Infinite Dreams Karaoke FINAL


Major Rager...!
Apr 17, 2001
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Hey gang....

Ok...what a roll im on.... pumping out shit left right and centre..... wooo hoooo..... and about bloody time too......!!! :p :D

Now... im in the process of uploading the finished version of infinite dreams to nefilims ftp site..... should be in the img folder named as such..... i was hoping someone could download it and post it on myplay for everyone to hear.... just need some vox and we should be done......

As for the mix... im afraid to say that the mix ive done is about as good as im capable of.... so if u want anything better... someone else is going to have to do it...cause im stuck as to any ideas/tricks to use to enhance it....!!! I compressed the bass and equed bass and drums...and thats about it....!!

Although ALL guitars are panned central.... its a different approach but when i had em panned hard l/r.... it seemed to have holes in the spectrum.... and our axes didnt quite gel..... overall its not too muddy...and the harmonies blend nicely.....


All feedback welcomed..... and hopefully rabs breaks the norm and gives us a comment or two..... lmao..... :D :eek: :p ;) :s ..... hehehehehehe
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh shit.......!!!!!! I totally forgot all about the synths....... so ummmmm no...there are no keys.......i had intentions of finding some but with the buzy buzz i have at the momment..... totally forgot about em....!!

To be honest...i thought i could do it but the method i use is waaaay to hard and time if there is anyone out there who can do it...feel free to use the mix done already as a reference...and blend in some keys.........

The mix still sounds ok....its just the clean parts at the start that seem to lack.......

Sorry rabs...
:eek: I gave it a listen.
Levels and everything are great. Sounds pretty good.....I just can't get over the non-panned thing. I think its my brain that just keeps rejecting it.. :confused: The leads/harmonies sound ok there. My brain is becoming too used to having the rhythm guitars panned. ;)

I'll take your word that this sound better than panned hard l/r. Did you try just panning the rhythms about 25-30%? That would be close to what you have here..but with a touch of seperation.

Sorry to be so picky man. I know you worked hard on this puppy.

I should have used the same damn tone I used on Hallowed. I ended up using a Soldano setting on this one (thought it matched the modern/gainy tone on the original)...but I guess it didn't fit very well with your Gibson/Marshall Combo. Sorry bad. :cry: was way harder to get the two guitar levels spot on...... and i see your point....mine ' appears ' to be louder in parts because alot of what i play are harmonies in the middle fast sections........and they seem to stand out more.......but they are actually pretty well exactly the same level.......... but i know what u mean...u cant quickly pan left/right to check..........

Ill do another version with guitars panned..... and see what you wont take long cause most of the trouble i had was with the bass and were the easy part........its only the middle section where we loose track of each others individuality.......intro/harmonies/solos....all fine........and harmonies in middle ok....just rest of tacet parts.......

Still post that one on myplay....might be good to get some neutral opinions.........

And yes i originally had left/right guitars.....100% panned though.....i always pan 100% or not at all.......ill give your way a go asap.......
Originally posted by Medsy
And yes i originally had left/right guitars.....100% panned though.....i always pan 100% or not at all.......ill give your way a go asap.......

Yikes! No offense mate, but thats pretty extreme! I think even the big boys only pan about 75% to 90% tops!

I normally start with 75%...and work from there. If the guitars don't blend nicely there, I start working down...60%...50%...etc.

I'll keep trying myplay...but until EC's Locker issue is resolved, people will have to grab it from Nefilim's FTP. I may also get it up on lightnin's site....if I could log into my email and get the damn password! - my email is down right now :mad:
hey crossy......

Umm...yeah i quite like the mix.....but youll have to ask rabs if hes ok with say yeah...but i think we want to try another mix with our guitars opposed to the mix youve got there where both guitars are mixed centre...... and make a comparison as to what sounds better..... I just need another growth spurt to actually get round to doing it....!!!! DOH...!!!!

Also.... do u want to hang out for keys rabs.... or just remix, add vox and bedone with this....????

As soon as we agree crossy.... you can feel free to post if u like....!!
theres a karaoke mix on nefilims ftp.... you can use that to lay your track down against if u like.....

There may also be the same copy in maidenmans myplay locker...although im not sure....
I just checked out the karaoke version from the ftp, and I think you all did a good job. The mono style mix bothers me a little but it still sounds good.:) Mixing, is so subjective. Back in the stone age of vinyl, you could find albums where the guitar and vox were panned all the way to the left, and the drums and bass were panned all the way to the right.
I don't think there are really any rules as to where things should be in a mix, it's pretty much up to personal taste.
I have a couple of questions about the recording process you used for this, if you don't mind. Did you play the guitar parts all the way through, or in sections? Also, did you use mic'ed amps or pods, or what?

yeah..... i actually liked the mix... but hang in there cause ill remix when i find time and pan guitars.... which will probaly end up being the final version of this song..... so hopefully everyone will like that version also....

when i record.... i just crank my amp as loud as i can... chuck a mic in front of 1 speaker in the quad.... and press record.... unfortuanately i bleed alot of noise into the takes....Due to the fact i dont use headphones to monitor the playback yet...i just let the reference tracks come through the cpu speakers...most gets lost and is never noticeable...but every now and then it is an unwanted side effect that can be noticed..... not very often but.....

I dont mind the bleeding too much.... cause i aint gonna sacrifice the killer tone im achieving......

Rabs on the other hand uses the pod..... :)
Ah, the sound of a cranked amp!!:) I record my guitar the same way, and I don't have the luxury of headphones either because of my soundcard. Unfortunately for me, the amp I have doesn't sound as good as the amp you are using, or the pod!
Would I be right to assume that the cool little feedback at the end is from your cranked amp?

If you don't mind, I have a suggestion for the mix on this that would allow you to keep from doing another mix. I just tried it with the mp3 and I think it sounds good, so I thought I would share the idea with you, and see what you think.

Ok, here it is:
I'm not sure how you mixed this down to mp3 so I'll tell you how I do it on my end to try and make sense. I usually convert my mix into a stereo.wav and then I convert that to mp3. The idea I have is a way to turn your mono mix into a stereo mix without panning anything from your original mix.
If you take your original stereo.wav file that you used to make the mp3, and paste it into a new project on tracks 1 and 2, you will then have doubled the sound of everything. At this point, it would still be a mono mix, because the sounds would be identical coming out of both speakers. Here's how you can make it sound like a stereo mix, pan the first track so that it is primarily in the left channel, but not all the way left. Pan track two so that it is all the way right. Now, this won't sound really fat yet. Now if you add a little bit of delay to track two, I can do it in my program by simply sliding the track slightly, not a lot, just a little tiny bit, it will sound really big, and you'll have a stereo mix with everything doubled. To achieve an even greater stereo effect, make one channel a tiny, tiny, bit louder than the other.
The cool thing is, this is really easy to do, and you won't have to mess up your original mix.
I hope this made sense. If you try it out, will you let me know if you like the way it sounds?
yup i agree mr h..... a fully cranked valve head is just awesome..... nothing but warm warm tone and natural harmonic overtones....!!!

Ill give your method a try..... and try to capture some more ' space' in the mix.... ive done this method before with my own bands recordings.... mainly for vox though......

It is a very effective idea......

Thanx for the feedback dude.... and maybe tee up on a song soon....!!! :)
I feel kinda silly now after trying to explain a technique to you that you already knew!!:D Sorry about that! Maybe someone else who didn't know about that technique already can use it now.

I'm waiting to join in on some projects. I know a lot of you have a bunch of projects you are working on now, so I'm just holding off from suggesting a bunch of new stuff. I usually play guitar, and from that perspective, I can think of a lot of songs that I would like to do now, but I hear the bass players are already up to their ears in tracks. I've started practicing the bass again to see if I can get good enough in that area to help out and I'm hoping to be able to contribute something soon!:)