intonation problems

I hate using really thick strings, personally, due to their decreased attack. They just sound more dull than thinner strings. A 56 vs. a 46/48, for example. Yuck.

However, since we have some knowledgeable guys helping out in here, recommend the gauges I should use for my HellRaiser C7 tuned to B. :)

I hate using really thick strings, personally, due to their decreased attack. They just sound more dull than thinner strings. A 56 vs. a 46/48, for example. Yuck.

That's one of the reasons why I don't like to tune down lower than D

However, since we have some knowledgeable guys helping out in here, recommend the gauges I should use for my HellRaiser C7 tuned to B. :)


I don't tune down that low and don't play 7 strings, but some of the guys I know that play in B like the GB7L Boomers, so you might check those out.
That's also one of the reasons why I don't like to tune down. :)

It depends on how you pick. I can go down to D or lower with a 46 and still sound pretty good because I play with a very light touch for the most part.
If I really dug in I'd be blowing everything out of tune.

I wouldn't think you could get a decent B without going to at least 56, but if you had a light touch you might get by with it.

I played in B for a while on a 6 string with 11-54. It was sufficient, but I still hated it.
Well, my Gibson Explorer and LTD EC-1000 are both 24.75, and I use 10-46 or 11-48 on both. Both tuned to C or C# standard and have ZERO issues with it. I don't play hard either, but I also don't play "lightly." I'm the only person that can play my guitars and them not sound out of tune :lol:

My HellRaiser is a 7-string, so that's what I'm curious about. It's tuned to B like a normal 7-string.

Well, my Gibson Explorer and LTD EC-1000 are both 24.75, and I use 10-46 or 11-48 on both. Both tuned to C or C# standard and have ZERO issues with it. I don't play hard either, but I also don't play "lightly." I'm the only person that can play my guitars and them not sound out of tune :lol:

My HellRaiser is a 7-string, so that's what I'm curious about. It's tuned to B like a normal 7-string.


Have you tried 9-52 on the 7 string?
I think it had 9's on it to begin with from the seller, or at least he thinks that is what he had on it when I bought it from him. I think so too, the high E was pretty thin.
This is the part where you tell me what tension you like for strings (your 'favorite' plain and wound string gauge, tuning, and scale length) and I post a custom string set that'll match it.

Speaking of which, Jeff, I just ordered my custom set that you recommended, can't wait to give it a go! (for anyone interested, it's .12, .16., .22w, .30, .42, .54 in C-standard)