

Jan 19, 2002
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Hello everyone!

hmm I have to say I prefer clean vocals than growling ... it's what I call singing :) That why I prefer all The Silent Enigma and on albums....
what are your opinions?
Hey Dominika,

It's cool to see a fellow Anathema fan from my ancestral land of Poland... right on!

As for the whole clean singing vs. growling debate...

I love 'em both.. my main opinion on this matter is:
Appreciating growling vocals is very difficult at first... like enjoying any radical form of music, or a new food, it is an acquired taste. I remember when I got into all this underground metal I hated growled vocals at first, for obvious 'newbie' reasons. But the more I listened to brilliant bands who used them (i.e. Opeth, old Anathema, Rakoth, Edge Of Sanity) the more I grew comfortable with them. Not to mention the lyrics upon which they used the growls were killer, and thus I began to mouth them along with the growls... and they slipped into my subconciousness.
Anathema's 'Serenades' really helped me get comfortable with growled vocals... the lyrics and music were just too awesome for me to say 'uum, this is growled!'
Growled vocals evoke some kind of primitive yet deep spirituality...

It takes a while but anyone can get used to it...

And now I find myself trying to get used to Stephen O'Malley's writhing, blistering vocals on the new Khanate... s-i-c-k!!! :p
I love both styles as long as they are done well and with feeling. How ever there are times when grows are more apropriate than clean vocals and visa versa. If you want to get extreme pain across to the listeners you sometimes need to growl and shout. Othertimes a whisper is all you need.
Hi :D

I like both as well. I rarely play growled music to other people as they always have the - "oh it isn't music, just noise" attitude towards it, which I can understand. I don't like growling if its only done because the vocalist can't sing tho :mad:
Nowadays I prefer clean vocals rather that growling. I've listened to death metal stuff since early 90's , so it's getting a bit boring. Well I still listen to In Flames & Opeth & Rapture(sometimes) , but that's about it. Mostly just music with clean vocals... Whoops almost forgot, Kovenant is great too, but maybe it's rather screaming than growling.

I see, godisanathiest likes the cure. now that's the best band in the whole wide world, no question about that.
I might get into it someday.... I guess I'm still new to the music compared to some people, I'll tell you in a round ten years what I think then... ;)
Originally posted by Absent One
I see, godisanathiest likes the cure. now that's the best band in the whole wide world, no question about that.

Indeed, one of :D I would probably have a list of about ten, but certainly the best lyricists in the whole wide world along with Paul Simon :D Infact I just got another 2 albums! Not too sure about wild mood swings :s :cool:
oh, i want that Paul Simon - You're the one Live DVD soooo bad...

i prefer clean vocals. but growling is ok if it "fits", if it's in context. i can't stand growling through an entire album, i mean there can't be that much to growl about... it should be used for mood; to help amplify the words and feeling.

sorry, can't really explain what i mean in english, but hopefully you get the idea.
Originally posted by godisanathiest

Indeed, one of :D I would probably have a list of about ten, but certainly the best lyricists in the whole wide world along with Paul Simon :D Infact I just got another 2 albums! Not too sure about wild mood swings :s :cool:

you're right. I have all the albums, a few singles, every single separate song(b -sides soundtracks etc.) as mp3 and many live recordings, and seems like i'm never getting tired of the cure.

...and R. Smith is the best lyricist in the HWW, no doubt about that. ;)

Wild maybe not so good as an album, but there are great tracks on it anyway, like treasure, want, numb, trap and this is lie, which is one of the best of cure tracks ever.
Originally posted by Absent One
you're right. I have all the albums, a few singles, every single separate song(b -sides soundtracks etc.) as mp3 and many live recordings, and seems like i'm never getting tired of the cure.

...and R. Smith is the best lyricist in the HWW, no doubt about that. ;)

Wild maybe not so good as an album, but there are great tracks on it anyway, like treasure, want, numb, trap and this is lie, which is one of the best of cure tracks ever.

Cool! I'm getting there ;) I didn't think it was such a great album, but it came befroe bloodflowers, so can't be bad! :D
Originally posted by godisanathiest

Cool! I'm getting there ;) I didn't think it was such a great album, but it came befroe bloodflowers, so can't be bad! :D

well, there are a few very bad funky brass music - tracks :s included on Wild Mood...but some great tracks too. not as good as bloodflowers as an album, but worth buying, like every Cure - album is. yea yea, you should get there ;)
The Cure are completely terrible. Favorite of trendy goths around the world...

Best lyricists? Not even remotely close. Try some Mike Patton on for that claim...

I used to hate growls until I listened to more and more. Now I can handle anything (Khanate? Ain't no thing at all... that shit's easily digestible to me). Hell, I even listen to hardcore yelling and screaming without making a face. The only "extreme" vocalist I find to be godawful is Dani Filth... completely abysmal.
I prefer, personally, a mix of both. I love bands that mix both growling/screaming and melodic singing, it adds a strength to the song and point than doing either to the exclusion of the other lacks.

Ps: Raven777- awesome image. I'm big on celtic knots and all so that thing, especially for me, looks tight :)
I think I prefer clean vocals anyway. But I'm not against growling. There are so much great bands who use growling that I can't just dislike it :)
Finntroll, Blazing Eternity, Guidance of Sin- this are who has just come from depth of my memory... and of course most of nu-metal shit. nonpoint for example. But they're mixing it too.

Ok, just listen to good music, and try not to think a lot :)
Wow fellow Anathemas fans also listen Paul Simon
"you can be my body guard I will be your long lost pal
I will call you anything yes oh you will to call me Al?"