Insane Solo.

People who abuse the guitar for atrocious wanking like that need to have their spinalcords severed at the neck so they can never hold, let alone play, a guitar again.
What he is doing there isn't anywhere near special or impressive. There are plenty of people who can play faster or do more impressive (read: stupid) things than that. Like say... this: angelo

The problem is that none of these people have the slightest fucking clue how to actually play *music*. And therefor I have little respect for their abillities besides being a neat party trick.
Kutryer said:
Jason Becker is amazing musician, try to listen to his albums before you insult him.

BTW... he can't pick up the guitar anymore, he has Lou Gehrigs disease.

Wasn't Lou Gehrig the guy that played The Hulk ?
BlackSeedsOnVirginSoil said:
Jason Becker? I've never heard of him before now, and I don't think he's metalhead.. but this solo is a must see/hear. I mean, he does some fucking intense shit, really fast. Sorry if this is old news :[

You need to go seek out some of the old Cacophony albums dude, then report back on what you think of Jason Becker's metal side :) - FYI Cacophony was his band with Marty Friedman (1986-87). Preferrably look for their debut "Speed Metal Symphony."
The problem is that none of these people have the slightest fucking clue how to actually play *music*. And therefor I have little respect for their abillities besides being a neat party trick.
Listen to "Perpetual Burn" or "Perspectives"....and shut up.
Yeah... I don't think I will.

And to whoever deleted my other post (I'm guessing Deron), I hope you do realise that was sarcastic and I was not being serious.
Me too. Jesus, the mysterious case of the disapearing posts...ok, I promise not to call baseball rounders anymore.

*crosses fingers behind back*