Inferno Festival

Here we go :)

Cosmic Creation

Naturens Galleri! After long search I finally found Vintersorg's top figure, Vintersorg from Norway working on upcoming Borknagar album. He's understandably busy but nevertheless I exchanged few words with him.

Ville Sorvali

So Borknagar's Empiricism is under construction. Whether this was Vintersorg-interview or not, at least I am interested of how things are proceeding on that field.

"Well, they're going fine. It seems like the album is going to be true killer-album which verges on edge of perfection. I believe that everybody in the band is little astonished by this monumental result, but of course we aren't complaining. Such quality and musicianship like this is hard to find from this kind of music. Wait and see."

So the album is going to be even visual experience. Yeah, well, let's move to the main issue. Cosmic Genesis is playing here but not there I guess.

"No it isn't. Of course I like the album quite much and I think it has lot of potential to gain different listeners, it has the whole spectrum of emotions attached to sympathetic synthesis. Lately I've been listening much to Omega, a prog-band from the 70's. It has many weird keyboard sections and chaotic choruses and it's really meditative (a word?) and cryptic but still quite sharp. My speakers are also blasting some modern metal like Opeth and stuff like that. I like music that extends "normal" laws of music. Like newest Ulver, it isn't any unquestionable metal-experience but lives in its own atmopheric dimension."

The man has the point there. I didn't manage to build the awkward transition to the next question but anyway, because Vintersorg isn't only Vintersorg anymore, it's reasonable to inquire the reasons for this.

"Mattias (Marklund) and I have been playing together for nearly a decade in different bands & projects,so I thought it's time to invite him to Vintersorg. He already plays with me in a folkrock-band Otyg. He's an excellent solo-guitarist, so he plays most of the solos on Cosmic Genesis. I think I played only 2 of them. From now on he'll be a full-time member but we don't have any intetions to get more ful-time members."

Not even a drummer?

"Well, Asgeir Mickelson plays drums on our next album, think about what effect it has on our music. He's technical perfectness and still groovy. Check what he has done previously and also wait for the new Borknagar. Next Vintersorg album will definetily be few steps higher on musical ladder again."

"again" must be the sign of the fact that there has also been development previously. At least we can say that during these years Vintersorg has always developed little towards the heavy-metal of 80's.

"Though Cosmic Genesis has some influence of 80's heavy, it still can't be classified as it. It is much more developed, progressive, darker and heavier. Of course you're right about the fact that the more primitive, dark atmosphere that we had in the beginning has decreased. Cosmic Genesis offered kind of new theme for Vintersorg and now I'm following that path 'cause it feels compelitely natural. It's also good that Vintersorg and Otyg are starting to separate, 'cause in one point they were almost the same band."

And what happened then?

"My vision of next album is more grooving sound, more accurate arrangements and broader progressivity, without losing the spirit of Vintersorg, of course. Because I have already made all the songs and even recorded them once, I have a feeling that I will succeed in all of that."

Hard-working guy. Well that isn't surprising considering that Vintersorg has already released 4 outputs in 3 years.

"Well, the songs for the 1st MCD had been written already in 1994, so Till Fjälls was understandably more mature in both, musical and lyrical fields. Till Fjälls was more folkish, yet really cold product. On Ödemarkens Son the vocals played the leading role, maybe too much, and I also started to involve more progressive elements into music. Though it was calmer than its predecessor, it still somehow sounds more dim. Cosmic Genesis brought forth some radical decisions that inspired me to deeper and more complete songs. It may take some time before you interiorize the album, so it isn't as spontaneous as previous albums, though much better if you give it some time"

Let's see how this turned out.. that is the translation for the text before the first picture. I'll translate the rest later.
I was tired and I haven't checked spelling.. I divided it into sections. It should be easier to read now :)
I did my best but if there's some crucial errors (ie things that don't make any sense) just tell me :)
Originally posted by Morgana
Hehehehe... Blackspirit how is it up there? I can see ya flying quite high... :p

I will check the link another time, my server is to slow, the Vintersorg pics have been already linked here on the board :grin:

I'm flying quite hight? I don't think I follow you
on that one? Might be cause I just got home
from a gig though >:oP

ALL the Vintersorg pics on that site have been
linked to in this thread?! I didn't know, how
could that have passed me by?! Oh, I forgot,
I'm "flying high" >:oP
Originally posted by Morgana
By the way, seems like Lost In Time do not like to sell their CDs...
no reply yet...

Are you sure you got the addie right? Cause I emailed
Levi to get their lyrics since I've done a review of their
demo and would like to read them before I post it on
that site... I got a replay the next day (I sent it during
the nigth so...)! If you don't get a replay let me know
and I'll sneak in a few words in my next mail :o)

Or maybe their english sucks and he needs a week or
two to construct a readable mail! hehehe... >:o)

No, but seriously, maybe they have a lot to do, cause
Levi was the guitartechnisian (sp?) for those guys in
Susperia yesterday :o)