Info on the new album!


Sep 17, 2001
Terra firma
That's right - some information on the upcoming album recording is now posted on the homepage:

Next week, we’ll embark to the familiar quarters of Studio Fredman to begin the recording of our seventh, as-yet-untitled, full length album. We’re been working extremely hard with the material and feel that the result will be a diverse and exciting offering that will leave most of you more than satisfied. Of course, this is what all bands say, so you’ll have to wait a couple of months until you’re able to hear for yourselves. No release date is set yet, but it’s realistic to assume that the CD will be out either shortly before or shortly after the summer.

As mentioned, no album title has been decided yet, but some tentative song titles are “One thought” (previewed on our recent Italian tour), “Lost to apathy” and "Mind matters".
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Caotico said:
No release date is set yet, but it’s realistic to assume that the CD will be out either shortly before or shortly after the summer.

Ahem. That's like.. a complete season.. And that's least one quarter of the year..

*in too much doubt* :cry:

Will I ever see the light? u___u,,

:)p)(Great work, anyways! :p)
Excellent! MUHAHAHAAA!
*rubs hands like a mad scientist who just released anthrax
into the main water supply of New York*
Wow, it seems like yesterday we all were expecting eagerly the new Damage Done album and now we're climbing up the ladder to the next one.

@Niklas: It's just an idea but I thought it would be great if you share a bit of the lyrics with the board. I mean, in order to interact with those fans that follow you close enough to post here regularly, and as a process of creative minery, you could discuss some of the subjects that are roaming your mind for the next album. I know some creative work is quite personal and maybe you're one of those who prefer to make it out on your own, from your deepest inner. But it's good just to pretend. :)

True, but I'd be willing to forward |ng's suggestion to Mikael - it could be a most thrilling way to get us all interested in the new album (well, in case we aren't already...), if we could just have the lyrics for a song or two from the upcoming album beforehand. The mere idea got me excited already! :hotjump:

Oh, and Niklas, what about the (add a Tranquillian-like "I know a secret" tone here) other news? ;)

Tranquillian said:
Niklas hasn't written lyrics since the Mind's I. That is 7 years ago.

That's because we didn't help him to get them out!!! :D Nah, didn't know exactly who was involved in the writting process, so I asked to Niklas because he's the visible face (nickname?) over here.

@Kovenant: Thanks, man. But I never left, I wander around, overflying the board, just in case. One never knows when stupid comments are needed, and I'm here to provide them. :p

Misanthrope said:
Any chance there's a bootleg of that show around?
if you mean the italian shows featuring "one thought", i don't know of any bootleg of those. still, there were five dates featuring the same setlist so i'm sure i'm simply not the right person to ask. something must have been recorded somewhere. if i ever get to know of the stuff's existence i'll let you people know. informally. which is a weird way of notifying a whole board, but oh, whatever. ;)
Tranquillian said:
Niklas hasn't written lyrics since the Mind's I. That is 7 years ago.
And that is sad for me, because his lyrics are the ones I like best.
Although I can understand him not writing for the band anymore...