Interviewing the Band for you guys!!!!


Let's 16/9-ize that!
Nov 18, 2002
Barcelona (Spain)
As I am working for a few media, is it possible to me to interview the band this sunday when they come here in my country in Spain. Maybe if you are interested, you can make the questions you always wanted to know and promise i keep i will try to ask all of them!!!

Post them below of send them to

Come on!
The only question I have is if they intend to make the song "Frontiers" available to those of us who bought the US edition of the Odyssey? I am dying to hear this song but I can't afford to buy an import copy just for 1 song. They threw it on the import for free to entice people to buy it, so why not give it to us for free. They posted MP3's of "King of Terrors" and "The Accolade II" on the website, why not "Frontiers" when the site is back up and running.
I agree with scanner313 about "Frontiers". When I heard this song I was just blown away - mainly because the style was so different. Then some of my friends who thought that all Symphony X songs sounded the same shut up. The song is incredible, and I'm extremely impressed by the excellent work the guys did on it in such a different style (particularly Lepond).

It might also be cool to know what each member's favorite Symphony X song is.
Hm... I sort of want to ask Romeo to revert to his old gear, 'cause I really don't like the tone he has now. I guess it would be kinda rude to tell him that though. I just think his current tone isn't doing his amazing playing enough justice.