all! :)
I'm home! :grin:

tired, but it is a good tiredness(?) :)

you should all have been there! :)
but for us who was there, it was great! :grin:

@Fjelltussa: my phone was empty for battery and money, so i could not answer today :)

but for my review, ill to it later today... if I even bother to do it at all... since Blackspirit pretty much said what I were going to say... hehe
and I will not kill you, but only since you liked them live :D
and by the way, now when I saw that Asgeir came in, why did not you play! hehe
had been looking forward to see you play again...
but I guess it was not the plan at all?
Originally posted by Soulburner

They probably were mixing their livesound mainly for airing it on radio so it sounded like shit from the audience...

Yupp! Most definitely! It was like they knew that the sound sucked
the first day, 'cause yesterday you could hear all the instruments,
every little sound :o) And you could hear your own thoughts >:oP

Well, the first band I saw yesterday I can't remember the name of...
But they had some decent songs. But it must really stink being
the first band on, especially on the second day. People were mostly
just standing there, except for a few headbangers here and there....

Next up was Blood Red Throne. I was posetivly surprised!!!
They started off very br00tal, but they got me going :o) This won't
be something I'll sit and enjoy at home, but the music worked live.
I might check out one or two of their albums,
any recomandations? :o)

Ah.... Vintersorg! >:o))) Morgana and me up front, and Fjelltussa +
Hellspawn on second row. Tyr on bass? But no Asgeir on drums :o(
I think I'm going to scan in the setlist, so you can all get it :o)
Morgana got one as well.

First I couldn't believe I was actually seeing Vintersorg live, just stood
there in I wish Vintersorg's voice would've been more
"to the front", it was a little low, and sometimes it just got lost.

Hmmm.... I wish someone could come help me hold my head up,
cause I have no muscles left in my neck >:oP HELP! Someone! Hehe....

After the Vintersorg gig, a clothes store called Wolff's Lair had a
little show. Beautiful clothes and a funny way of presenting
them >:oP Chopping eachother's heads off, drinking beer etc :o)

Next Morgana and I got interviewed for a documentary about the
festival!? I really hope I will not be in it >:oP hehe....

Lock-up sounded OK, but I got bored so some of us headed down
to see Lost In Time :o) A friend of mine know all the people in
the band, so for some reason I just thought they'd stink >:oP
Stupid, I know. But they were REALLY good!!!
I'm planning to get some music from this band!

ARGH! Tired, need to get home!!! So, home I went.... posted at
this board, went to sleep, only to wake up to a horror message
from Morgana!!!!!!!!!

Her car got taken away, she wasn't allowed to park where she
had put her car? Then she had an accident and ended up in
hospital!??!? She's better now though, and on the ferry to go
home....! What a shitty way to end a great festival! :o(
Originally posted by Blackspirit

ARGH! Tired, need to get home!!! So, home I went.... posted at
this board, went to sleep, only to wake up to a horror message
from Morgana!!!!!!!!!

Her car got taken away, she wasn't allowed to park where she
had put her car? Then she had an accident and ended up in
hospital!??!? She's better now though, and on the ferry to go
home....! What a shitty way to end a great festival! :o(

Actually that's what I wanted to tell as well but I'm obviously a bit too late there.
Really sad news :( , I hope she'll be home safely tomorrow.

Anyway, nice to hear you all had a great time the last couple of days! :)
First of all, tha band that started was Minas Thirith... and they were kinda good... did some great work with swiching between who sang what style... they had onw vocalist, and the bass player sang and the drummer :)

Originally posted by Blackspirit
Ah.... Vintersorg! >:o))) Morgana and me up front, and Fjelltussa +
Hellspawn on second row. Tyr on bass? But no Asgeir on drums :o(
and yeah.. me and Fjelltussa only started at second row! SECOND ROW!! IIIHHH!! :eek:
but it took me only some minutes, or rater three songs :) to get at the front row, and there I was standing, as right infron of Mr. V. as you could get!! :grin:
and Fjelltussa was standing right behind me all the time.. i guess? hehe

actully managed to not drink too much this nigh, not before after Vintersorg at least :) haha

Her car got taken away, she wasn't allowed to park where she
had put her car? Then she had an accident and ended up in
hospital!??!? She's better now though, and on the ferry to go
home....! What a shitty way to end a great festival! :o(
damn that was a shame!
do you know what actully happend to her?
was it bad? probably was not that bad since she is on her way home now...?
hope you'll get better soon Morg!
Originally posted by HellSpawn
and yeah.. me and Fjelltussa only started at second row! SECOND ROW!! IIIHHH!! :eek:
but it took me only some minutes, or rater three songs :) to get at the front row, and there I was standing, as right infron of Mr. V. as you could get!! :grin:
and Fjelltussa was standing right behind me all the time.. i guess? hehe

actully managed to not drink too much this nigh, not before after Vintersorg at least :) haha

damn that was a shame!
do you know what actully happend to her?
was it bad? probably was not that bad since she is on her way home now...?
hope you'll get better soon Morg!

She can't walk, but she can drive, so at least she gets home :o)
I think she twisted her knees, I don't know if it was both or
just one of them. But she twisted her knee(s) and fell.

This happened a couple of times so she had to go to the hospital.
She'll go see a doctor when she gets home, and maybe she needs
an operation? :o( I'm so sad that this happened in Norway, I didn't
want her to have any bad memories! ;o( Then again, I don't want
stuff like that happening to anyone, anywhere!

Yeah, you on front row --> perfect, cause I could see your
long hair waving through the whole concert! >:oP hehehe.....
Me and Morg actually discussed this on Friday, that you'd be
hanging over the fence banging your head, waving your hair! >:oP
Just like on the Behemoth gig, just not on the second floor >;o)
Originally posted by Blackspirit
She can't walk, but she can drive, so at least she gets home :o)
I think she twisted her knees, I don't know if it was both or
just one of them. But she twisted her knee(s) and fell.

*hopes Morgana gets better soon*

And BS & Hellspawn, thanks for the transcription of events. If I can't be there, this is as close as I can get (other than video)...